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Question about ASG not wanting Woodson fired?


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I never really read anywhere but does anyone know why the ASG didnt want BK to fire Woodson? It seems they are so uninvolved with the team with everything but they step in and deny BK from doing this. Doesnt the GM usually decide most of the coaching issues? I know its already been discussed here but my internet was down for a few days during that time and wanted to catch up on it.

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Seems that "they" believe he is doing a great job and what is happening on the floor,

in actual games, has nothing to do with Woody.

ASG is in a state of denial. This is not really happening to the Hawks. Just wait.

Everything is going to be all right. Hawks are in good shape in the playoff race.

We are still "right there" and things will suddenly, as if by magic, turn around.

Woody may or may not be a good coach. Depends on who we are to believe.

The ASG or almost everyone else. Apparently, there is one thing that Woody is

very talented at. He's made believers out of the ASG. Now, if he could just

do that to the actual Hawks team, convince them how great he is and how great

they are, things MIGHT improve.

People can look you right in the eye and not hear a word you are saying. My

kids taught me that. Has this happened with the Hawks? Yes, I believe it has.

Hawks are out there, going thru the motions. Their fire is dead. Their emotions

say to them, "Losers!"

Is it all Woody's fault? No. He is not as bad as that. Just bad enough that

he is no longer getting thru to the players. He's bad enough that he's lost

the players. If the ASG is not smart enough to see this, Woody himself should

realise this and hang it up - Go home and let the ASG have the Hawks all

to themselves.

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I never really read anywhere but does anyone know why the ASG didnt want BK to fire Woodson? It seems they are so uninvolved with the team with everything but they step in and deny BK from doing this. Doesnt the GM usually decide most of the coaching issues? I know its already been discussed here but my internet was down for a few days during that time and wanted to catch up on it.

I'm pretty sure he and BK have expiring contracts at the end of this season. My guess is that the ownership has been thinking that Woody's good enough to get us a playoff berth this season, whch they will trumpet as some kind of arrival, some kind of great achievement.

BK and Woody are lame ducks in their mind, so while there's no great reason to keep Woody around, if they fire him while BK's still in charge, then BK (a lame duck GM) gets to decide who the next coach is, which they certainly don't want. If BK hires someone that they don't want long term, they'll have to buy them out when the new GM decides who he wants as HC.

I think they were just gambling that we'd be "good enough" with Woody for the rest of the year, so they could make their moves this summer and not have to buy anyone out of any existing contracts.

And honestly, I don't think that was such a terrible idea if it's the case. Sucks for us Hawks fans, but if it were my dough, I'd probably be thinking along the same lines.

Now that the firing attempts are public and the team's in a tailspin, it makes them look worse, but the theory made sense when it was probably developed earlier this year.

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That's not entirely true though, because any decision made at this point is an interim decision. If Billy Knight wants to promote Larry Drew for the rest of the season, it would likely be only on an interim basis.

I have probably been the biggest proponent of having patience on this board over the last few years, but at this point in time, it is beyond obvious that this team is not responding to Mike Woodson. In the past, maybe they didn't like him, but they played hard for him. They aren't playing hard for him any longer. What the ASG apparently doesn't realize at this point is that they have to make at least an interim change just to shake things up and maybe create a spark.

The offseason will show ASG's true motives though. One would think that they go into the offseason with an incredible need to validate their ownership of this team. They have to make a groundbreaking hiring, and to do that, they have to be willing to spend a lot of money on someone. If they go out and hire a first time GM and another first time head coach, then it shows to me that they aren't willing to spend the money or don't have it to spend.

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Any change would be good at this point. Larry Drew, Dominique, hell let BK coach the last 30 games. Woodson has to go now. If the ASG doesn't make a change then they don't care about winning and everything they have proclamed in the past is a lie. Come-on ASG, put up or shut up.

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I never really read anywhere but does anyone know why the ASG didnt want BK to fire Woodson? It seems they are so uninvolved with the team with everything but they step in and deny BK from doing this. Doesnt the GM usually decide most of the coaching issues? I know its already been discussed here but my internet was down for a few days during that time and wanted to catch up on it.

I seriously doubt the truth about anything has been told by the ASG or the GM. This franchise is a total failure from a business or any other point of view!

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No matter what the do in the offseason, if they don't fire Woody this season is a COMPLETE waste. It should p!ss people off to no end that ASG is willing to just p!ss away a season while accomplishing NOTHING.

I wonder if a decision to fire Woody, has to be a unaminous one by the owners? If so, it might be in Belkin's best interest to keep Woody as head coach through the rest of the season, to make this team, and the ASG look as bad as possible. But that's just a conspiracy theory.

Here's what I think is happening. I'm thinking that these fools were waiting for someone else to fire THEIR coach first. Namely the Nets, with them firing Lawrence Frank. He's the only coach in a somewhat comparable situation that Woody is in.

But that's not going to happen as long as the Nets hold that 8th spot, even though it should.

I also think that if there is some sort of rift between Gearon Jr. and BK, firing Woody would be admitting that BK was indeed right in recommending that Woody get the axe.

This may be simply an ego thing between the owners who have seen BK bring in some of the wrong pieces, and now don't fully trust him . . and a GM who thinks he knows everything.

Acie Law is officially Obi-Wan-Kenobi now . . his play is our only hope of saving this season.

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