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Top 10 Hot topics on Hawksquawk in 2007...


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No, it isn't. I've had a few disagreements with people this year.

Do you really want me to go post pulling again? Most of your big battles i pulled last time were in 2007 and i didn't even get to some of the good ones.


Nothing like the arguments you've had with numerous people.

That is true because i don't resort to childish name calling like you.


You keep bringing up Graymule.

Where did i even mention him?

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I've only argued with a few people on this board.
None in a year.

I guess your calender must be different from mine. Here is a nice exchange with Lascar.


Lascar, I've read your posts for well over a year now. That's why I'm calling you a


If you are a
to me, then I'll be a prick to you. Get it?


I just insult
like you.


I saw the other day, in an old thread, where Sturt was taking you to task for being a
, like 3 or 4 years ago. Some people never change. You are one of those, I guess. I'm done wasting my time with you and I am thrilled that I have wasted your time in any way possible.


You managed to call Lascar a chump, prick, tool and jerk in one post. That has to be a Hawksquawk record. Congratulations.

Funny how you can lie so blatantly and actually believe it.

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Do you really want me to go post pulling again? Most of your big battles i pulled last time were in 2007 and i didn't even get to some of the good ones.

Please do. I hope you waste your whole day.

Graymule was the only person I used the term "hippie" with. Yet, you seem to remember me saying it hundreds of times, right? Again, Gray and I are fine. He's a great Hawks fan and I respect his opinions and find them refreshing.

That's it. I'm ignoring after this post, Ex. This is just stupid.

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Funny how you can lie so blatantly and actually believe it.

How long ago was that Lascar exchange? 8 months ago. Sorry. We were arguing over crap that you started! That's why I attacked him. He was implying I wouldn't show up to play you. Well, i showed up and that's that. When was the last time I had heated words with anyone but you? *crickets* Here is my post, btw.

Dude, I don't have time for this. Let me say this one last time. I will not bet for money against someone I have never met. I may take said bet if the proceeds go to Hawksquawk. May take the bet, whatever bet it may be. Is this too hard for you?



When did I say anything about your height, about punching you, or anything like that?


I don't know where you live, but where I grew up, this is pretty much a threat.




Yeah ok. We'll see if you're talking to me like this in real life.


What exactly did you mean? There was certainly a hostile tone.



I don't know your height or what you look like


I've mentioned it in more than a few of these threads. The very ones you are trying to chastise me for. The fact that you don't even read my posts, or remember why you think I'm a jerk is why I say something like this:




I don't know you and really don't care to. You seem like you lie to yourself about things and I don't associate with that.


What I'm saying is, is that if you think you can act like a pr!ck to me and then be all chatty in another room of the board or something, you are way off base. That's not the way I am. You don't even read my posts, man. Why should I read yours?



Yes you just happened to run across a 3 or 4 year old thread where someone was arguing with me and pulled it up instead of responding to the thread where I was schooling you. Talk about jock sniffing. I just HAPPEN to run into 3 or 4 year old posts of people I don't care about too... I'm just curious, how exactly did you just run across a 3 to 4 year old thread? Seriously I'm curious, it's never happened to me.


Get over yourself. I like to check the Who's online screen. There are always great threads from the past showing on the anonymous users. I'm fairly new to the site and this is a good way for me to get a feel for the history of the place. That's how I saw the thread and bumped it.

Lascar, I never root for the Hawks to lose. I wanted them to win. I just knew they wouldn't. I wasn't in the tanking crowd. Again, you don't even read my posts. The only time I've rooted for us to lose is the final reg. season Indiana game that I bought a ticket and sat in the stands for. I wanted Woody to only win 29 and maybe, just maybe, get canned and we could move on... Like I'm doing now.


That was your big hammer? A thread where Lascar and yourself made assumptions about me that I disproved? A thread where Lascar admitted to not reading my posts fully and possibly challenged me to a fight? A thred where he lumped me in with the "tanking" crowd? Whatever. Lascar thought I was talking tough on the internet and wouldn't show up to play you. He was wrong. You've had it out for me from day one, why? Because I thought Woody was a terrible caoch and we were underperforming? Again, whatever. Like I said, I'm not in 3 or 4 flame wars a week. You are.

What's really funny is that I actually have friends. You know, in the real world. Stop squawking for a minute and take a shower. Maybe you'll make some too, and we won't be subjected to your relentless attacks on our supposed inability to "comprehend" the way you do. You need a girlfriend, or a boyfriend or whatever, in the worst way.

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I think D picked the threads that he was more prominent in.
How does not one of all those "tank or no tank" threads not crack the top 10? I agree . . you deserve at least one of your game threads in the top 10.

I wasn't going to say anything but I believe it needs to be pointed out that this is more villification.

Northcyde says that my list is IHO me picking where I was most prominent in...

LOL at the dude with 24,000 posts getting sensitive at being called "prominent" on this site. This is your life, son! Embrace it. Be proud of it.

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Please don't flatter yourself.

3 of the top 4 threads I mentioned had very little to do with Diesel.

Still.. no response on that point.

OK . . I'll respond.

3 of the top 4 threads had very little to do wth Diesel, showing that he was at least trying to be somewhat objective in making his top 10 list.


Moreover, if we take your list. I'm probably just as prominent (if not more) on the list of subjects you pointed out than the ones I did.

True. The one glaring difference being that you only started one of the threads in the top 10 most replied threads, instead 4 of them in your top 10.


But of course, Northcyde will not mention that in his attempt to villify.

I will still deny villification.

Saying that your top 10 list probably included threads that you were more prominent in, is not villification. If may not be entirely true, but it is far from a lie, and has a lot of truth to it.


It's like trying to take God out of the world...

You can ban him from schools and courthouses and even try to take him off of money...... but the first time something happens, who are you going to look to?

While I agree with you on the God commet, this is nothing like that.

Villificaton would be me constantly calling you out about your erroneous opinion about Yi and Horford, and who would be best for the Hawks.

I try to only state facts in most of my posts that aren't strictly opinions of mine. That's why I posted an alternative top 10 list. On this point, I will admit that I was 30% wrong and 70% right.

LOL Diesel, you love being a villian on this board. You know that people are higly sensitve about Marvin, yet, you find so many creative ways to downgrade him and his importance to the Hawks.

If you feel villified, you now know how it must feel to be Marvin Williams. He wakes up every day, knowing that 50% of the fan base wishes Paul or Deron was here, instead of him. And even when he steadily improves game after game, he still can only get lukewarm love from the fans that long for Paul or Deron.

2.5 years here, and he's still viewed as one of the main reasons why we haven't reached the next level.

That's true villification right there.

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I think D picked the threads that he was more prominent in. How does not one of all those "tank or no tank" threads not crack the top 10? I agree . . you deserve at least one of your game threads in the top 10.

What would be more interesting to see, are which threads ( outside of your game threads, which routinely run 1 - 3 pages long ) received the most posts period. That would be more indicative of which topics were the biggest in 2007.

"Watch Yi Suck Live" was a classic. I felt like I was scouting games in Instanbul that thread was so choppy and grainy!

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I think D picked the threads that he was more prominent in. How does not one of all those "tank or no tank" threads not crack the top 10? I agree . . you deserve at least one of your game threads in the top 10.

What would be more interesting to see, are which threads ( outside of your game threads, which routinely run 1 - 3 pages long ) received the most posts period. That would be more indicative of which topics were the biggest in 2007.

"Watch Yi Suck Live" was a classic. I felt like I was scouting games in Instanbul that thread was so choppy and grainy!

Yeah, that was great! Seemed like we had to work so hard to see a little Chinese ball. Now, the CBA is on channelsurfing.net practically every day.

I still like Yi. He's just not aggressive enough for me.

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Yeah.. 7 foot, great speed, good ball handling, good fundamentals.

He's not a banger....

However, in a few years, he will make us rethink passing him up. I can see him averaging over 24 ppg.

IF there was a way to get him and Horf...It would be great!

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