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The blaming game


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I think this board rocks !

I agree with ya. This is a pretty damn good message board, all things considered. There are many knowledgeable and passionate fans here, which is pretty remarkable that Hawks fans have been able to maintain that level of passion in spite of the fact that this organization gives us very little reason to be passionate because they've allowed this franchise to sink down into the dumpster for going on nearly a decade now. There's old-school fans like me and many others, going all the way back to the days of Tree and Dominique and even earlier than that. And there's the new-schoolers, young people who've become Hawks fans much more recently than that. But everybody has something to add and something to say, so it's a good forum. And obviously you're not going to agree with everybody here, but that's what makes a message board healthy- because it stimulates debate, and that's what message boards are all about....ya know, the free-wheeling exchange of ideas? It'd be pretty darn boring and not too informative at all if everyone here were just nodding their heads in total agreement with everyone else.

And as far as the original poster- what exactly do you expect us to do???? We can't do diddly-squat to fix this team, we're just fans posting on a message board. Fixing the team lies in the hands of Hawks ownership and Hawks ownership alone, so it's pretty silly to castigate fans for not doing anything 'constructive' to fix this team.

I don't think I meant exactly that, I was basically saying ways to make the team better instead of seeing certain players and coaches get most of the blame. I guess that's in every message board now I think about it. It's worst on better teams message board so I get your point.

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I think it's because that the Hawks have been such a bad franchise that only the DIE HARD fans post here. That's what makes this board

That's exactly how I see it. Casual fans wouldn't bother posting here (especially since we've been such a poor team), and the bandwagoners would have jumped off this train a long, long, looooong time ago. So what you've got left posting here are some of the last of the true, die-hard Hawks fans, people that still care enough to bother to spend their precious time posting their thoughts about the team.....so we're in pretty exclusive company, far as that goes.

Look at the Dieselputer, man. Talk about a die-hard, he should be crowned honorary King Hawk! headbang.gif

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