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BK passed on both Roy and Paul now there Allstars


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The only thing that Billy has done wrong that is making me upset is having Woody coach this team. With draft picks everyone hits and misses.

Feel free to list a worse top 6 lotto draft run than Childress, MW, and SW. I'm sure you'll find it easy seeing as you find "nothing wrong with it".

The rest of your post was just more of the same BK excuse maker 1000 apologist bullshit. Welcome.


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It''s the "angry fan syndrome" Bus. They see "what could have been, and get mad as hell". The fan suffering from AFS never takes into consideration the cause and effect of a situation. All they see is . . . "Look what he's doing for them!!! We could've had him here!!!" . . thinking that player would've done the same thing for us, that he's doing for his current team.

Cause: BK, looking for a potential star player, allegedly courts Ray Allen, Larry Hughes, and Michael Redd. All sign elsewhere.

Effect: BK, still wanting a star player, selects the the guy that almost every "expert" says will be a star player within 5 years, but needs at least 2 - 3 years to develop his game. The top PGs in the draft are all "NBA ready" and would immeadiately start in Atlanta.

Logic rating: 5

Cause: BK selects Marvin Williams ( the projected star )

Effect: Still needing a guy who can potentially play the point, BK aggressively goes after the versatile Joe Johnson, who he thinks can be Chauncey Billups-like as a playmaker and as a scorer.

Logic rating: 9

Cause: Versatile All-American guard and Pac-10 POY Brandon Roy, publically states that he doesn't want to work out for the Hawks. He and his agent probably sees that JJ, Josh Smith, and Josh Childress are already on the team, and wants to go to a place where he could immeadiately be a starter and get lots of playing time

Effect: BK crosses Roy off of his potential draft list, and focuses solely on the frontline

Logic Rating: 10

Cause: The Hawks, desperately needs frontline help and a PG

Effect: With the best PG available being UCONN PG Marcus Williams, the Hawks draft 2 time Defensive Player of the Year and 1st team All-American Shelden Williams. Critics say that he won't be a star because of his limited athletic ability, but that he's "the most NBA ready guy in the draft and should have little problem transitioning to the league."

Logic Rating: 7.5

Cause: The Hawks still need a PG, seeing that the JJ experiment at the point, doesn't maximize his potential as a player

Effect: The Hawks sign Speedy Claxton about a week after the draft. Claxton is an oft-injured PG, but the best free agent PG available. With his injury history, it was a calculated risk

Logic Rating: 6.5

Here's the truth:

- Hawks should've selected Paul to run the team, instead of drafting Marvin. Paul was ready to play and lead immeadiately.

- The Hawks were right in doing everything possible to acquire JJ. You would just have to hope that they would stil aggressively go after him, after drafting Paul.

- The Hawks were right in addressing the frontline and taking Shelden Williams. He just didn't pan out at all to be that solid player.

- The Hawks, if Roy's refusal to work out here was a clear indication that he didn't want to play here, could've had a Steve Francis and Vancouver-like situation here, with Roy demanding a trade if we took him . . a scenario that NO ONE has even thought about.

- The Hawks going after Speedy Claxton was a calculated risk, but a move that most people approved of because he was a quick, defensive minded PG

It was a domino effect folks. The decision not to take Paul, pretty much lead to the rest of the decisions.

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The only thing that Billy has done wrong that is making me upset is having Woody coach this team. With draft picks everyone hits and misses.

Feel free to list a worse top 6 lotto draft run than Childress, MW, and SW. I'm sure you'll find it easy seeing as you find "nothing wrong with it".

The rest of your post was just more of the same BK excuse maker 1000 apologist bullshit. Welcome.



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Cause: BK, looking for a potential star player, allegedly courts Ray Allen, Larry Hughes, and Michael Redd. All sign elsewhere.

Effect: BK, still wanting a star player, selects the the guy that almost every "expert" says will be a star player within 5 years, but needs at least 2 - 3 years to develop his game. The top PGs in the draft are all "NBA ready" and would immeadiately start in Atlanta.

Marvin was drafted before Redd, Allen, Hughes and JJ became free agents that july. JJ was signed after Marvin was drafted and after we were turned down by Allen.

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For the record, I thought that both Marvin and Paul would be star players in this league, so I wasn't disappointed in the Marvin selection. But I was definitely on the Bogut bandwagon, seeing that quality big people are very hard to get. At #1, I take him over both Marvin and Paul, strictly because he was the best big man in the draft.

But I did say this about Paul ( not here, because I wasn't a Squawker yet, but on the ESPN boards )

"For the Hawks to take Paul, they probably have to think that he is the 2nd coming of Isaiah Thomas. A PG that small has to really be special, in order for a team to select him that high"

Turns out, he was the 2nd coming of Isaiah, maybe even better than him, when it was all said and done. Hopefully, Marvin keeps progressing into that hybrid James Worthy/Glen Rice type of player.

As for Brandon, that's a pipe dream folks. Hold onto that if you want. Hell, with Paul running the show, I'd hope that we wouldn't even be in the position to select Roy, especially if we had JJ.

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It''s the "angry fan syndrome" Bus. They see "what could have been, and get mad as hell".

Eh hem, I was mad as hell about the drafting of Childress, MW, AND SW BEFORE there was ANY hindsight involved. I also said that EACH were the worst of 3 possible candidates BEFORE any hindsight was involved. I also KNEW that JJ wasn't remotely a Pg BEFORE any hindsight was involved. The problem isn't my or any other fan's relative "sight". The problem is BK's UTTER AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE LACK OF FORESIGHT or "logic" as you put it.


The Hawks, desperately needs frontline help and a PG

With the best PG available being UCONN PG Marcus Williams, the Hawks draft 2 time Defensive Player of the Year and 1st team All-American Shelden Williams. Critics say that he won't be a star because of his limited athletic ability, but that he's "the most NBA ready guy in the draft and should have little problem transitioning to the league."

Logic Rating: 7.5

All your logic ratings are plain ridiculous. I don't care for my GM to be "logical" (whatever that means) but 100% W-R-O-N-G EVERY GD TIME! I expect him to get it RIGHT. Isn't getting it right WHAT IS LOGICAL?


Here's the truth:

- The Hawks were right in addressing the frontline and taking Shelden Williams. He just didn't pan out at all to be that solid player.

The truth? What MFing nonsense. Watch a Duke game for once and you would know that SW was not an NBA baller! Watch an NBA game and you would know 6'7" centers are a waste! WATCH A GAME!


- The Hawks, if Roy's refusal to work out here was a clear indication that he didn't want to play here, could've had a Steve Francis and Vancouver-like situation here, with Roy demanding a trade if we took him . . a scenario that NO ONE has even thought about.

You've got to be kidding me. If you draft scared like that you might as well pack it in.


It was a domino effect folks. The decision not to take Paul, pretty much lead to the rest of the decisions.

So therefore BK was powerless to make the right decision after he made the initial wrong one (Actually, drafting Childress was the initial wrong one.). This is BK excuse maker 1000's excuse number 397. BK had no power to make the right decision. He was simply caught up in the storm. In fact, he couldn't even work out Shelden Williams and had to promise him being picked at 5 because the tarot cards were already dealt. BK is not responsible for anything, therefore, he is absolved.


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Marvin was drafted before Redd, Allen, Hughes and JJ became free agents that july. JJ was signed after Marvin was drafted and after we were turned down by Allen.

Ex, they officialy became free agents in July, but both Redd and Hughes had verbal agreements to sign with Cleveland and Milwaukee secured before the draft. And it was pretty much known that Ray Allen wasn't coming here before the draft started. They just couldn't officially becme available and sign their deals, until after the draft.

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Ex, they officialy became free agents in July, but both Redd and Hughes had verbal agreements to sign with Cleveland and Milwaukee secured before the draft.

First of all it is against the rules to negotiate with a free agent before July 1. Any "verbal agreement" would be considered tampering.

There is no way BK could have talked to any of those guys before the draft.

Secondly Allen did pay us a visit and Redd did get a max offer from Cleveland that he seriously considered before signing with the Bucks. The only reason Hughes got an offer from the Cavs was because Redd eventually turned down their max offer.

You are doing nothing but revising history.

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NBA free agency is the term to describe players that are not signed to contracts. They are NBA free agents. Unrestricted free agents can sign with any team that offers them a contract. Restricted free agents can do the same, only the team they had just been a member of has the right to match the contract and keep the player.

The negotiation period of 2006 NBA free agency began on July 1, 2006. The date teams can actually start signing the free agents is July 12. So, deals reported below are unofficial and not put on paper until the 12th.


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Walter, it's OK to suffer from AFS. But the fan suffering from AFS has to deal in reality at some point. At some point, you have to move on.

But there is a cause and effect for every situation. Marvin should be further along in his development, because BK should've dealt Harrington the night they drafted Marvin. When you gradually bring a player along slow, he's not going to rapidly develop into a star.

If Chris Paul had to play behind Jason Kidd for a year or two, he wouldn't be the potential superstar that he is now. He would be like a T-Mac playing behind Vince Carter. He'd have to be given his chance to shine, in order to blow up.

Paul no doubt blossoms into a damn good PG here, because he'd start from the jump. Whether he's an East all-star and have the Hawks with a top 4 record in the East, is debateable. But he would've been damn good from the start, no doubt on that.

Roy would be a bench player in ATL, but possibly surpassing Chill as the 6th man. Still, we needed help on the frontline more than we needed another JJ clone. Shelden was seen as a Battier-like pick, a guy that supposedy knew how to play. I think even you thought Shelden could be solid, but not worthy of his draft selection.

Most GMs deal in logic. BK obviously has lapses at times like most of them. Yeah, we all want them to get it right, there's no doubt on that, but they don't. It is obvious that BK has been scrambling to make up for the decision not to draft Paul.

Milwakee is damn lucky that the Chinese reps changed their mind about letting Yi play in Milwaukee. That was a potentially diasterous situation they had there. And the same thing could've happened here with Roy.

Take some Ambien for your AFS.

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...If Chris Paul had to play behind Jason Kidd for a year or two, he wouldn't be the potential superstar that he is now...

Well you can pretty much pitch the "potential" label as far as CP3 goes these days. And if they were playing on a team with a smart coach and GM they wouldn't be together long - Kidd would be traded for the best talent available since CP3 is considerably better than him and much younger. Oh yeah - I know - Kidd is a star! Could Kidd have the Hornets atop the WC now? I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

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...If Chris Paul had to play behind Jason Kidd for a year or two, he wouldn't be the potential superstar that he is now...

Well you can pretty much pitch the "potential" label as far as CP3 goes these days. And if they were playing on a team with a smart coach and GM they wouldn't be together long - Kidd would be traded for the best talent available since CP3 is considerably better than him and much younger. Oh yeah - I know - Kidd is a star! Could Kidd have the Hornets atop the WC now? I SERIOUSLY doubt it.


Which is exactly why I said that Al Harrington should've immeadiatey been traded the minute they drafted Marvin. Keeping Al that extra year, stunted the development of not only Marvin, but Smoove as well. Both could've had an extra year to develop as a starter at the 3 and the 4.

To me, that's the critical move BK didn't make, when he took Marvn instead of Paul.

It's cause and effect.

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Yeah - to be honest - if I had been out in the boonies for the season so far and just got back (hadn't seen the standings) and somebody said to me "did I think CP3 and the Hornets would be atop the Western Conference?" I'd say no way...maybe fourth. It's sort of amazing.

P.S. - At least Gasol didn't go to an EC team. parrot.gif

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Another comeback win for the Blazers lead by Brandon Roy and His triple double. When was the last time Shelden Williams actually made a basket for us? Chris Paul dishes out 19 assits in another Hornets win. Man its depressing being a Hawks fan at times.

We are one of the youngest teams in the NBA and for the first time this decade we have a legit shot at making the playoffs.

Go take your doom and gloom and dead horse beating nonsense elsewhere.

Again, where would Brandon Roy play?

He's a SHOOTING GUARD. We still wouldn't have a point guard.

Chris Paul? Joe Johnson was brought here to be the POINT. It was one of the main reasons why we lured him in.

You gotta a complete idiot if you thought Joe Johnson was going to come here and be the point guard. Players will say anything just to get paid how long did that pg thing go on for 6 games. Joe Johnson is a SG he never played PG in PHX except when players were hurt. Alot of Hawks live in fantasy thinging everything is so fine and dandy and everything the Hawks do is great wake up and smell the coffee. If everything was so good we wouldnt be the lauging stock of the league for so many years.

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But there is a cause and effect for every situation.

Code language for "BK isn't responsible".


When you gradually bring a player along slow, he's not going to rapidly develop into a star.

Wait, that is the "Marvin excuse machine 1000" at work.


If Chris Paul had to play behind Jason Kidd for a year or two, he wouldn't be the potential superstar that he is now. He would be like a T-Mac playing behind Vince Carter. He'd have to be given his chance to shine, in order to blow up.

I think we can all agree we'd rather have the next T-mac. Truth is that T-mac just as easily was made BETTER because he was brought along slowly. It may have made him HUNGRY or allowed him to develop certain skills he otherwise wouldn't have.


Roy would be a bench player in ATL

That might possibly be the dumbest thing ever posted in HS history. If you don't think a BALLER like Roy would be starting for ANY TEAM IN THE LEAGUE (except Boston PERHAPS, although they wouldn't have traded for Ray Allen) you're too [censored] up to argue with.


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Another comeback win for the Blazers lead by Brandon Roy and His triple double. When was the last time Shelden Williams actually made a basket for us? Chris Paul dishes out 19 assits in another Hornets win. Man its depressing being a Hawks fan at times.

We are one of the youngest teams in the NBA and for the first time this decade we have a legit shot at making the playoffs.

Go take your doom and gloom and dead horse beating nonsense elsewhere.

Again, where would Brandon Roy play?

He's a SHOOTING GUARD. We still wouldn't have a point guard.

Chris Paul? Joe Johnson was brought here to be the POINT. It was one of the main reasons why we lured him in.

You gotta a complete idiot if you thought Joe Johnson was going to come here and be the point guard. Players will say anything just to get paid how long did that pg thing go on for 6 games. Joe Johnson is a SG he never played PG in PHX except when players were hurt. Alot of Hawks live in fantasy thinging everything is so fine and dandy and everything the Hawks do is great wake up and smell the coffee. If everything was so good we wouldnt be the lauging stock of the league for so many years.

pillepalle.gifWake up and smell the coffee??? It's funny hearing that coming from a guy who has CP3 in a Hawks uni. LMAO pillepalle.gif
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You gotta a complete idiot if you thought Joe Johnson was going to come here and be the point guard. Players will say anything just to get paid how long did that pg thing go on for 6 games. Joe Johnson is a SG he never played PG in PHX except when players were hurt. Alot of Hawks live in fantasy thinging everything is so fine and dandy and everything the Hawks do is great wake up and smell the coffee. If everything was so good we wouldnt be the lauging stock of the league for so many years.

Joe Johnson had run the point several times in Phoenix.

Yes we drafted Marvin BEFORE we got JJ.

But one of the biggest reasons why we convinced Joe Johnson to come to a 13 win ball club is that we promised him that he could play point guard.

That's a fact that you are conveniently dodging.

There is a great chance that if we take Chris Paul that we can't lure Joe Johnson because we couldn't even pretend we were going to let him play the point.

Joe Johnson DID run point in the beginning of his first year here. It was a failed experiment nonetheless but we did keep our initial promise.

There is no guarantee Joe would have come here if we only offered him a spot as a SG from day one.

He wanted to play the point.

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BTW, you're the one who needs to wake up and smell the freaking coffee.

Billy Knight blew this roster up and built it from the ground up including that 13 win season, to doubling our win total, to 30 wins, to now contending for a playoff spot as one of the youngest teams in the league.

As much as you all bash his picks and dwell in the past (like having Chris Paul in a Hawks uniform in a sig), that doesn't change the fact that we have one of the most promising young rosters in the NBA.

In fact after Portland, I don't think an argument can be made for a young team with more upside than the Hawks.

So essentially, we have the most promising future in the entire Eastern Conference. Only in a city with such poor fans could something so positive be viewed as so negative.

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