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According to Sekou's latest blog ( http://www.ajc.com/blogs/content/shared-blogs/ajc/hawks/entries/2008/02/27/shame_on_us_all.html' target="_blank"> ) we the fans are to blame for the Hawks failings.

According to Sekou, we the fans, shouldn't have expected this team to win. With the foolishness of ownership, the inept FO, and the coaching, how could we expect to win?

According to Sekou, and I quote:

"Any win [like the one over Golden State] sprinkled in with all this losing is the equivalent of spraying Lysol on pile of trash. The vapors improve for a second or two and then it all starts to stink again."

That image must be sent to the ASG. It is time to take out the trash. It is time to not only take out the trash, but the recepticle that holds it. If the trash is Woody, then the recepticle is BK. We need something new and something that doesn't reak.

As bad as the management and coaching of this team is, I can't watch the Hawks. I don't know how any of us do right now.

I don't know how the ASG can opperate the way they do.

I don't know how the players can give a full effort with the management they have around them.

What I do know is that the Hawks are a horrible basketball organization.

What I do know is that Sekou is right. How could we have expected a professional team in a top basketball market to be a good team?

Time to start watching pro-bowling I guess...

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Shame on us all!

By Sekou K Smith | Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 01:52 AM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

SMYRNA - That’s right, shame on us all for still being here and still expecting anything other than what we see from these Hawks on a nightly basis.

That’s right, it’s our fault. It’s our fault for thinking anything would change with this little actual change, going on four years now.

That’s right, I’m pointing the finger right back at us (particularly at the cat in the mirror) for listening to anyone’s half-hearted speeches about what could make this thing work when it’s clear that it just doesn’t.

Even when the Hawks do things that make absolute sense [trading for Mike Bibby] it does nothing to change their fate.

When guys like Greg Anthony and Tim Legler [good guys and well intentioned dudes no doubt] proclaim the Hawks a playoff team, it’s clear that those proclamations are coming from guys that don’t watch this team on a nightly basis.

I mean, how in the world could a team that continues to lose games from ahead [they had the Spurs in a world of hurt early and I told anyone who asked at halftime that I knew they were going to lose the game].

You couldn’t explain this phenomenon to someone even if you tried. You’d simply have to show the game tape for them to comprehend how this is even possible to continue like this in such a futile manner.

Any win [like the one over Golden State] sprinkled in with all this losing is the equivalent of spraying Lysol on pile of trash. The vapors improve for a second or two and then it all starts to stink again.

If that sounds harsh, it should because that’s how it was intended to sound.

Hopefully it’s as brutal as the inconsistent mess folks have seen from this team these past three and a half years, and counting.

Everyone deserves a share of the blame. That goes for owners [whose ongoing feud continues to define this entire mess, regardless of what is said publicly], the front office crew [whose draft and player acquisition mistakes haven’t always been corrected in a timely enough fashion to offset the initial blunder], the coaching staff [for its refusal to adapt to the personnel, however incomplete it’s been at times, it has], the players [to a somewhat lesser extent since they’re often the pawns in this game but haven’t pushed themselves to the limits as often as I think they could or should have] and even us. Yes, even us, the seemingly innocent bystanders and supposedly impartial observers who have continued to drink the laced Kool-Aid that’s been served all this time.

Knowing how much serendipity is involved with success at a high level in any endeavor, I can forgive the occasional draft gaffe or late-game collapse that any organization deals with. No one’s perfect.

But the lack of institutional control [had to borrow that one from my previous days on the colleges beat] that’s gone with these Hawks is unconscionable.

Even if the Hawks make the playoffs, which miraculously remains a possibility, the damage has been done. Fixing it all, is an undertaking that’s going to require heavier lifting than has gone on around here to date.

Oh, and I still haven’t heard any word on the extent of Acie Law’s wrist injury but I will have some by shootaround for Wednesday’s game against Sacramento - I’m guessing he doesn’t play against the King or Knick Friday, based on the way he said he was feeling the last time I saw him. But I’ll have something official here before game time.


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I mean, how in the world could a team that continues to lose games from ahead [they had the Spurs in a world of hurt early and I told anyone who asked at halftime that I knew they were going to lose the game].

Is it bad that this exact same thing happened to me at my dorm???

Friend: How are the Hawks doing?

Me: They held the Spurs to five in the 1st and are leading at the half.

Friend: Holy (bleep)! They might win.

Me: Nah. They'll blow it somehow.


Friend: Did they lose?

Me: Just like I said they would...

Watching the Hawks is so damn frustrating sometimes, just because yo know they can do better, but there's so much impeding them from doing so that there's really no reason to hope for the best, other than blind loyalty.

I'll still cheer for this team, but it is frustrating knowing that you can tell whether or not this team will win a game 5 minutes into the contest.

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That is the dumbest article I have read in a while.

This team is loaded with talent that should continue to mature and get better. I don't think a 35 to 38 win season was or is too much to expect with the talent on the roster.

We were promised a 4 year rebuilding plan. We were told to be patient and we have been patient for 4 years (and more counting the previous regime.)

Four years is now up. I repeat....a 38-44 season is not too much to expect after the "rebuild."

What is even funnier is that the Hawks are about to hit the easiest part of their schedule. Lets see the Hawk geton roll in the very near future and then see what song Sekou will be humming then. He is like a politician with the way he fip flops.

Sekou, right when you give up on the Hawks is when they are about to turn it around. Look at the schedule for heavens sake. Things are not bad as you believe.


I'm sure the ASG loves this article coming out the day they are trying to market Bibby's first game in te ATL and days after announced ticket pricing increases. Sekou's response is calling himself and the fans idiots for watching the Hawks. Very bizarre timing for this article.

The Hawks are about to beat the Kings and Knicks and then Sekou will change his tune for the 1,000,000,000 time.

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Sekou's right.

Something need to change!

We need to change our culture of losing.

We need to somehow bring in PROVEN winners.

No more rookie coaches, no dumb draft mistakes, and no more filling major needs with scubs.

Bk has to be fired for changes to happen.It's the only way to get rid if Woody.

He has already said that Woody is doing a great job. pillepalle.gif

I mean, the Hawks are the only team in the NBA , that can have a 25 point lead, and to fans still have to worry if we can win the game.The lack of half time ajustments are

there for everyone to see


If he truly believes that Woody is a good coach, then BK wont fire him,He'll just say that Woody needs a full year with Bibby as the pg.

The SDG needs to fire these guys and bring in some new blood.

Maybe we should raid the Spurs front office for a new gm

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That is the dumbest article I have read in a while.

Only because it is two years late in coming. I've been saying this for some time now.


This team is loaded with talent that should continue to mature and get better. I don't think a 35 to 38 win season was or is too much to expect with the talent on the roster.

We're on pace to win 33 games as it stands, but regardless, the question boils down to, what good is even a 35 win season when this is the most talented this team will ever be given it has no 1st rd draft pick, is entering the end of its rookie contract rebuilding phase, and is 99% likely unable to resign or take back contracts for JC due to Bibby's $14.5 million price tag? If you can't win more than 35 [censored] games in the EC when you are AT YOUR MOST TALENTED, what good are you!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


We were promised a 4 year rebuilding plan. I repeat....a 38-44 season is not too much to expect after the "rebuild."

Hmm? Is this ever changing expectation of yours meant to obfuscate or lubricate? First 35-38 wins, now 38-44 wins was "reasonable" to expect. HOGWASH! I predicted 34 at the season's start because I realized the many skill set, positional, top two player, AND coaching flaws of this team.


What is even funnier is that the Hawks are about to hit the easiest part of their schedule. Lets see the Hawk geton roll in the very near future and then see what song Sekou will be humming then. He is like a politician with the way he fip flops.

How many "mission accomplished" posts do you flight gear wearing Hawk fans have to make before you put your foot in your mouth?


Sekou, right when you give up on the Hawks is when they are about to turn it around. Look at the schedule for heavens sake. Things are not bad as you believe.

They are WORSE! After 10 years of Hawk insignificance, the last 5 with the incompetent, arrogant, idiotic leadership that is BK, we still have fans that EMBRACE LESSER MEDIOCRITY as a sign of great things to come. At our most talented we a lesser mediocre. Let's not forget that when we hear the blaring trumpets of coachx declaring for the 100th time (wrong) we are about to take over the stage (just you wait and see Mr. Sekou!).


BTW I'm sure the ASG loves this article coming out the day they are trying to market Bibby's first game in te ATL and days after announced ticket pricing increases. Sekou's response is calling himself and the fans idiots for watching the Hawks. Very bizarre timing for this article.

How unpatriotic of Sekou! BURN HIM!

The only thing worse than a reporter calling out a failed franchise is a fan willfully ignoring it.


The Hawks are about to beat the Kings and Knicks and then Sekou will change his tune for the 1,000,000,000 time.

I hope we beat them both, but how does two lesser comp. wins change the tune of anything? If you can't accept the many, deep problems within this franchise will not be helped by two measley (and yet still unlikely) wins, what can you accept?!?

The only tune I wish would change would be the "Mission Accomplished" tune of sheer idiocy that some fans continue to trumpet. We all WANT to win, but IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO WANT IT. This team, this franchise, has TOO MANY FLAWS to win regardless.

So, coachx, sorry, but you not only drank the kool-aid of the last 5 years but you started an IV of it to dull the pain for yourself. Heavy narcotics is the ONLY way one could believe this team could ever actually CONTEND.

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That is the dumbest article I have read in a while.

Only because it is two years late in coming. I've been saying this for some time now.


This team is loaded with talent that should continue to mature and get better. I don't think a 35 to 38 win season was or is too much to expect with the talent on the roster.

We're on pace to win 33 games as it stands, but regardless, the question boils down to, what good is even a 35 win season when this is the most talented this team will ever be given it has no 1st rd draft pick, is entering the end of its rookie contract rebuilding phase, and is 99% likely unable to resign or take back contracts for JC due to Bibby's $14.5 million price tag? If you can't win more than 35 [censored] games in the EC when you are AT YOUR MOST TALENTED, what good are you!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


We were promised a 4 year rebuilding plan. I repeat....a 38-44 season is not too much to expect after the "rebuild."

Hmm? Is this ever changing expectation of yours meant to obfuscate or lubricate? First 35-38 wins, now 38-44 wins was "reasonable" to expect. HOGWASH! I predicted 34 at the season's start because I realized the many skill set, positional, top two player, AND coaching flaws of this team.


What is even funnier is that the Hawks are about to hit the easiest part of their schedule. Lets see the Hawk geton roll in the very near future and then see what song Sekou will be humming then. He is like a politician with the way he fip flops.

How many "mission accomplished" posts do you flight gear wearing Hawk fans have to make before you put your foot in your mouth?


Sekou, right when you give up on the Hawks is when they are about to turn it around. Look at the schedule for heavens sake. Things are not bad as you believe.

They are WORSE! After 10 years of Hawk insignificance, the last 5 with the incompetent, arrogant, idiotic leadership that is BK, we still have fans that EMBRACE LESSER MEDIOCRITY as a sign of great things to come. At our most talented we a lesser mediocre. Let's not forget that when we hear the blaring trumpets of coachx declaring for the 100th time (wrong) we are about to take over the stage (just you wait and see Mr. Sekou!).


BTW I'm sure the ASG loves this article coming out the day they are trying to market Bibby's first game in te ATL and days after announced ticket pricing increases. Sekou's response is calling himself and the fans idiots for watching the Hawks. Very bizarre timing for this article.

How unpatriotic of Sekou! BURN HIM!

The only thing worse than a reporter calling out a failed franchise is a fan willfully ignoring it.


The Hawks are about to beat the Kings and Knicks and then Sekou will change his tune for the 1,000,000,000 time.

I hope we beat them both, but how does two lesser comp. wins change the tune of anything? If you can't accept the many, deep problems within this franchise will not be helped by two measley (and yet still unlikely) wins, what can you accept?!?

The only tune I wish would change would be the "Mission Accomplished" tune of sheer idiocy that some fans continue to trumpet. We all WANT to win, but IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO WANT IT. This team, this franchise, has TOO MANY FLAWS to win regardless.

So, coachx, sorry, but you not only drank the kool-aid of the last 5 years but you started an IV of it to dull the pain for yourself. Heavy narcotics is the ONLY way one could believe this team could ever actually CONTEND.

Walter, I am not drinking any koolaid. I have alwayse held the rational opinion that this team's age an talent should equal around 38 wins this year which would put us on the bubble for the playoffs. That is still a very realistic out come. So why am I such a fool to have this opinion ? Therefor, if the Hawks end up with 38 wins I guess you would be calling yourself a fool ?

It is silly to think this team has maxed out its talent which is your stated opinion. The team is so young they could easiy be 5 to 10 games better next year with growth from Horford (21), Law (22), Smith(22), Marvin (21), Chills (24). None of those guys except maybe Chillz is any where near their potential. Not to mention Bibby could form some chemstry with this group that we should really see from game #1 next year.


When I said 38-44 I was refering to 38 Wins and 44 Loss season and not 38 to 44 wins. (I never expected to be above a .500 team). You can go back to September where I predicted 38 wins which is still a very rational win total to reach.

How can 2 wins vs. the Knicks and Kings change anything ? Easy, it brings us closer to the win total most of us exected (around 38) and the Hawks come closer to puting the YOUNGEST TEAM IN THE ENTIRE NBA IN THE PLAYOFFS.

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Considering all the opportinities we've had in the draft and considering this is the 4th year of rebuilding I would have to say that 38 wins is pretty weak considering how bad the conference is.

This season has definitely been a disappointment to me so far. Even if they make the playoffs they have to play a LOT better than they have been to make me see this season in a positive light.

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Look at the schedule for heavens sake.

We have more road games left to play than home games.

If we dont win at least 5 more road games then...


Dude, Your Wrong !

14 home games and 13 away games are left. (not counting the 50 seconds of the makeup game)

Did you even bother to check ?

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There is no way in heck that Philadelphia, New Jersey and Washington should have better records than us... NO. WAY. IN. HECK.

Anybody who is happy/satisfied with this teams performance is injecting Kool aid straight into their eyeballs.

Despite adding - Bibby, Law, Horford and being one of the healthiest teams IN THE WHOLE LEAGUE we are playing just as bad as last year. (we are actually playing a whole lot worse if you decide to evaluate our team after december)

Also, take into account the fact that the east, (which account for two/thirds of our games) is WAY weaker than last year. How is this even close to freaking acceptable????

The youngest team in the NBA excuse is absolutely insane... We were the fifth youngest team before the trade and a grand total of ONE year difference separates about 20 of the teams. Youngest team in the league??? The average NBA experience from our starters is around five years, the Spurs (by far the oldest team) is six years and a half... BIG FREAKING DIFFERENCE.

Citing our age, despite having the same group of core guys for three-four years, as an excuse is the most ridiculous bunch of baloney, kool aid drinking drivel I have ever seen

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Walter I am not drinking any koolaid. I have alwayse held the rational opinion that this team's age an talent should equal around 38 wins this year which would put us on the bubble for the playoffs. That is still a very realitic out come. So why am I such a fool to have this opinion ?

Because this "realistic" outcome is not only unlikely given we are on pace for 33 wins, but even if achieved is an indication of LESSER mediocrity.


It is silly to think this team has maxed out its talent which is your stated opinion. The team is so young they could easiy be 5 to 10 games better next year with growth from Horford (21), Law (22), Smith(22), Marvin (21), Chills (24). None of those guys except maybe Chillz is any where near their potential. Not to mention Bibby could form some chemstry with this group that we should really see from game #1 next year.

No, they can't easily be 5-10 games better next year! As rebuilding progresses the increase in wins diminishes. Last year we only won 4 more games than the year prior and this year despite the additions of Horford, Law, and recently Bibby, we are projected at only 3 more wins than last year.

As far as players improving, of course they can, but I'm referring to "talent" specifically (one can improve, but one cannot improve outside the range of their talent) and they likely can't improve enough to make up for the 99% likely loss of Childress for nothing which is the effect of trading for Bibby's $14.5 million contract. Moreover, the player we most need to improve, MW, will never get his act together and, whose player is the most important for the Hawks, has been getting worse. Bibby isn't getting younger and seemingly has lingering health issues or fragility.

And of course, we are talking about the Hawks here. TEN YEARS they've been awful and failed to reach even marginal expectations. When was the last time YOU UNDERestimated the Hawks' win totals? Even I guessed they would win 34 games last year. Even I OVERestimated the Hawks by 4 games!


How can 2 wins vs. the Knicks and Kings change anything ? It brings us closer to the win total most of us exected (around 38)

Again, when was the last time "most of us" UNDERestimate the Altanta Hawks? I'd say NEVER. This forum ALWAYS overestimates them. ALWAYS. I can't think of a single, solitary fan who has EVER underestimated the Hawks win total for the season. Can anyone else? ANYONE. If the entire [censored] HS can't underestimate the Atlanta Hawks in five seasons, can't we all agree that repeated, systemic, 5-10 game overestimation of the Hawks isn't "realistic" and never was "realistic"?

Find me 5 posters who in the last 4 years underestimated the Hawks win total. I know that won't include you so I'll accept ANYBODY. It won't even include me last year as I overestimated them. Find 5. Go ahead. If we're so "realistic" find 5 HSers who have underestimated the Hawks in the last 4 years.

I don't even want to get into how pathetic the EC is and how little even 35 wins within the EC says about our team and it's (diminishing) future chances.


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I know that every team has health issues but Horford is the only guy in our starting lineup who is really healthy and our injury situation at PG is probably the worst in the entire league.

I am NOT making excuses for them as a team because good teams and good coaches find a way to win when key players are banged up (BOS w/out KG) but we are not healthy by any stretch of the imagination.

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Considering all the opportinities we've had in the draft and considering this is the 4th year of rebuilding I would have to say that 38 wins is pretty weak considering how bad the conference is.

This season has definitely been a disappointment to me so far. Even if they make the playoffs they have to play a LOT better than they have been to make me see this season in a positive light.

...considering all our draft, player, and salary cap capitol, but that just goes to show you how god awful BK is at being an architect and woody is at being a contractor.

Of course, it could simply be more of the same at HS. When has ANYONE here ever UNDERestimated the Hawk's win total for a season the last 4 years? I can't think of anybody. It seems we've all drunk the kool-aid, just some of us sip rather than bong it.


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Considering all the opportinities we've had in the draft and considering this is the 4th year of rebuilding I would have to say that 38 wins is pretty weak considering how bad the conference is.

This season has definitely been a disappointment to me so far. Even if they make the playoffs they have to play a LOT better than they have been to make me see this season in a positive light.

Then you are one of the fans this article, by Sekou, was written for.

My point was... most fans on this site expected around 38 wins before the season ever started. Now in December the team was rolling and people were buying into them........that is when some fans may have been "foolish" to buy into the Hawks too much.

Since my expectations were only a 38 win season I am NOT down in the dumps about the current Hawks. In fact I'm higher on them now then ever. The schedule is getting easier, we have a legitimate PG, so the playoffs are within reach. Ya, that is sipping on a little koolaid but come on...they are only 1.5 games out of the playoffs while the Wizards are in a free fall without Arenas and Butler and the Nets are without Kidd while Harris and Diop are too hurt to play.

I think once people take an honest and objective look the Hawks are very close to where many of us thought they would be.

Walter likes to argue with me when in truth we are only argueing over a difference of opinion of 4 games. Walter thought the Hawks would win 34 games while I thought 38 games would be the win total. That 4 game difference is all that is needed for Walter to start name calling posters fools for expecting a 38 win season.....LOL. I'm just glad I didn't predict 39 wins or somthing totally CRAZY like that. Then Walter may call me a moron and my feeling would be hurt beyond repair. I would be forever scared.

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I know that every team has health issues but Horford is the only guy in our starting lineup who is really healthy and our injury situation at PG is probably the worst in the entire league.

I am NOT making excuses for them as a team because good teams and good coaches find a way to win when key players are banged up (BOS w/out KG) but we are not healthy by any stretch of the imagination.

We have played more teams without THEIR top player or players this year due to injury than I can ever remember. We have been healthier than our competition on most nights. When are HSers going to wake up? If it's not one excuse, it's another. AND STILL there hasn't been a HSer that's UNDERestimated the Hawks. If we were a gambling forum betting on the Hawks equally or exceeding our win total expectations EACH AND EVERYONE OF US WOULD BE BROKE BY NOW, most by year 1 or 2 of this rebuild. While that says something about us, it also says something about our willingness to suspend disbelief about this franchise's plight and this team's capacity. Regardless of how good ANY of us think it is, it has repeated proven to be WORSE!

Again, (roll eyes) "we aren't healthy" is the lamest of lame, lamo, lamely, excuses given we've played more mash units this year than ever.


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