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ticket deal for january 11th


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I got two in Section 121 Row A. Thanks for the post, looks like I'll be sitting near coachx.
I'll be up in the VIP seats. Maybe i'll come down and say hi for old time sakes...hehehehe
Come on down and say hi ! I'll have a blue hawks cap on that says ATL on the front with a Hawks logo on the back. The gf will have short brunnette hair just about chin length / below the ears.
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I am proposing to my GF at center court after the first TV time out in the 1st quarter. (After first dead ball after the 6 minute mark in the 1st quarter).We are going down under the disguise of playing the Home Depot Price is Right Game. There are several squawkers sitting around me.Would one of you kindly volunteer to use my digital camera to video tape the marriage proposal ? I will give you the my cmaera to use when they come and get us. I am sitting in Sec 121/ Row A / Seate 6-7.We would be forever grateful as this memory would be one me and my soon to be finace' share forever.

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In the attached thread, you referenced your "wife" on several occasions. I thought I remembered this conversation because I had just got engaged myself:


I lied and am wrong for it. Before you throw me to the wolves let me explain what was going on in July at the time of that post.

My Gf, who I refered to as my wife in error, and I were EXTREMELY serious about marriage for quite a while. She wanted to try to get admitted to UGA Law School her whole life. She sent her application the previous Christmas and she had been waiting on an admittance ever since. She got admitted in the last batch of accepted applicants in August. By July 90 % of the students had already been accepted. I jumped the gun and thought she would not make the cut. I went out bought a ring and had planned on an quick engagement b/c she had alwayse talked about wanting a Christmas wedding. Well I jumped the gun and was hearing wedding bells. (An attourney in town said he got the call of accecptance the day before classes started saying that 1 spot had opened......of course his farther is a State Representative in DC so I thought his DAD got him in with some pull.) Well, basically the same thing happened to her. She got a letter less then week before the first day of class / one week before the engagement would have been officially on. Guess some guy turned down UGA late b/c he was accepted to Harvard or some Ivey League School late in the process. I was really pumped that month back in July and had the ring and all.....it was wrong of me to jump the gun and call her something she was not (yet).

Well, she got in and like most people does not want the stress of planning a wedding while fighting through Law School the first semester. She has worked in the legal field for a few years doing research and light investigation for trials but now she can live out her dream of being a prosecuting attourney.

I have wanted to marry this girl for a long time and it is mutual with us both. I jumped the gun in July. Things happened, for the good, and things changed.

She knows its coming since we have talked about it so much and I have to be creative to suprise her.

Now I know what it would feel like to run for president..... people go digging.

Guess every one knows my life story now.

Just felt I had to explain. I did lie but in my heart that is how I have seen this girl for very long time.

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