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Want to know why we lost last night


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Josh Smith and Joe Johnson were a combined

13 for 40 from the field!!!!!!!

Marvin was actually 7-16.

Why is it when someone has the cold hand, we aren't smart enough to change the gameplan? How about running some screens/catch and shoots for Marvin? Some Post Ups for Horf?

Last time JJ was in a slump, he got out of it by driving to the hoop over and over. Did he forget how well that worked last time?

Again......it all points to the coach.

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I agree with you, if you watched the game there was no way that Denver was going to let JJ get rolling in this game. He is doubled no matter where he touches the ball on the floor. We should run some post ups for Horford although his match up with Camby wasnt exactly in the Hawks favor. Quite frankly I thought it was one of the worst efforts the team has given all year. When Denver went on that run in the first qtr we absolutely quit playing defense, quit getting back. I thought Smoove played pretty well and looked like AJ was doing his best but looked like the rest of the team just hung their heads. I don't know. If you ask me that goes back to Woody. If we go winless on this trip then the Atlanta Spirit better pack Woody's bags.

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The main reason was just staggering stupidity. I can't even narrow it down to 1 or 2 players because they all seemed to make dumb mistakes.

If had had actually written down all the blatantly dumb mistakes it would probably take 30 minutes to type them up.

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I agree with you, if you watched the game there was no way that Denver was going to let JJ get rolling in this game. He is doubled no matter where he touches the ball on the floor. We should run some post ups for Horford although his match up with Camby wasnt exactly in the Hawks favor. Quite frankly I thought it was one of the worst efforts the team has given all year. When Denver went on that run in the first qtr we absolutely quit playing defense, quit getting back. I thought Smoove played pretty well and looked like AJ was doing his best but looked like the rest of the team just hung their heads. I don't know. If you ask me that goes back to Woody. If we go winless on this trip then the Atlanta Spirit better pack Woody's bags.

Horf is not a post up PF. He's a face up PF.. and we did get Horf going in the third which led to our comeback. Was I the only one watching the game. You stat watchers need to stop...

Anyway, when we run we win. Well, when teams play Zone they stop our running.

Aside from Camby having a great game (blocking everything)... I think that our main problem was in the fact that we don't have enough established post scorers. Denver gave us the baseline shot all night. Everybody that hit the floor playing Center gave it a try. ONly Horf was able to hit the shot. Horf gets into foul trouble... our offense goes to pot. Mainly because Lue is running it and he's pounding and passing to Josh Smith. So we're living and dying by Smoove's BBIQ. And when he and Marvin was not throwing the ball away... He was shooting low percentage shots.

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During that hot run, Atlanta played some pretty sloppy

defense. Then, on top of that, they couldn't score.

Nothing worked on offense. No shots went in. Nothing.

When the other team is scoring at will and your game

on the other end is dead, bad things happen.

Both got over their run, but the damage was done. This

was the game. It was over. Sleepwalk on both ends

of the floor.


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During that hot run, Atlanta played some pretty sloppy

defense. Then, on top of that, they couldn't score.

Nothing worked on offense. No shots went in. Nothing.

And the shots Atlanta was missing were largely wide open jumpers that just clanked off the rim.

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...And the shots Atlanta was missing were largely wide open jumpers that just clanked off the rim.

Yeah, I think that was the most frustrating part. The low shooting percentage (like 28% at the end of the first half) was not due to a "lock down" defensive effort by the Nuggets...nor could we blame it on tired legs from playing back-to-backs. We're just the "Gang that Can't Shoot Straight" sometimes. We get open shots and clank them.

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Two plays come to mind:

Marvin non-looking the ball right into Iverson's hand next to our basket.

AJ throwing a beautiful outlet pass to Childress who, despite having two steps on Najera, gets totally out-hustled..

That pretty much sums up how everyone played last night... It was tough to watch.

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Two plays come to mind:

Marvin non-looking the ball right into Iverson's hand next to our basket.

AJ throwing a beautiful outlet pass to Childress who, despite having two steps on Najera, gets totally out-hustled..

That pretty much sums up how everyone played last night... It was tough to watch.

On that AJ pass, Chillz was on the outside lane, Najera was on the inside. Najera was supposed to beat Chillz to a ball thrown inside. Still we botched more passes than you mentioned. The game got really sloppy for a time. It seems like we were always close when it got sloppy too.

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The reason why we suck is because we don't feed the hot hand. Why are Pistons so succesful without having a superstar? It's because they don't let one player take 20+ shots when he is strugling. Every night there is one player or two that have a great game and they end up winning a close one. If all of them play well than they win in a blowout.

Look at the Pistons game boxscore from last night and look at ours. Prince took the most amount of shots(15), Rip and Billups each had 12.

In our game Smith took 23 shots and Joe took 17. they made 13 of 40.

Horford scored 14 points while taking only 8 shots. This is how i would do:

Smoove no more than 12 attempts a game

Joe needs to have 14-18 attempts a game

Marvin needs to have 12-15 attempts a game

Horford needs to have 10-13 attempts a game

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The reason why we suck is because we don't feed the hot hand...

...This is how i would do:

Smoove no more than 12 attempts a game

Joe needs to have 14-18 attempts a game

Marvin needs to have 12-15 attempts a game

Horford needs to have 10-13 attempts a game

Well then you've just defeated your own primary arguement (which I agree with by the way)...we don't feed the hot hand. When we have a guy who is lighting it up, Woody needs to abandon the pre-set percentages of who gets what minutes and which guys get shots/plays called for them and simply ride the hot hand until it cools. A good example (in a small sense) was last night when AJ started out with 6 points early in the first only to be pulled when he realistically still had to be pretty fresh. A more extreme example would be the debacle when Smoove was so hot in the first half - only to see JJ firing away as usual and us losing the game in the second half. That's not to say JS would have stayed hot - but you never know unless you give it a try Woody.

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