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Improve the Bench!!


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I think most of you guys are looking in the wrong places to find fault with the Hawks. It is not necessarily their starters that is the problem. It really is three (3) things: No true Point Guard, Turnovers and the Bench. Do to the lack of a point guard we turned the ball over too much, Hopefully this Boris kid can come and in and help that statistic get better and help solve the first two problems.

Secondly, The Hawks had the sorriest Bench in the NBA last year. Statistically they were the WORST bench in the NBA!!! They need to revamp this entire bench. Forget about trading Glenn Robinson. We need him and he is a good player if you use him right.

The starting lineup should look like this:

PG: Boris/Dickau/BYU kid

SG: Terry/DJ

SF: Glenn Robinson

PF: Shareef

C: Ratliff/Nazr

That is 9 players. The bench need to be totally revamp with 3 totally new players, preferbly veterans with size that can come in and BANG and be very PHYSICAL.

I would get rid of Robinson so quick like most of you guys are suggesting. He can be useful again in the right system. Right now we don't even have a system because we don't have a coach. So keep him until we find out what system we are going to run.

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Us turning the ball over has nothing to do with the so called problem of not having a true point guard. It has everything to do with the fact that the only legitimate ball handler on the court is the point guard.

Boris is not a point guard. He has some point guard skills, but he will not be a full time point guard. He will play shooting guard and will eventually move to a point forward position when Big Dog's contract is up or is traded.

The problems with the Hawks last year start and end with chemistry.

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Crawford is a joke right now in mind. He is useless to this team and taking a valuable roster spot and getting a tremendous salary. Another dumb move by the Hawks ownership and management. Hendu would probably be the only player I would keep on the bench. That would leave two spots (if they cut Crawford). Fill those thru FA.

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Crawford is a prime example of how you never should put so much stock in a player based on one game. He had 26 points and was on fire from outside in Game 1 of that sweep against NY in 99. All of a sudden, people think "Oh yeah! Chris Crawford is a star!". As I recall, we lost that game and 3 more in a row, and blew up the entire roster...

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