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Sekou - BK has wanted to fire Woody the Owl 3 times, but the owners have said no.

When is David Stern going to start the Hawks over again? Sell the team to someone who cares...please.

I can't believe that they printed that?

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Is it time for Woodson to go?

By AJC | Thursday, February 28, 2008, 01:37 PM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

As the AJC’s Sekou Smith is reporting, Hawks GM Billy Knight three times has tried to fire head coach Mike Woodson, but was prohibited by Atlanta Spirit ownership all three times.

Do you think it’s time for Woodson to be replaced? And what about the ownership group itself, which has been viewed in some circles as counterproductive to the Hawks’ stated objectives of reaching the playoffs?

Can the Hawks get there with Woodson? With their present owners? Or do some major changes need to be made finally to get this franchise on the winning track?

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This restores a little confidence in BK, at least for myself. I am thankful that at least BK is capable of seeing what is blatantly obvious to the casual fan, that Woody is incompetent. This, however, does not give him a pass on the Childress and Shelden picks.

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I can't believe that they printed that?

It would NOT surprise me one bit if BK himself is Sekou's source. This seems very, very strange that Sekou would report something like this and risk his access to Woody and BK. Maybe BK finally decided not to play good corporate citizen and let it be known what has been apparent for so long, that he is hand-cuffed by this dysfunctional ownership. No one can tell me it is a coincidence that we took on Bibby's salary at the same time that the Thrashers started to re-build by dumping an UFA who would have demanded top dollar or at a time when the Hawks are receiving several million dollars in insurance payments for Speedy. They have basically traded Hossa for Bibby and are paying for Bibby in part with Speedy's busted knee. Without the perfect financial storm lining up, they likely would have done nothing to address this team's gaping holes.

This is a huge story and it will be interesing to see if it has legs beyond the die-hard fans or local media. Hopefully, ESPN and others will pick up on the story of a GM who is powerless against an incompetent head coach and a dysfunctional ownership group.

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If word gets out to the national media outlets like ESPN Let the flame war begin the media will have a field day with this. You gotta question why in the world the ownership wanted to keep Mike Woodson here the guy has the worst win% of any nba coach out there right now. He is not the long term fix at all what is going on with this franchise im questioning whether they will even try to resign Josh Smith at this point.

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I can't believe that they printed that?

It would NOT surprise me one bit if BK himself is Sekou's source. This seems very, very strange that Sekou would report something like this and risk his access to Woody and BK. Maybe BK finally decided not to play good corporate citizen and let it be known what has been apparent for so long, that he is hand-cuffed by this dysfunctional ownership. No one can tell me it is a coincidence that we took on Bibby's salary at the same time that the Thrashers started to re-build by dumping an UFA who would have demanded top dollar or at a time when the Hawks are receiving several million dollars in insurance payments for Speedy. They have basically traded Hossa for Bibby and are paying for Bibby in part with Speedy's busted knee. Without the perfect financial storm lining up, they likely would have done nothing to address this team's gaping holes.

This is a huge story and it will be interesing to see if it has legs beyond the die-hard fans or local media. Hopefully, ESPN and others will pick up on the story of a GM who is powerless against an incompetent head coach and a dysfunctional ownership group.

My guess is the owners have informed BK that his tenure is up at the end of the year and he is trying to save face in hopes of landing a job in the future.

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My guess is the owners have informed BK that his tenure is up at the end of the year and he is trying to save face in hopes of landing a job in the future.

This could only be leaked by BK or one of the owners and I seriously doubt one of the owners would do it.

BK knows that leaking this story should mean HIS job, thus, unless his job has already been effectively taken from him, he would be taking too big a risk in leaking this for too little gain.


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My guess is the owners have informed BK that his tenure is up at the end of the year and he is trying to save face in hopes of landing a job in the future.

Thats a very good guess.

I imagie BK has an agent. If BK did not leak this, his agent may have done so in the best interest for himself by attempting to save face for his client.

Woody has quite a hole in his back right now.

This could actually be a positive in a wierd kind of way. If Woody has not lost his players they should come out with extra effort and play extra hard for their coach. Kind of like how the Hoosier players are doing for their coach while he is under fire but still coaching.

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My guess is the owners have informed BK that his tenure is up at the end of the year and he is trying to save face in hopes of landing a job in the future.

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WTF was wrong with the Chills pick?

Are you serious? Everything. He not only wasn't as good as either Iggy or Deng, he didn't have the upside or the trade value. In short, there was absolutely NO reason to pick Childress over Iggy or Deng. None. Nada. Nil. Zilch. Zero.


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WTF was wrong with the Chills pick?

The fact that he is not as good as Deng or Iggy.

Exactly! The fact that he didn't have a jumper that he could get off under pressure automatically made him a lower rated prospect than Deng or Iggy.

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