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The blaming game


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After taking along break, I continuiously read the message board from time to time. What I have notice is that many posters of this board are taking side instead of coming up with a solution for this team. I seen posters getting verbally attack and people acting milatant if what said about a certain player or a coach isn't to their beliefs. This board is becoming the Atlanta Falcon one which is a pretty pathetic forum.

I have opinions on the team but I will not share it in this topic. I created this because the kiddle sh*t needs to end. Were not 5, most of us are adults. It looks bad when someone being up SOLID points only to be rebuked by a fanboy of a certain player; or your hate for a coach is so bad you blame any and every problem on him. For crying out loud, he's a NBA coach he wouldn't even be in college level if he couldn't delevop players. You can be mad that certain people don't fit the system, and some that do aren't good enough. This is a professional league, it takes a lot to win, this isn't a video game.

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A lot of us do make suggestions, but nothing changes. People say things like, "draft Chris Paul," "draft Brandon Roy," "fire Billy Knight," or "fire Mike Woodson." But so far the Hawks haven't listened, and so far the Hawks stink. What else are fans supposed to do when the Hawks constantly make stupid decisions but blame them for those decisions?

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probably the first time I've ever agreed with you, I hardly even come to this site anymore for this particular reason.

Someone break out the hydro up in Athens? What are you smoking, atlas? What is he whining about anyway? We're not going to collectively come up with a plan an offer it to the Hawks. Get real superstar. You are one of the posters that brings this place down. You've lied about who and what you are... and you should learn how to write a sentence or two before ever starting a thread criticizing people's communication.

Most of this is Woodson's fault. This team could have won 40 last year. We'll never take off because of ownership, but we could have been competitive with almost any motivated coach. It's idiotic to say Woodson is not at fault. i'm not even going to argue.

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I think this board rocks !

I have not found any other team web site that has this much traffic and this many post on a daily basis. Your bound to disagree with alot of people on a board with this much activity.

I hope you feel better after your little vent.

How about joining in on a discussion......some of us stay pretty civilized.

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probably the first time I've ever agreed with you, I hardly even come to this site anymore for this particular reason.

Someone break out the hydro up in Athens? What are you smoking, atlas? What is he whining about anyway? We're not going to collectively come up with a plan an offer it to the Hawks. Get real superstar. You are one of the posters that brings this place down. You've lied about who and what you are... and you should learn how to write a sentence or two before ever starting a thread criticizing people's communication.

Most of this is Woodson's fault. This team could have won 40 last year. We'll never take off because of ownership, but we could have been competitive with almost any motivated coach. It's idiotic to say Woodson is not at fault. i'm not even going to argue.

Oh, I should've specified, I was just agreeing with what he said about criticizing other posters. Every argument seemingly turns into a bashfest between certain posters and entire threads get hijacked. Posters will ignore every part of a post just to pull out a certain quote that they can bash the other poster on. Just gets old after a while. With no moderators, this crap happens. I've done it in the past too which was dumb, but I've pretty much stopped that because I realized how dumb it was.

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probably the first time I've ever agreed with you, I hardly even come to this site anymore for this particular reason.

Someone break out the hydro up in Athens? What are you smoking, atlas? What is he whining about anyway? We're not going to collectively come up with a plan an offer it to the Hawks. Get real superstar. You are one of the posters that brings this place down. You've lied about who and what you are... and you should learn how to write a sentence or two before ever starting a thread criticizing people's communication.

Most of this is Woodson's fault. This team could have won 40 last year. We'll never take off because of ownership, but we could have been competitive with almost any motivated coach. It's idiotic to say Woodson is not at fault. i'm not even going to argue.

Great bashing post, I am so happy you took the time out of your day to criticize me, it's greatly appreciated. In fact your a better man now because of this.

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probably the first time I've ever agreed with you, I hardly even come to this site anymore for this particular reason.

Me and you normally don't get alone for good reasons but what's going on here is ridiculous. As much as we went at it, it was usually on that subject, but now it seems like it's a player forum before hawks forum. Forget seeing the Hawks become better I want X_x to be the best at all cost.

As for Troy, ok what have a lied about, you better come correct too, if your going to harm my credibity.

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I think this board rocks !

I have not found any other team web site that has this much traffic and this many post on a daily basis. Your bound to disagree with alot of people on a board with this much activity.

I hope you feel better after your little vent.

How about joining in on a discussion......some of us stay pretty civilized.

Coachx, you most truely are not the guys I'm talking about, same for Diesel. He's a cool dude. It's others and their usually newer posters or old posters who will just say anything for attention. Hell we lost one of the best posters and one of my con-padre's in Sothron becuase of stupidness. That is not cool at all. I see your point but your in a minority when it comes to good posters.

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lol Ik, I'm not Charles Merriam nor am I an writer by any chance... so laugh all you want..

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As for Troy, ok what have a lied about, you better come correct too, if your going to harm my credibity.

You came on this board and proclaimed yourself a scout, when you clearly aren't. You were trying to gain credibility and instead lost all credibility with me. I generally disregard your posts because I speak all forms of english, but I can't seem to grasp yours.

What exactly do you have your panties in a wad over, anyway? Who's attacking you?

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As for Troy, ok what have a lied about, you better come correct too, if your going to harm my credibity.

You came on this board and proclaimed yourself a scout, when you clearly aren't. You were trying to gain credibility and instead lost all credibility with me. I generally disregard your posts because I speak all forms of english, but I can't seem to grasp yours.

What exactly do you have your panties in a wad over, anyway? Who's attacking you?

I said I worked for a local scouting service, as a local scout so where did I lie. Since when did this forum become a english writing class(grammar nerds). You sound insecure and not to sure of yourself. Need a minute, have a Twix.

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i noticed that atlanta fans(of any sport) as soon as a player has a bad season the fans want him gone(andrew jones, mike vick etc) so i pretty much dont pay attention. especially this is the south and you know what they say "the more you go south the more ________."

It's understandable for people to have a short fuse when they have been waiting a decade to see a playoff game.

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i noticed that atlanta fans(of any sport) as soon as a player has a bad season the fans want him gone(andrew jones, mike vick etc) so i pretty much dont pay attention. especially this is the south and you know what they say "the more you go south the more ________."

It's understandable for people to have a short fuse when they have been waiting a decade to see a playoff game.

im not just talking atlanta hawks. im talking atl sport teams as a hole. i also notice that when a player says something that people dont like people want to ship him out of town(deangelo hall).

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i noticed that atlanta fans(of any sport) as soon as a player has a bad season the fans want him gone(andrew jones, mike vick etc) so i pretty much dont pay attention. especially this is the south and you know what they say "the more you go south the more ________."

It's understandable for people to have a short fuse when they have been waiting a decade to see a playoff game.

im not just talking atlanta hawks. im talking atl sport teams as a hole. i also notice that when a player says something that people dont like people want to ship him out of town(deangelo hall).

That's how it is everywhere man... Look at New York (Eli Manning prior to Super Bowl), Boston (Doc Rivers before KG) etc... if you're team is doing poorly then players and coaches get blamed.. It's what happens

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I think this board rocks !

I agree with ya. This is a pretty damn good message board, all things considered. There are many knowledgeable and passionate fans here, which is pretty remarkable that Hawks fans have been able to maintain that level of passion in spite of the fact that this organization gives us very little reason to be passionate because they've allowed this franchise to sink down into the dumpster for going on nearly a decade now. There's old-school fans like me and many others, going all the way back to the days of Tree and Dominique and even earlier than that. And there's the new-schoolers, young people who've become Hawks fans much more recently than that. But everybody has something to add and something to say, so it's a good forum. And obviously you're not going to agree with everybody here, but that's what makes a message board healthy- because it stimulates debate, and that's what message boards are all about....ya know, the free-wheeling exchange of ideas? It'd be pretty darn boring and not too informative at all if everyone here were just nodding their heads in total agreement with everyone else.

And as far as the original poster- what exactly do you expect us to do???? We can't do diddly-squat to fix this team, we're just fans posting on a message board. Fixing the team lies in the hands of Hawks ownership and Hawks ownership alone, so it's pretty silly to castigate fans for not doing anything 'constructive' to fix this team.

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