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HS Letters to Bruce...


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Dear Whoever May Care,

You know I have fairly supported these owners, BK, Woody and havent been overly critical of them other than Woody (and mostly over the last few months) but it's really getting ridiculous. In the past I have always stood by the Hawks and never thought of taking a break. However, if the team continues this type of play and we don't either change coaches or make a significant trade to help us, then that may be it for awhile for me. Because at that point it will be evident that making the playoffs is not a priority, nor is bringing a winning team. We can't use injuries as an excuse this year or even youth. Because with youth it would show they are getting better (hence team getting better) but even they seem to be at a plateau. I expected to come out slow and get better as the season progressed as our youth progressed but we arent seeing that. If anything, we're seeing it get worse and also seeing the players getting frustrated. While I beleive we have young talent and have a good future (POTENTIALLY), something isnt right. A better offensive system needs to be put in place and a trade to help fill an area of weakness (shooting) needs to be addressed as well. I'm not saying do something for the sake of doing something, I'm saying do something instead of just sitting there saying 'It'll get better.' We're losing to teams we should beat, we're creamed by good teams. Joe is being overly used (and injuries always soon follow) and young players are being wasted on the bench (Shelden/Salim should be traded and Solomon should get more time) when they could be traded or used to help. Ok I'm done. Paul

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Dear Atlanta Spirit,

Please sell the team. Your lack of interest in the team, coupled with your limited financial resources and lack of business sophistication, as evidenced by your course of dealings with Mr. Belkin, strongly suggests that the team would be better off under different ownership.

Very truly yours,


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Dear ASG Owners,

I am a life long Hawks fan born and raised in Atlanta. Many fans have serious concerns with the way Hawks franchise is being managed and controlled on the court.

As evidence of the Hawks January slide a change or shake - up seems imminent. A change in leadership / coaching is the #1 concern with me.

Here is why:

It is all too coincidental that when ZaZa and Lue were hurt and on the bench in December the team happened to put together their best month of basketball since the days of Mookie, Smitty, and Deke. This did not happen by coincidence. In December Law and Lo were getting the minutes that normally went to ZaZa and Lue. Lo and Law brought a team attitude that showned marked improvement in the team's offensive ball movement, chemistry, and most importantly WINS. Player rotations even began to become set for the first time in Woody's history. Then once the selfish players known as Lue and ZaZa were healthy, Coach Woody benches Lo and Law in favor of 2 guys who hold the ball on offense and stop ball movement before forcing an ill advised shot. Not to mention that Lue is worse at defense then Law and ZaZa is worse at defense then Lo. Coach Woodson's judgement basically down graded the team and we are losing very important time for our draft picks early development that may never be made up. (Law, Solo, Sheldon) are not developing at the expense of ZaZa and Lue's pathetic play. ZaZa and Lue have been on the team for 2.5 seasons. We know what they have to offer and that equals selfish offense, bad defense, and losing basketball. Very poor judgment on the head coaches part. Why is he not held accountable ? Why does he not realize the mistake and correct it ? Is he allowing personal relationships toeffect playing time ?

The only person to blame for the Hawks January regression is the coach for messing with the chemistry that worked so well in December.

BTW...If ZaZa and Lue are playing to only be show cased in a trade...then I could understand but I hope whoever we get is worth the losing month and the lack of developmental oppurtunities for our most recent draft picks (Law, Solo, and Sheldon).

As far as trade go help upgrading talent is alwayse a good thing but Coach Woodson has proved that he cannot manage the talent he already has...why trust him with more talent ?

This is coming from a guy who attends about 12 games a year and not a fan who has never spent a dime on the team. Heck, I even got engaged at a Hawks game this year !

I trust that change and accountability is around the corner.

Best Regards,



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Dear ASG,

Any ownership group that has kept Mike Woodson on this long has no business being involved in professional sports ownership. How can anyone watch this "offense" and not understand that we have a problem? Of course, the real problem is that none of you know what your watching.

Billy Knight has passed on some great All-Star picks as well. Chris Paul? Deng/Iggy? Brandon Roy? And he still retains full GM privileges. Shelden Williams has scored 2 field goals in the month of January!

I agree that knee jerk reactions are usually a poor course of action. But, we are 4 years into the Mike Woodson/Billy Knight train wreck and there is still no end in sight.

Thanks for ruining basketball in Atlanta and truly taking us to new and horrible lows. You guys truly define the word incompetance.

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Dear Mr. Levenson,

You guys are a sad joke.

Our coaches suck, our players are out there on their own, and you guys sit back and smoke your cigars like we just won the '88 finals against the Lakers.

Please sell this team, and don't ever mention the word 'basketball' again.

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