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Hawk's yo-yo / elevator season

Gray Mule

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Going down. Going up. Going down. Going up.

Right now, we're on our way down. Three in a row - UP!

Last night, we headed the other way.

Tonight's opponent has won 9 of 10 and await their next

victimn the Atlanta Hawks, who they have beaten 9 times

in their last nine visits. Can you say 10?

Don't expect a close game. Big, tall centers thrive against

the Hawks and, if I recall correctly, our opponent has one

of those. Cleveland showed us what can happen last night

with their center. Expect even more tonight.

Don't expect to see a lot of time on the court from the

Hawk players who didn't get to play at all or only made

a token appearance last night. Woody knows in his heart

they are not capable of contributing anything to the

cause. He doesn't trust them. He would rather run his

favorites into the ground than play some of his bench.

Oh well, winning streak was nice while it lasted. Three

out of four at home. We can live with that.

Would be nice to suprise a lot of fans, me included, with

a road win tonight. We can only hope.


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Like I've been saying since day one, this team is/will continue to tread water. The thing thats crazy is that we are possibly playoff bound but that is not enough for alot of fans (me included). I hope that ATL will add a few roll players(without getting rid of any of our core group) so we can actually do some damage 'if' we get their.

Players like Kareem Rush(SG with size and 3pt range), Mark Madsen(can be our bulldog and our toughest player with Mario)....I mean these guys can be had for very little...Hope Billy is up to something cause making the playoffs with a sub 500 record doesnt exactly excite me.

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Dang! Killed early. No scoring. Can't win if you

can't score.

Best part of the game? The 4th quarter. Starters for

both teams on the bench. Hawks bench against Huston's

bench. Hawks were down by 30.

I was rooting for our guys to cut it down to a 20 point

lead. You gotta have a goal to make things interesting.

They did it! Cut it to 19!! Our bench vs their bench.

We outscored them by 11 points. Game was over, had been

since the 1st quarter. Going into the 4th. Hawks had

no one in double figures in the scoring column.

Hate the loss. Sick about being blown completely away.

So what's left for tonight's game? Root for the bench

to cut 10 off the lead and they came thru.

Even in a blowout, sometimes you can find SOMETHING that

went right. I found my gem in all this mess. Way to

go, Hawks bench!!!!!


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I find the yo yo thing a crazy maker. Actually torturous to us as fans. Build you up just to knock you down. I for one am tired of it.

It's a good time to give my attention to college hoops.

That's why I try to keep an even keel about the Hawks. The way they play is to be expected. As I've been saying for over 2 months now, this is how .500 teams play. When you think the season is over, they'll pull themselves out of the rut. When you think they've turned the corner, they'll do something to blow a game, and regress a little.

The NBA season is way too long to live and die with every game.

The Hawks need to survive February by beating most of the average and bad teams. If we could steal a game vs a good team, that'll help things too.

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