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Hawks vs. Cavs II... Diesel's Take...


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I love the fact that we won, but I have this against us...

BBIQ Problem

We're up.

7 minutes into the 4th Qtr... We're in the penalty.

Common sense coaching says.....Every play should be a drive down the lane for a layup.

What do we do?

Shoot from outside.??????

Smoove took a three, and two outside shots. He actually thought about one. I thought he was going to drive. He moved from a hard midrange shot to an easier midrange shot.

We are going to have to lose the notion that we don't want to play physically. This team had their whole front line in foul trouble and we were in the penalty with 7 minutes left and they mounted a comeback. That's a BBIQ problem.

Coaching mistake: We're up 21. Woody takes out AJ and Smoove... Cleveland closes in to 8 before Woody puts Smoove back in?

I stood up when: Old Man AJ (in my house we call him "the old man") went in for the Dunk!!!! That's about the best highlight of the season!! He's playing his A-- off for a new contract!

I laughed when: Woody called a TO and pulled Lo away from "Andy". Lo look as if he was telling "Andy" all sorts of things about his mother... Andy seemed to be very upset walking back to the bench!!! But the funny part was Wood physically pulling Lo to the bench!

I'm starting to wonder why: We play Marvin down the stretch instead of Chillz. Sorry Marvin homers but Marvin does very little down the stretch. Chillz definitely does more around the basket.

I waited for: Lebron started crying to the refs. Well, actually... He didn't cry as much as I thought he would... However, he did cry when Smoove hit him with the forarm on the break. The way James was on the floor crying, I was sure his head had hit the floor or that Smoove had poked him in his eyes... However, when I saw the replay... and yes, Smoove did hit him... However, the fall wasn't as bad as I had thought. It didn't require him crying like a baby!!!

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When it got to the end of the first half I thought the Hawks would lose this game. The Cavs played so bad in the first half and the Hawks didn't really take advange of it, and I thought Cleveland would play much better in the second half and take this one from the Hawks.

It just felt like one of those kind of games to me at half time.

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There was that possibility. I felt like Cleveland would come back... but then we started running and playing "our game" and went up 21. The problem is that when we had them on the ropes... We didn't do what was neccessary. Instead of attacking we fell into the trap of playing passively.

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That 'charge' Lebron took on Smoove was just a joke. He should be embarassed for getting the call. I think I could hear Divac somewhere yelling 'what a flop'.

I'm with you on the Lebron crying to refs. Unfortunately it works. I much prefer Joe's take it like a man approach. When Lebron had that steal and was called out of bounds you'd think it was a huge injustice. Was Lebron watching his own feet? How would he know if he was out or not?

Anyway. Great win. Woody did alright but we were way to passive at the end.

Oh and what's the most games played in one season with under a minute on the court. I think Mario may set the record.

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We shy away from being aggressive. When we get a team in the penalty, we have to attack. JJ does... Sometimes.... however we need everybody trying to dunk on somebody at that point. There's no way Gooden should have been able to stay in the game.

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It's like, they put the clamps on him and...really it's up to JJ to make a play. They've got 2 guys fully committed to him, 5 guys waiting to collapse on him off the screen, and the other 5 guys coming off the bench to foul him if he miraculously makes it anywhere near the basket...

...and where is the rest of our team?

Standing around watching.

...and good lord I am so sick of standing around basketball. This whole team has nothing but cutters and slashers, why on earth are we settling for so many jumpshots? Why are they not coming to the ball and/or taking it to the rim?

...and fo the love of all things basketball why in the living SH!T-F#CKERY are we EVER left with Lo or AJ bailing us out with a desperation shot??? I would rather see Smoove jacking up a 3 or Marvin hoisting up a circus shot...than seeing Lo Wright EVER taking a 17 footer.

You know why we beat up teams for 2 or 3 quarters only to lose a big lead or get blown out over a stretch of 10 minutes? Because our offense is pathetic. We're getting by on the pure skill and will of these young guys. When they start having mental lapses (don't get me started on last night...), when they have off nights, or when the opposition tightens up, we have very little to go to besides hand it to Joe and watch him go one on five.

Dear God...

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and fo the love of all things basketball why in the living SH!T-F#CKERY are we EVER left with Lo or AJ bailing us out with a desperation shot???
I would rather see Smoove jacking up a 3 or Marvin hoisting up a circus shot...than seeing Lo Wright EVER taking a 17 footer...

I remember that play - we ran through our offense only to end up with Lo firing a 17 footer from the corner with three left on the shot clock. Got a chuckle out of that one...I would have laughed out loud except we were in the process of letting them back in the game.

Seriously though...nice win, we needed it, but our turnovers around crunch time are a serious problem. If they had a 3 point shooter that could hit in the clutch we would have likely gone into OT the way we were giving it up. I loved the way AJ played his heart out (and especially the DUNK!)...that said I think we still need vet a PG to be fresher and help handle the pressure when other team turn up the defense in the late 3rd and 4th quarter. That's no diss on Acie, he's learning and deserves his minutes.

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It's like, they put the clamps on him and...really it's up to JJ to make a play. They've got 2 guys fully committed to him, 5 guys waiting to collapse on him off the screen, and the other 5 guys coming off the bench to foul him if he miraculously makes it anywhere near the basket...

...and where is the rest of our team?

Standing around watching.

...and good lord I am so sick of standing around basketball. This whole team has nothing but cutters and slashers, why on earth are we settling for so many jumpshots? Why are they not coming to the ball and/or taking it to the rim?

and fo the love of all things basketball why in the living SH!T-F#CKERY are we EVER left with Lo or AJ bailing us out with a desperation shot???
I would rather see Smoove jacking up a 3 or Marvin hoisting up a circus shot...than seeing Lo Wright EVER taking a 17 footer.

You know why we beat up teams for 2 or 3 quarters only to lose a big lead or get blown out over a stretch of 10 minutes? Because our offense is pathetic. We're getting by on the
pure skill and will
of these young guys. When they start having mental lapses (don't get me started on last night...), when they have off nights, or when the opposition tightens up, we have very little to go to besides hand it to Joe and watch him go
one on five

Dear God...

first off, we don't have a team full of cutters and slashers. We really only have one cutter/slasher... That's Chillz. Smoove would be an awesome cutter/slasher hwoever, I've only seen him finish in traffic once. Marvin doesn't cut nor slash. He waits for the pass in his spot... he may then move with the ball, but without the ball, he doesn't move so much.


I would rather see AJ bail us out than Smoove trying to bail us out. I think 60% of the time, we pass it to Smoove to bail us out. It's ridiculous. AJ is not that bad of a three point shooter. However, the truth is that we need that Daniel Gibson, Nachbar guy who can play with the first team and just drain an open shot all day. COme on Acie, we want that to be you!!!


I think you overstate standing around. We don't stand around nearly as bad as we used to. We have some movement, but you're 100% right in that it's Woody's fault. I just hope the mentality doesn't set in that they're not supposed to move.


BK has a job. He has to find us an enforcer and a three point shooter or two.

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Here's one example of how good coaching pays off. Late in 4th quarter, Cavs had stopped Hawks on several possessions by doubling JJ. After an offensive foul and tv timeout, Hawks change the offense and instead of having JJ receive the ball around the half-court line, they post-up Marvin. Marvin takes a few dribbles and eventually, JJ's defender comes over to help defend Marvin. marvin finds JJ who is now in single coverage and JJ takes it hard to the hole for a lay-up. Game over.

It took a little longer than I would have liked, but we discovered in enough time to secure the win that we can't simply hand JJ the ball at the top of the key and expect him to win against a double team. We have to put him in a position where the opposing team is forced to play single coverage against him by putting another scorer on the same side of the floor. Nicely done.

JJ and Smith were both guilty of some very low BBIQ plays (as well as sheer laziness). In the 3rd quarter, JJ allowed for several easy steals by simply not passing the ball properly. He and Smith are very prone to lazy passes. And Smith's foul of LeBron with less than a minute in the game was truly stupid. As were the long-distance shooting already mentioned.

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Geez Dielsel. Are you forgetting we were on a 4 game losing streak? A win against a really good team like Cleveland is a big win, any way you want to spin it. Sure we could have done a little better job in the 4th quarter, but we had the luxury of a little cushion because we played so well and built up the lead. They never got closer than 6 at the end and we took care of things when we needed to.

You are complaining because we didn't blow them out by 20 points? Just be happy that we turned things around last night. JJ got back on track and that is HUGE for out team. I LOVED the way he attacked the rim and drove...drove...drove! I don't ever recall a game where I didn't see JJ take ONE jump shot from 20 ft or more. He NEVERZ settled for the jumper and hopefully he will learn from that next time he gets in a little shooting slump.

And last but not least....why do you feel the need to create your very own thread about the game? Does this whole forum need to be about "Dielsel"? You couldn't just reply in one of the other thread's already started about the Clev. game? What if we ALL decided to do our own threads about each game? "Bob's take on the game"......Joe's thoughts on the game".....Jim's take on last night"...and so on. Please stop all the self promoting crap and use some common sense forum etiquette. We are all family here and all equals. You don't have to "announce yourself" constantly. We can all see who it is that posted. I love your enthusiasm, but your sometimes come off like a little spoiled kid who must always have all the attention on him. Again...I LOVE your enthusiasm, but wish you would just be a little more "humble". Take it for what it's worth....

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Said nothing about Marvin and wasn't really even talking about him, but w/e...

Chill is a slasher and a cutter.

Smoove is great at getting to the basket. When he's letting it come to him and playing within the flow of the game, he does it at will. A lot of times, he just tries to do too much and ends up taking a bad shot, losing the ball, or making an errant pass. Not sure how you don't count him as a slasher.

Acie is another. He gets to the rim at will, but doesn't do it nearly enough...and when he does, he's just not finishing well.

All three of those guys are good at putting the ball on the floor and getting to the basket. Counting JJ, that's 4 guys that can put it on the floor and get to the rim.

So if we're running Acie, JJ, and Smoove...that's 3 guys that should be attacking the rim and playing off of each other. Even AJ has the ability to get into the lane and make plays.

As far as AJ bailing us out... I don't count his 3 point shot as a bail out shot. It isn't. It's a geat shot actually and I feel good about him taking it. Outside of that 3 point shot that he's left open with, I trust the offense in just about everyone else's hands with less than 5 seconds on the clock...

I would rather see Chill taking it to the basket.

I would rather see Smoove taking a 3 or taking it to the basket.

I would rather see Marvin getting to the line or taking a jumpshot.

I would rather see Horford taking a hook in the lane or a 15".

...but with time winding down on the clock, I would hope that JJ is shooting it from SOMEWHERE. Anywhere.

It isn't about AJ at all. It's about how our plays degenerate and quite often we have guys that SHOULD be taking the shot, but for some reason passing it off to an AJ, LoWright, Shelden, West, or even ZaZa for a fall away jump shot or something of that ridiculous nature. To be quite honest, without an identity...we've had that problem for some time.

This year, we haven't been standing around - when we're playing winning basketball. It's why we have a winning record. In the games we've won, we've been moving the ball...playing aggressively...and playing like we have a purpose. No question there.


In the losses (and when we lose BIG leads), we're standing around, pounding the ball, playing one on one...or like I said...watching JJ go one on 5.

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He needs more freedom to take the ball to the basket. He's trying to be a PG and I know he's trying to fit in. But he could be doing so much more damage getting to the basket. I know he's a rookie, but it really bothers me when he's just standing there, doing nothing, with the play developing (and degenerating...) on the other side of the court.

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It is just a matter of time until Acie takes over. It is clear that his ankle is better now. He has a lot of game that he really hasn't had the chance to show yet.

Remember that charge that was called against him, when he hit that floater? He shot that right handed. he did that all the time in college.

Sooner or later Woody's hand will be forced and Acie will start playing big minutes. AJ has had a few good games but the team is still struggling to finish with him in there. He can't break down the defense like Acie.

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He needs more freedom to take the ball to the basket. He's trying to be a PG and I know he's trying to fit in. But he could be doing so much more damage getting to the basket. I know he's a rookie, but it really bothers me when he's just standing there, doing nothing, with the play developing (and degenerating...) on the other side of the court.

Acie needs to run the play more. He usually brings the ball up and then passes off to JJ or Smoove and then trots off into the corner and stays there. He should stay at the top of the key and try and "quarterback" a play. If he does pass off early, then run in a oomplete circle and get the ball back again at the top of the arc somewhere and try again. He needs to think "assist...assist...assist"...not just pass.

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Geez Dielsel. Are you forgetting we were on a 4 game losing streak? A win against a really good team like Cleveland is a big win, any way you want to spin it. Sure we could have done a little better job in the 4th quarter, but we had the luxury of a little cushion because we played so well and built up the lead. They never got closer than 6 at the end and we took care of things when we needed to.

You are complaining because we didn't blow them out by 20 points? Just be happy that we turned things around last night. JJ got back on track and that is HUGE for out team. I LOVED the way he attacked the rim and drove...drove...drove! I don't ever recall a game where I didn't see JJ take ONE jump shot from 20 ft or more. He NEVERZ settled for the jumper and hopefully he will learn from that next time he gets in a little shooting slump.

And last but not least....why do you feel the need to create your very own thread about the game? Does this whole forum need to be about "Dielsel"? You couldn't just reply in one of the other thread's already started about the Clev. game? What if we ALL decided to do our own threads about each game? "Bob's take on the game"......Joe's thoughts on the game".....Jim's take on last night"...and so on. Please stop all the self promoting crap and use some common sense forum etiquette. We are all family here and all equals. You don't have to "announce yourself" constantly. We can all see who it is that posted. I love your enthusiasm, but your sometimes come off like a little spoiled kid who must always have all the attention on him. Again...I LOVE your enthusiasm, but wish you would just be a little more "humble". Take it for what it's worth....

First and foremost Jack... We got to get you to more Hawks games. Maybe take up a collection to send you on the road with the team. Sorta like a Road missionary of good fortune!

First. Breaking the 4 game losing streak was great and the win is the first thing I mentioned. However, how we play in blowouts is going to be the same way we play in close games. If we played that way in a close game, we will lose.

I speak my opinion. Period. Just like you say... Take it for what it's worth....

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It is just a matter of time until Acie takes over. It is clear that his ankle is better now. He has a lot of game that he really hasn't had the chance to show yet.

That's what I was thinking. Late in the game when AJ clanked a shot late in the shot clock Steve Smith basically said " if they're going to double JJ, we need our other guys to hit shots, sub in the closer (Lue) for AJ". I was thinking to myself, don't we have a younger, better PG who is known for hitting clutch shots?

I couldn't agree more, let Acie finish some games.

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Marvin doesn't cut nor slash. He waits for the pass in his spot... he may then move with the ball, but without the ball, he doesn't move so much.

You sir are a joke! Marvin gets fouled all of the time cutting across the middle. Sometime getting knocked to the floor by his defender! Your bias is just simply amazing!

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Marvin doesn't cut nor slash. He waits for the pass in his spot... he may then move with the ball, but without the ball, he doesn't move so much.

You sir are a joke! Marvin gets fouled all of the time cutting across the middle. Sometime getting knocked to the floor by his defender! Your bias is just simply amazing!

Now.. PB... I want to ask you if you really read and comprehended everything that I said?? I mean you quoted it... but did you read it and comprehend it?? For if you truly read what you quoted, then maybe... just maybe.... you wouldn't have posted your insulting reply...


Maybe you're just sensitive to all things Diesel?? Doesn't matter what Diesel says, you have to hit the response button and be in opposition of it?? PB, if that's the case, in a strange way... that makes you my [censored]!! IF that's the case, don't worry... Your not on the streets of Hawksquawk alone... I got a few others who are working the corners with you. I have never looked at you that way... but I guess, if you're on a corner... giving it up... then at the end of the day, you come back to me and give me what you've made.... I guess that does mean I'm pimpin you all over Hawksquawk?

Now if you're not sensitive to all things Diesel, then I apologize.. just try rereading what I wrote!

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