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He reminds me of a more athletic Mashburn. He doesn't have Mashburn's post game right now, but I truly believe that he has the work ethic to become a great player in his own right. He has improve every year that he has been in the league even thought summer school slows his progress. uglyhammer.gif

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Why is Marvin such a hot button player for so many posters here? He's playing GREAT as of late and is playing exactly how he needs to play if we're going to continue our recent success. Like I said earlier, his skills and potential were NEVER in question. His mentality was cause for concern however, and it's hard to gauge when a player will round into shape if he's not into it mentally. But now, I'm glad to see the same guy I saw come off of the bench at UNC show up in a Hawks uniform. He's playing great and he deserves credit, but does everything posted about this guy have to be so vindictive? Why can't we just enjoy the team's success? It's not often that we could say the words Atlanta Hawks and success in the same sentence you know. cool.gif

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Yesterday was the day for a clean start. Today, while being the subject of ridicule by those who I thought I had a "truce " with... Well, you get what you get!

Thanks for the continuous instigation though Teke.

Well seeing as though you haven't changed your avatar or sig line, I don't see how you're dealing with this situation like an adult.

Every post you make is a direct mockery of that man-to-man bs you think you instigated because you continue to mock Marvin and the posters here who like him.

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Why is Marvin such a hot button player for so many posters here? He's playing GREAT as of late and is playing exactly how he needs to play if we're going to continue our recent success. Like I said earlier, his skills and potential were NEVER in question. His mentality was cause for concern however, and it's hard to gauge when a player will round into shape if he's not into it mentally. But now, I'm glad to see the same guy I saw come off of the bench at UNC show up in a Hawks uniform. He's playing great and he deserves credit, but does everything posted about this guy have to be so vindictive? Why can't we just enjoy the team's success? It's not often that we could say the words Atlanta Hawks and success in the same sentence you know.

Honestly, Marvin's detractors are down to about one. The problem is that the "one" has 23,000 posts on the site and about 5,000 of them are a shot at Marvin. So, because the guy has so many posts it makes it look like there are more people against Marvin than there are...

I think the Marvin issue has basically been put to rest. His play is the type that people have always wanted to see. Most people also agree that Marvin still has room for more. It's good all around.

But the dude with 23,000 posts won't ever give it up and we all need to understand that and take it with a grain of salt.

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In all honestly I started this thread in an effort to talk about two issues related to marvin that I wanted to discuss with anyone else who had inetrest in discussing them.

I probably went overboard with the disclaimers, but I wasn't trying to be an [censored]. I was just trying to be as absolutely honest as I could possibly be so that no one misinterpreted what I wrote for some kind of exagerated praise of Marvin or his game last night.

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Did you see that sweet pass that Marvin threw to AJ last night? Just a great improv play where AJ took what the defense gave him and Marvin put it right on the money.

I think that Marvin needs a better post game. I love his turn and face on the block but a true post game would add tremendous value to his game. Even a nice fadeaway like what Paul Pierce does would be deadly. Pierce has really worked on that step back fadeaway and its impossible to defend. If Marvin could add that he would really be tough to stop.

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Did you see that sweet pass that Marvin threw to AJ last night? Just a great improv play where AJ took what the defense gave him and Marvin put it right on the money.

I think that Marvin needs a better post game. I love his turn and face on the block but a true post game would add tremendous value to his game. Even a nice fadeaway like what Paul Pierce does would be deadly. Pierce has really worked on that step back fadeaway and its impossible to defend. If Marvin could add that he would really be tough to stop.

He's most effective when he posts up about 15 feet out. He can hit that jumper with regularity and he's been very good scoring or getting fouls when he starts his drive from that spot. When he starts further out he gets himself into more trouble.

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I was just trying to be as absolutely honest as I could possibly be so that no one misinterpreted what I wrote for some kind of exagerated praise of Marvin or his game last night.

It's sad that we have to do this, though. This is OUR team. I usually try to avoid saying "we" when I describe the Hawks because I'm not a player, agent, or owner, but this is OUR team. If we can't be fan(atic)s, who can?

I also think it's time we attempt to pull Diesel back to the center. He's had his fun and we've had our fun, but we're all fans. Diesel drives me CRAZY sometimes, but I've never doubted his interest in the team, and I'm sure you'll all agree.

Can we all agree to the "truce," and look forward to (hopefully) a playoff push?

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Diesel needs to push himself back to the center.

Internet egos don't really work that way, unfortunately. Neither do "real-life" ones, for that matter.

He is an important part of this site, and I think he can contribute w/o attacking Marvin, but he's not likely to do that if we antagonize him.

I heard some good advice the other day that might apply here. It was a marriage counselor talking about the endless cycle of anger and disrespect that often occurs in marriages. Neither person really wants to continue arguing, but they're not willing to give in either. What the marriage counselor proposed to both spouses was that the "the more mature person" should take the first step toward compromise. Since it was ego that was inflaming the argument to begin with, the counselor appealed to that ego to bring about resolution.

That's what I'm saying here - may the more mature party stop the endless "Marvin" cycle.

Sermon over. soapbox.gif

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In all honestly I started this thread in an effort to talk about two issues related to marvin that I wanted to discuss with anyone else who had inetrest in discussing them.

I probably went overboard with the disclaimers, but I wasn't trying to be an [censored].

This was ALL HONESTY??


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I really love Marvin's midrange shot. I don't know the completion percentage on that particular shot but every time he shoots it, i EXPECT it to go in. It has to be one of the most given(it's going in) jumpshots I've seen. I did see I beleive him post up one time on a turnaround fadeaway that I think went in but i do agree that can be his next focus.

I tell ya, Marvin gets more semblance of a postup game on smaller/quicker defenders and extends his shot to the 3, he's going to be insanely good.

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