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Arenas will opt out this summer: S&T?


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He's making almost 12 this year. He wants a 6 year deal for security.

Hmmmm.... sign and trade anyone? If we could find a way to get him w/o losing Josh Smith/Marvin/Horford/Joe that would put the Hawks @ the top of the East IMO. Understood easier said than done getting the Wiz to accept a deal.

In fact even if we did have to give up Marvin....... hmmm.

I've seen some crazy trades being tossed out there on the Squawk, this isn't the wackiest by far.


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I would LOVE Arenas here, but it's not gonna happen. He makes too much to do a S&T unless we give up Smoove, and that's not going to happen. Also, if there is a S&T, Washington isn't going to do it in their own division. If he decides to take less money to join a team, he's going to a championship contender now, not one that may be there in 3 or more years.

He'll either resign, go out West, or the rich will get richer.

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I posted a thread similar to this on realgm.

from a hypothetical point of view?

he is going to be a free agent after the end of the year and we still have a hole at the point guard position. let's say we pull an orlando magic and renounce the rights to josh childress. do you think that we would have what it takes to pursude him to join our ranks? he would be a big boost for the publicity of the organization so you know that the ASG would be on board.

i'm just asking the board, would you want gilbert areanas on the hawks and if so, what do you think we need to give up to get him. i'm talking trades, salary, the works. for example:

SNT josh childress (6 million dollar deal), zaza pachulia, acie law for gilbert arenas (13 million dollar deal)

that leaves atlanta with

gilbert arenas/anthony johnson*/tyron lue*/speedy claxton

joe johnson/salim stoudamire*

marvin williams/mario west

josh smith/solomon jones

al horford/sheldon williams/lorenzen wright*

plus a second round pick to work with

* - would have to be resigned

as for washington:

antonio daniels/acie law

deshawn stevenson/nick young

caron butler/josh childress

antwan jamison/zaza pachulia/darius songila

brendan haywood/andrey blantche/olezchy pechov?

plus they would have a first round pick to work with

we would be giving up the bench to washington, but we would have a much better starting lineup and still be able to keep our youth. i even think that washington would like the deal since it keeps the core of their group together, gives them one of the best benches in the league and gives them youth to develop as the starters start to decline.

after this trade we would have to load up on cheap veteran talent (which is why i kept anthony johnson and the others on the roster) but it could be done. more than anything, our success would have really hinge on mario west. if he could pick up in the energy department where josh childress left off. then we would be in business. but this is very doable. there have to be some swingmen that could take his spot. we could even try to swing something for jarvis hayes. that's if we wants to come back home anyway.

also, technically we wouldn't be loading up on salary either. since we would be transfering over the money we would be giving to childress, zaza, and acie to gilbert. we would still be in the good graces of the cap.

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AS would never go for it. They would be stuck and unable to sign their young guns and have all their cap tied up in two players.

Would you rather have 13 million a year tied up in Arenas or Josh Smith?

Smoove is going to get a fat deal. I didn't want to go there but in terms of $ I think it's a fair question.

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I'd rather have Josh than Gilbert at 13 million... especially coming off an injury... If we could do Marvin for Gilbert in a sign and trade it would be tempting.However I'm sure it wouldn't be enough and Washington would be looking for us to throw in future draft picks/Acie Law, something that I wouldn't be up for:

I think our best course of action would be to lock up all of our young talent, gradually get rid of our dead weight bench (Lue, Shelden, Pachulia, Lorenzen and SPEEDY) and add some solid role players through draft and free agency.

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After seeing the Wizards get better without him...I will pass.

I'm glad somebody said that before I did. That Wiz team is much more of a balanced team without Arenas, than with him. Arenas, when on, is a top 5 talent in the league. But when he's off, he can flat out shoot you out of a game.

The back to back wins vs the Celtics is impressive as hell, because they won both of those games by hunkering down on defense. With Arenas, he would've tried to shoot them back into the game by hoisting up a lot of bad threes.

As I said before the season, both Butler and Jamison are good enough to be 1st options on a team. And if Arenas would defer to them more, they'd be an elite team. He'd also be a better shooter because he wouldn't be forcing shots all the time.

But Arenas is more interested in scoring 30 a game to prove people wrong, than scoring 20 a game and dishing out 10 assists, in order to make the team better.

A JJ - Arenas backcourt would be deadly . . . until Arenas starts gunning. He'd not only fail to get the ball to JJ when open, a guy like Smoove would see his touches severely limited, especially in the 1/2 court. He and a young Stephon Marbury play a lot alike, if you ask me, with Steph being a better playmaker and Arenas being the more explosive scorer.

Someone on here said during that Arenas debate before the season, that Butler's numbers had increased while with Arenas in Washigton. That is true. It's now funny to see how much BETTER he is as a player WITHOUT Arenas.

When you're supposedly a top 3 PG in the league, yet, Kirk Hinrich gets the nod over you on the Olympic team, something is either seriously wrong with your game, or your mentality toward it.

Put JJ on the Wiz in place of Arenas, and they become an elite team in the East because JJ would gladly share the ball with Jamison and Butler. And that's one of the reasons why even JJ beat out Arenas to get a spot on the Olympic team.

no . . No . . and HELL NO to Arenas here.

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I think our best course of action would be to lock up all of our young talent, gradually get rid of our dead weight bench (Lue, Shelden, Pachulia, Lorenzen and SPEEDY) and add some solid role players through draft and free agency.

That's a solid plan.

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