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Top 10 Hot topics on Hawksquawk in 2007...


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I think D picked the threads that he was more prominent in. How does not one of all those "tank or no tank" threads not crack the top 10? I agree . . you deserve at least one of your game threads in the top 10.

What would be more interesting to see, are which threads ( outside of your game threads, which routinely run 1 - 3 pages long ) received the most posts period. That would be more indicative of which topics were the biggest in 2007.

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Please Ex.

The thing that's most upsetting to me is not the fact that Marvin was the wrong pick... Sure, mistakes happen... just like with Shelden and some would say Chillz... However, the problem is the overcompensation and excuse making and hypocrisy of some about Marvin.

For the past 2 years, we've heard Marvin is greatness coming no need to criticize.. however, every other player we have are criticized till people are long in the tooth. Watch what happens around here if Smoove misses a three pointer.

On the one hand don't tell me that he's great or will be great or hype him if you don't expect me to point out... He's got some flaws..

And not just me. But notice what happens on this board to anybody who dare point out the flaws about Marvin?? Even in a constructive way... Just notice. Look at the Blitzkrieg that happens when anybody is critical about Marvin. Teabag Pete will all the sudden question weather or not you are a fan...

It's like Blue and Red all over again. I can name names of the people who have been critical of Marvin (in an attempt to point out that really none of our Hawks are perfect and we would love to see us do better in certain areas) because they have been villified. Hotlanta, JB, Blunt, and Myself are like the legion of doom around Hawksquawk because we've dared to mention that there's still some work to be done. For example...


Not that Diesel and Blunt had much credibility to begin with, but this thread is a prime example of their inability to look at the reality that Marvin has blossomed into the player many knew he would become at the ripe old age of 20.

Blunt makes an opinion and now all the sudden, he never had much credibility??

He follows that statement that Marvin has blossomed...

Is that suggesting that what we're getting from Marvin is what we were looking for when we picked him with the highest pick in Hawks history? munching_out.gif

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vWhen you actually look back on 2007, these were the hot topics. These are the top 10 threads of 2007, based solely on replies. Game threads, because they tend to get the most responses, will be omitted.

The one game thread I will include though, also happens to be the most responded to thread in Hawksquawk history. Congrats gsuteke for the Thread of the Year.

1) Watch Vegas SL games online: See Yi Suck Live! - gsuteke - 266 replies

This thread started by gsuteke during the summer, showed us first hand that we avoided a potential disaster by passing on Yi with the 3rd pick. Yi might still have a decent NBA career, but it's obvious that Horford was definitely the right choice. Just the title of the thread makes it top 10 worthy.

2) Convince Me That Horfrd Can Be Our Center - jdu00743 - 227 replies

This is probably the topic of the year, seeing that Horford's ability or inability to play center could directy affect the success of the 07 - 08 season. So far, so good for Horford and the Hawks.

3) What Has The JJ Trade Netted Us? - gsuteke - 187 replies

Interesting thread that evaulates the impact that JJ, Diaw, and the draft picks we gave up, has impacted the Hawks. It'll be interesting to see what people think of this subject, now that we're playing .500 ball.

4) Finally Some PTS in the Paint Stats - exodus - 177 replies

Our ineptness in the paint is explored by exodus. Like most Hawksquawk threads with a lot of posts, the thread strays into many tangents relating to the subject.

5) Crittenton in the Draft - CBAreject - 169 replies

Everybody had their favorite PG for the Hawks to take before the draft. The case for and against Critt is made here.

6) Is the Prejudce on Yi Starting to Lift? - Diesel - 160 replies

Yi was definitely a hot topic in 2007. And of course, Diesel was one of Yi's biggest supporters. Interesting to see what some of you thought then about Yi, and how he could fit with the Hawks.

7) Latest Information - Sothron - 133 replies

Sothron was definitely "the man" in June, with his insider information about the upcoming 2007 NBA draft. And the Squawk was definitely interested in what he had to say.

8) For All Those Worried About the Lack of Extensions - mrHonline - 132 replies

mrHonline tries to calm the fears of Squawkers on the issue of extending Josh Smith. Of course, it didn't work, fearing that teams will steal Smith away with a lucrative RFA offer next summer. Others questioned whether Smith deserved an extension in the first place.

9) Latest Information ( long ) - Sothron - 131 replies

Sothron's informative post just days before the draft drew just as much intrest, as it did skepticism. The vagueness of the long post brought about serious questions about his credibility as an insider.

10) Decision Tree Branches Regarding Horford - Walter - 127 replies

Where is Horford best suited to play, and how does that affect the decision making of what the Hawks should do with other players? Walter's thread is a derivative if Horford can play the 5. But if he can play the 4 better, what should we do? A lot of interesting opinons on this subject.

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I wasn't privy to reply data that you pulled out in the later post.

So what I did was search the stacks to see which titles I saw the MOST in the stacks and those were the ones that I posted. But I have no problem admitting that your list is superior... Just ask that before next year, you show me how to find the reply data.

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I think D picked the threads that he was more prominent in.
How does not one of all those "tank or no tank" threads not crack the top 10? I agree . . you deserve at least one of your game threads in the top 10.

I wasn't going to say anything but I believe it needs to be pointed out that this is more villification.

Northcyde says that my list is IHO me picking where I was most prominent in...

But I ask any reader to go through and do what I just have done... Check how many times I responded in these thread.

in what I called #1.

I had 1 post.


I had 3 posts.


I had 1 post.

Damn Northcyde... My making one post in these threads means that IYO i'm most prominent? Damn... I must have some power to be most prominent with 1 post. Or maybe you're just full of sht!

BTW... the tank or not tank threads didn't make your list either... and just like me you threw out the gamethreads too because by nature they would be large but not really "hot".


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Just ask that before next year, you show me how to find the reply data.


Just click on "collapse" to view the post list by threads only. Once you do that, you'll see the threads, the number of views, and the number of replies each thread has. Click on "reply".

Once you do that, it'll group the threads from most to least, in the reply category. It's similar to how one would look to see a particular NBA team stat in a certain category on espn.com.

Doing this saves you a lot of time. Obviously, most of the high reply threads are under the game threads started by gsuteke.

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I wasn't going to say anything but I believe it needs to be pointed out that this is more villification.

Northcyde says that my list is IHO me picking where I was most prominent in...

- 4 of those threads you started.

- 1 of those threads was in direct response by exodus to the Marvin v. Chillz issue

- and we all know how you feel about Sothron and his threads

So it's safe to say that these subjects definitely had your interest, more than other subjects that may have rendered more responses. LOL . . the Bonds thread was in the 'Other Sports' section, yet, it makes your top 10?


Damn Northcyde... My making one post in these threads means that IYO i'm most prominent? Damn... I must have some power to be most prominent with 1 post. Or maybe you're just full of sht!


Maybe I am full of ka-ka. Or maybe, like I pointed out, that most of those topics you listed were definitely of interest to you. And you did start 4 of the threads that made your top 10.



Just keen observation on my part.

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Please don't flatter yourself.

3 of the top 4 threads I mentioned had very little to do with Diesel.

Still.. no response on that point.

Moreover, if we take your list. I'm probably just as prominent (if not more) on the list of subjects you pointed out than the ones I did.

But of course, Northcyde will not mention that in his attempt to villify.

It's like trying to take God out of the world...

You can ban him from schools and courthouses and even try to take him off of money...... but the first time something happens, who are you going to look to?

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You actually made it through an entire post without calling someone a d!ck.

You are the only person here that I've said that to, tmk. And I don't take it back. You are. I could probably get a long petition signed by the people you've flamed in the last half year alone.


I guess Hakeem wasn't doing his job since he didn't do as much as Jordan.

This is what I said about your statement:

Seriously, the way you hyperbolize what you think someone else is thinking is just so incredibly lame.

What do you not understand? You implied that DJ was so stupid or naive as to think Akeem wasn't good because he hadn't reached Jordan's level. Correct? That is the only inference a reasonable person(you wouldn't know what those are)can make. That is also childish hyperbolic garbage. Did DJ ever say that to you? Did you ever have a conversation regarding the two? My guess is no. You just put words into his mind and then made fun of them. Guss what, you're the only one laughing. DJ is a respected member of this site and you can just pull sh!t like this over nothing? Why, because you're bored? What hole do you have to fill, man?

Again, Seriously, the way you hyperbolize what you think someone else is thinking is just so incredibly lame.

Like I said before, I've only argued with a few people on this board. None in a year. Except you, that is. Can you say the same for the past year? NO. Can you say the same for yesterday even? NO .


Is your life so pathetic that you now have to attack DJ?

You answer this question for me time and again.

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ex never really attacks me TMC...we just disagree occasionally.

What do you call this then?



I guess Hakeem wasn't doing his job since he didn't do as much as Jordan.

What does that have to do with Marvin? He just put thoughts in your head and then made fun of you based on what he thought you were thinking? What kind of guy does that virtually ever single time someone disagrees with him? Someone who has never grown up. That's who.

He implied that you were totally naive or very stupid, DJ. It is what it is.

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Yeah, I see what DJ's saying. You know, Marvin could have said, naw, since the Hawks made a mistake taking me I'm going to quit and give my check back.

That happens all the time when the wrong pick is made, right? I bet Marvin pulled BK aside before the draft and said look BK, if you don't take me I'm gonna come to Atlanta and kick your ass. BK may have felt he had no choice.

Marvin needs to man up and take some of the blame for BK picking him.

Maybe you've been hanging with EX too much, TP.

I think all DJ was saying is that Marvin has not really shown any aggressiveness or fire consistently until this year. I think. I'm not going to presume to be a mind reader, as EX is.


I bet Marvin pulled BK aside before the draft and said look BK, if you don't take me I'm gonna come to Atlanta and kick your ass. BK may have felt he had no choice.

You are making a joke, but it is ironic. If Marvin had that kind of attitude from day 1, there probably wouldn't be anyone questioning his desire or committment, you know?

Just so everyone knows, I'm more than happy with Marvin's performance.

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You are the only person here that I've said that to, tmk. And I don't take it back. You are. I could probably get a long petition signed by the people you've flamed in the last half year alone.

You are the only persone here who has called anyone a d!ck, hippie....and a whole host of other childish names.

I certainly understand why you do it though given your inability to make coherent arguments.


Seriously, the way you hyperbolize what you think someone else is thinking is just so incredibly lame.

Actually it isn't hyperbole at all if you understood what he was saying which you clearly don't.

So do you still think we wont sniff 35 games, Mr Positive?

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Like I said before, I've only argued with a few people on this board. None in a year. Except you, that is. Can you say the same for the past year? NO. Can you say the same for yesterday even? NO .

Who said I was Mr. Positive? Not me. I just don't have ongoing flame wars with 4 or 5 people.

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Who said I was Mr. Positive? Not me. I just don't have ongoing flame wars with 4 or 5 people.

Why don't you go through all my posts in these "flame wars" and point out all the times i called someone any one of the childish names you like to use.

There is a big difference between disagreeing with someone and resorting to grade school name calling. When i disagree with someone i actually argue my point. You go off topic completely because you can't argue your point.

DJ realized he mispoke (blaming a player for where he was picked) so i don't even have a disagreement with him.

Sturt and Atlas decided to take the new year to start "I told you so" threads when in reality they hadn't told us anything we didn't already know.

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I've only argued with a few people on this board. None in a year.

That is just a flat out lie.

No, it isn't. I've had a few disagreements with people this year.

Nothing like the arguments you've had with numerous people.

You keep bringing up Graymule. I was new to the board and didn't really know everyone yet. Gray and I are totally cool. I've even exchanged pleasantries with Dochawk, dr, reality, coachx, northside and a few others that I've had issues with in the past. I've got no outstanding beef with anyone. Just you. I know you've got 3 or 4 flame wars going right now, so I won't keep you.

What's the point of this? What does any of this have to do with basketball? I'm just going to ignore you for a few months. Hopefully, you'll do the same and the board will be better for it.

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