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SHould the Hawks trade Bibby in the offseason?


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That's the thing. Bibby isn't very good now. He used to be a fairly explosive scorer and shooter, but like the Kingsfan said on insidehoops, he is mainly just a spot up shooter now and he has lost his shooting ability the last few years. But like I pointed out, his shooting percentage has went down 5 seasons in a row.

I am aware of that. But how good he used to be is irrelevant. What matters is how good he is compared to our other options. And given that our other options are a banged up rookie (who's never scored 20 pts or gotten 10 assists) and Salim Stoudamire, YOU KEEP HIM!

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You can get a PG that shoots 35-38% anytime in the offseason. He isn't worth HALF of what his contract is. Right now Mike Bibby isn't much better than Anthony Johnson. You can deny it if you want, but the Hawks defense since he arrived and his poor shooting tell the story. That's why the Kings gave him away for NOTHING.

The Lakers got Pau Gasol and the Hawks got Bibby because the Lakers know what they're doing and the Hawks don't. Period.

The Hawks should have signed Earl Boykins. He is much cheaper and is just as good as Mike Bibby right now. But no... The Hawks management are total idiots.

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If you really, legitimately believe that Anthony Johnson or Earl Boykins are as good as Mike Bibby today, I don't know what to tell you. I am aware of Bibby's flaws, if you'll recall I was pointing them out to you and telling you that he wasn't worth anywhere near 14 mil when we got him, when you were giddy like a school girl over the girl. But his contract really doesn't matter unless there's someone we can trade him for that actually is worth that money. Not gonna happen, so forget the money. Even with his flaws, Bibby is better than any other option out there, period.

Yeah Bibby's shooting has been off since he's gotten here, there's an adaptation period. His shooting has gone way down to 40% in Atlanta. Anthony Johnson is shooting 36% in Sacramento. Boykins shot 33% this season.

I understand Bibby does not look like a max player, but he is far and away our best option right now.

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If you really, legitimately believe that Anthony Johnson or Earl Boykins are as good as Mike Bibby today, I don't know what to tell you.

Bibby is just a big name at this point. He didn't shoot the ball that great in the 15 games he played with the Kings this year. AJ in the December and Jan averaged about 8PPG 5.5APG and shot about 43%. Really, that's only a couple of points off what Bibby has been giving the Hawks since he has been here. AJ is a better defender than Bibby aswell. Watching Bibby, he might be one of the worst defensive players in the league.

It doesn't matter what I think of the trade. I'm not the GM. The GM is supposed to make the correct choices. That's why they get paid and I don't.

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Bibby has become a spot up shooter and his job is to hit shots to take the pressure off JJ who is getting double teamed. Bibby is not even hitting wide open shots. If Bibby can't hit open shots, he isn't doing what he is supposed to be doing. The shooting is what is bothering me the most. I understand the Hawks have a flawed system. But it's a letdown that Bibby isn't hitting any kind of shots right now. Heck, he isn't even shooting FT's decently right now.

It appears this isn't just happening here. I was talking with a Kingsfan on insidehoops last night and he was even talking about how Bibby's offensive game had gone downhill in Sactown as of late.

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I'm just saying give him a little time. The real problem right now is that his 3 isn't falling, and given the fact that he's a shooter, he's not afraid to keep shooting. He is coming off of 2 injuries.

If you take the threes out, he's shooting 48%, which is pretty damn good. He has the highest effective field goal % on jumpers of anyone on the team. He's just not hitting 3s, and that really makes your straight stats look bad. He is still miles ahead of any other options we have.

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IMO I don't think we will see Bibby at his best this season. If he doesn't get hurt during the offseason then I think he will come in fresh having time to heal up and work on his shooting and other aspects of his game. The same thing applies to Acie as well. I think Acie will end up being on the level of someone like Raymond Felton. Above average pointguard but not necessarily on an allstar level.

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