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Some excellent points made about Law


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Those comments seem kinda familiar. wink.gif


Acie this month has 15 assists and 1 turnover. Obviously he would have more assists if he didn't spend so much time with guys like Blo, Zaza and Shelden who can't score.

Anyone who watches the games can see that he is a better defender than AJ or Lue. Billups didn't do squat against Acie. Acie has the speed and size to be a very tough defender.

Also obvious is his ability to break down the defense which is conspicuously absent in AJ and Lue. That is why JJ and Smith are forced to go 1 on 1 so often in half court sets. They have to try to create because AJ and Lue can't.

Last game Acie showed the scoring ability that allowed him to outscore opposing teams last year during the last 5 minutes of games ON THE SEASON.

the sad part is that next game Acie most likely won't play more than 15 minutes as the Hawks season continues to spiral down the toilet.

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I have never been one to yell and scream to fire people, but if even I can see how much better Acie is out there than Lue on both ends of the court, then I think Woodson has to go. Watching the haphazard substitution patterns this season has been infuriating. 15 assists to ONE turnover? My god, let him play and get some confidence going, Woodson.

ASG has to make a motion to fire him. Keep Billy for now until we see how this team responds without MW. I really believe we are better than our record, and that is a reflection on coach, not GM.

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I have never been one to yell and scream to fire people, but if even I can see how much better Acie is out there than Lue on both ends of the court, then I think Woodson has to go. Watching the haphazard substitution patterns this season has been infuriating. 15 assists to ONE turnover? My god, let him play and get some confidence going, Woodson.

ASG has to make a motion to fire him. Keep Billy for now until we see how this team responds without MW. I really believe we are better than our record, and that is a reflection on coach, not GM.

The GM hired the coach! Do you trust this GM to hire a good coach? This is the same guy that hired Sidney Lowe!

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yeah i'm not sure why Acie doesnt get more time. It was apparent his first minute on the court that his quickness offensively getting to the basket could be a huge benefit to us once he settled in.

and even more obvious ws the fact that he in my opinion is close to a lockdown defender. he's quick and has a good size and can stop on a dime. he will be a very special defender in this league..

honestly, i think he's gonna be a special player overall in this league once he develops.

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He was flat out awful ever since that injury early in the season and has only started playing well 4-5 games ago and Woody HAS started playing him with the starters more lately. Why would Woody go away from using AJ when he has proven this year to run the team better than anyone else, at least until Acie consistently proves that he should be starting. I have yet to see Woody not play someone who was consistently performing at a high level for him and now that Acie has started playing that way he is getting minutes. As long as he keeps this up I guarantee that Woody won't put him back on the bench. He has proven with Horford that even if the guy is a rookie if he is playing well game in and game out then he will play him. We all know that Acie is our best PG and will be our PG of the future but it's not like he has been even average for the better part of the season.

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has only started playing well 4-5 games ago and Woody HAS started playing him with the starters more lately

You must be watching different games than i am. This month Acie has played;

5 minutes against Philly

1 minute against the Cavs

7 minutes agaist Detroit

He played 23 minutes against Houston which mostly garbage time in a blowout. The only reason he played 29 minutes last game is that Childress was out.

Acie mostly plays in the second quarter with bench players. Funny thing is that those bench players (Shelden, Blo, Chill) went on a run with Acie last game.

Most of the time though when Acie plays in those lineups he sets guys up for easy looks which they miss. Then after a few minutes he gets pulled and the starters come back in.

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He has played 20+ in 4 of the last 8 games. I didn't get to see the Detroit game so I can't explain why he didn't play in that game but considering the minutes he was getting before the last 8 games I would say that yeah he is playing more minutes now than he was. I would like to see what Woody does now on the heels of Acie playing so well against Charlotte. If he puts him back on the bench then I will definitely question that decision, but I think that as long as Acie continues to perform he will get his minutes from here on out. He was clearly the best PG against Charlotte and I have a feeling that game made a mark with Woody. Smitty even remarked during the game that this was Acie's coming out game so we'll see.

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I have yet to see Woody not play someone who was consistently performing at a high level for him and now that Acie has started playing that way he is getting minutes.

I beg to differ and I don't think you checked the facts. This is no personal attack on Dolfan....just getting the facts out there. The reason Law has not consistently produced is b/c Woody won't consistently play him EVEN AFTER HE HAS A GOOD GAME. Call me crazy but I think it is apprpriate to call a coach out on this. Woody does not reward Law for good play with consistent minutes. The proof is in the pudding. See for yourself below.

Jan 29: Law gets 27 minutes, 8 points, and 4 assists (pretty good for a rookie)

His Reward/ Jan 30: only 10 minutes on the floor

Feb 2: 21 minutes, 8 assist and NO turnovers

His Reward/ Feb 4: 5 whopping minutes

Feb 8: ONLY 1 minute

Feb 9: 23 minutes, 9 points, 0 TO

His Reward: Feb 12: 7 minutes

Feb 13: 29 minutes, 13 points, 2 assist, 0 TO

What will the reward be his time.....history and actual data says another 7 minute game. Maybe Woody starts to think like a actual human and not a statistical flow chart but so far this year its like he takes Law productions out of the forula and just says any-miny-miney-mo as to how many minutes Law gets.

Law has not produced consistently b/c Wodody refuses to gve him consistent minutes. When Law gets minutes his production is rather consistent, especially for a rookie. Let this guy play....he is the only guy who can get us to the next level.

Now for 5 games back in mid January Woody consistently played Law around 20 minutes and he produced only to be rewarded with a 4 minute game and inconsistent playing time after that. (This is the point in time where the facts show Woody quit giving Law any consistent minutes whether he was playing well or not.) Law's only problem has been Woody's lack of confidence and playing time for him that would make any rookie PG walk on egg shells from time to time.

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He has played 20+ in 4 of the last 8 games

LOL two of those games were blowouts when Acie was playing in garbage time. The last game Childress was out so Woodson was forced to play Acie.

Acie has played 10 minutes or less in 4 of the last 7 games which is far more telling.

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I am well aware of the minutes that he has played and how inconsistent it's been but for a team that desperately needs scoring help Acie was hurting us much more than he was helping because the guy couldn't even hit a layup until a few games ago. Simply playing PG successfully is unfortunately not enough for us because we lack perimeter shooting and so far this year Lue and AJ have been better shooters and scorers than Acie.

We will see after the break if Acie gets consistent minutes and if he provides a scoring boost to the team. If he does that and Woody still won't give him minutes then I will be more than happy to call Woody out for it but 1-2 good games of scoring aren't enough to vilify the coach over just yet.

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Woody's substitution patterns haven't made sense to me all season. His handling of Acie has just been a part of that. He shows no confidence in him and a rookie needs confidence.

The perfect opportunity was the end of that Charlotte game. I mean, it's CHARLOTTE for crying out loud!!! Leave the kid in there!!!

Also, I don't know why he doesn't play Lo more as Al's backup. He is a solid, physical #5 and may develop better offensive skills if he gets more minutes. I don't know why more people here aren't down with Lo? He seems to me a much better option than Zaza or Sheldon and he can even play Al at the #4 at times, with Lo at the #5.

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Also, I don't know why he doesn't play Lo more as Al's backup. He is a solid, physical #5 and may develop better offensive skills if he gets more minutes. I don't know why more people here aren't down with Lo? He seems to me a much better option than Zaza or Sheldon and he can even play Al at the #4 at times, with Lo at the #5.

The crazy thing is that Woody wouldn't stop playing Lo when he sucked. Now that his game has rebounded, he doesn't get minutes as a general rule.

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I am totally down with Lo over ZaZa.

ZaZa has to be one of the worst players in the league this year. No defense, little rebounding, and 39% FG.....how is this guy not in Woody's three story dog house.

Lo and Sheldon should be pissed !

ZaZa even called out Woody in the middle of a game (which he played awful in,0 points, 1 rebound, and 2 TO.) Like any coach, Woody yanks ZaZa out of the game only for ZaZa to protest infront of the entire arena. ZaZa only made a fool of himseld that night. Since then it has been Woody acting the fool for playng a guy who never produces.

I strongly took up for Woody until this season b/c I knew he playing without a full deck of cards or with an incomplete hand. The deck is still not yet complete or his hand is still not championship caliber but I feel like he is the guy at the poker table who may be holding 3 of a kind but won't play them in fear that some one has a full house. Woody has some "cards" at the end of bench who need to play ahead of guys like ZaZa. He has another card (Law) that has not been played properly.He has 2 cards he plays to often (Lue / ZaZa).

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acie is not hurting us....even if he's not hitting his shots (neither does our other pgs for the most part) and he's not turning it over yet he's playing good d (somethng the other pgs arent doing) then he's helping not hurting...

early in the year he had a bunch of TOs that was hurting us but not recently.

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Law has the physical tools and the mental toughness. Can't help but think that with another team/coach he would be considerably ahead of where he is with the Hawks. He's shown flashes but has not had the chance to flourish. And he is just one of several that is true for.

I would love to see Law under Terry Porter.

Porter was a tough PG.

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When he isn't a threat to score and his man can sag off of him then he does hurt us because they can clog the middle and that takes away our best scoring options. AJ and Lue can't be left alone because they are known to be capable of knocking it down from outside. Acie has shot better lately and he is light years more talented than AJ and Lue but when he was missing every layup and jumper he attempted and then stopped shooting altogether that was hurting us more than his defense was helping because we are a better defensive team than we are in the half court offensively. If Acie continues to play like he did against Charlotte though there is no reason at all for him to not get major minutes.

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