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Need New Squawk Yearbook Page - Please Respond!


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Our first round was quite successful, as you can see here:


Now, I'd like to complete another page - so post your pics!

Some of the Squawk All-Stars I'd like to add:








Of course, I'd like to add each and every one of you - so don't be shy.

It will be our own version of My Space - so keep putting up those mug shots!

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1. Go to: http://imageshack.us/

2. Click on browse, then double click the pic you want to use from your computer.

3. Click the "Host It" button.

4. Copy the code from "Hotlinks for Websites."

5. Paste the code into your Hawksquawk post.

It's that simple - so keep the pics coming! It's cool to put names with the opinions, attitudes and such.

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I dont post often, but I am here everyday, which has been quite a while as you can see from my registered date.

This picture is of me and my wife, when we flew over to ATL in November 2006 for my first ever Hawks game. We hope to be back in ATL for another game late this year.




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Well back in the late 80's - early 90s the NBA got very popular here in Australia. We got one game a week on free TV (australia didnt have pay tv then), and got a lot of NBA based magazines.

As a group of friends at school, we had to declare who we supported. Most of my friends would go for the Lakers or the Bulls, as they were the best. I'm not one to just do what others do, so I decided I wanted to go for someone who wasnt part of the mainstream. I really liked Dominique because of his skills and Spud Webb because he was a great short player (like me, except I'm not a great player :-)). So the Hawks was a great choice, no-one else in my group went for them, and they had a few players I appreciated.

A few years later we got a few NFL games here too, so I started following that and I am a Falcons fan too. I am commited to being an Atlanta sports fan, and will be for the rest of my life. I have only been to Atlanta once and that was in November 2006 where I was lucky enough to see a Falcons game and a Hawks game.

It was a long time from 1991 to 2006 in not getting to see the Hawks play live, so I had the time of my life there. My wife and I are hopeful that we can make it back to Atlanta late this year, but it'll all come down to how much I can save. Its not cheap flying there from Sydney. :-)



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...that's why this is a good thing. We're hopefully bringing new voices to the table.

Why are you so reluctant to post a pic? Look at My Space, Facebook, etc...

not to discourage anyone else but to answer your question.....

Do you have any idea what Diesel will do with these things the next time a flame war erupts?


I just think it's a little weird.

Ask DrZach, I ain't got any problems meeting the cool people that post on here (and Diesel's OK I don't want anyone to think I was taking a shot at him) but there's alot of yahoos out there.

I've got a great pic of me and Kevin AKA "Drunk Bastard" from the Saints game.

Do you remember the guy Zach that knocked me over 2 rows and almost onto the field he was so hammered?

Now those are good times.

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...that's why this is a good thing. We're hopefully bringing new voices to the table.

Why are you so reluctant to post a pic? Look at My Space, Facebook, etc...

not to discourage anyone else but to answer your question.....

Do you have any idea what Diesel will do with these things the next time a flame war erupts?


Talking about your defamation of character lawsuit??!!

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...that's why this is a good thing. We're hopefully bringing new voices to the table.

Why are you so reluctant to post a pic? Look at My Space, Facebook, etc...

not to discourage anyone else but to answer your question.....

Do you have any idea what Diesel will do with these things the next time a flame war erupts?


Talking about your defamation of character lawsuit??!!

Bring it on Clemens!

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