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What a shame that we can't trade rosters with Porl


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I agree with that point. BK is sort of like a community college - you are getting credits and an education, but you know there is just an entirely better way to do things out there.

When BK drafts you know two things:

1. We have a solid NBA player that can play multiple positions

2. There is a better player left on the board.

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I think hot took it a bit too far but I for one would definitely consider trading rosters straight up with portland. They have great guard and big man depth and they don't even have the "best big man prospect since ewing" healthy.

Hot's getting too self depricating with the doom and gloom about the hawks' average potential, but he's right that portland has a very special young team that as it stands today has a more legit shot at championship contending than our team does.

If hot had been a little more pc with his approach, I think there'd be some sober discussion about this topic.

In reality, how do we compare to the other young teams in the league?

I like our chances of being really good, but I'm not sure we're built for the nba finals yet. More moves will probably be needed, possibly some drastic ones.

Portland seems to have the pieces for a very well balanced team that could contend when the talent matures.

Admitting that another team is built better isn't anything new here, btw.

And others would know better than me, but I feel like we've spent a lot of time picking AFTER them in recent drafts, right?

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I agree with that point. BK is sort of like a community college - you are getting credits and an education, but you know there is just an entirely better way to do things out there.

When BK drafts you know two things:

1. We have a solid NBA player that can play multiple positions

2. There is a better player left on the board.

This isn't so bad unless you are drafting top lottery picks. The difference between the right guy (i.e. Roy) and the wrong guy (SW) can be insurmountable in a rebuild.


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Teams miss the best player on the board all the time. It doesn't have to kill your franchise. BK has certainly made a fair amount of mistakes, but what he has/had going for him was the method. There is a lottery every year. Every year he gets another chance to get it right, and another, and another. Sooner or later he was bound to have a good team.

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I think what is insurmountable is our ownership situation. NBA teams rebuild themselves all the time - and quickly. We could have doen the exact same thing as Boston but our ownership group just couldn't do it.

This team in is present form is not going to be much more that .500. We need the freedom to get the pieces that will push us over the hump. Granted Shell over Roy sucked - but if we could trade Shell to Philly for Miller then it doesn't look too bad. We can still make a run at Gasol with with any combination of forwards that you choose - Smith and Horford included.

You don't have to like those trades or the players involved, they are just examples so please don't disect them. My point is we could tweek this roster - right now - and become a instant contendor to Boston and Detroit, based upon the NBA players BK has drafted. He just doesn't have the ownership stability or financing to back him up.

That being said - I am not a BK supporter but recognize his limitations.

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If we had taken CP3 or Roy it is highly probable that we don't have Horford. The whole process is dynamic so if we get better a little earlier then it changes who we get later.

The irony is that because BK didn't just blow the picks altogether without ever getting the right one, we were able to get good pieces while staying lousy. Now, we have pieces getting better through experience even though they weren't the right choices.

We throw in a great luck situation in last years draft and we now have a decent team. BK is a lousy GM if you want to make the best choice. But, he lucked up in the Horford situation. With even Law he blew it in my view. But with Horford I beleive he will be a home run and franchise cornerstone.

Law was drafted because he was most ready and he just doesn't look that great. I think he will be an OK player, not a total bust and hardly great. He isn't a great natural PG and he needs some time to develop even though he's a 4-year player in college.

Stuckey will prove that he was the best player for us while Law will not ever be nearly the PG we have all hope for.

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We can still make a run at Gasol with with any combination of forwards that you choose - Smith and Horford included.

There's a lot of young talent on this team, and I think the last player on this team that should be traded is a young, promising big man on the first year of his rookie contract.

The biggest difference between this year's Hawks and last year's is the front court defense. I don't think you wait several years into a rebuild when your team has finally found its identity and then shake things up. Not to mention that Gasol wouldn't fit into Woody's gameplan at all, so a new head coach would likely be a must.

I don't think Gasol ever became the player a lot of people envisioned he would during his first years in the league.

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You're the greatest hindsight prophet in the history of mankind. When they lose 6 in a row you'll forget you ever said this and you'll be back to tell us how the NBA is practically unwatchable and all of the teams are garbage.

No, I'll remember they don't even have their biggest piece playing yet.

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