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Anyone else glad we didn't get Kidd?


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Kidd would be an upgrade over Bibby for sure. He can rebound, defend, pass, and push the ball up the court better than Bibby can. Only thing Bibby can do better is shoot. He would of turned this franchise around! It couldnt of happened though because Hawks dont have the pieces that NJ would of wanted and salaries would have to match too. Kidd is still a top 3 pg in this league after Nash and Paul i think but with that said, im glad that we have Bibby here still.

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Well bibby is only shooting 40%.I think Kidd could match that.

Kidd shot 37% in New Jersey...

Anyway... You don't make trades for 35 yo PG's in the NBA... It just should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, be done. Especially ones CLEARLY on the downside of their career making over 20 million dollars.

If we had made this move I would have beat my self in the face with a hammer.

This move will haunt Dallas' franchise for years to come.

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  • Premium Member


Kidd would be an upgrade over Bibby for sure. He can rebound, defend, pass, and push the ball up the court better than Bibby can. Only thing Bibby can do better is shoot. He would of turned this franchise around! It couldnt of happened though because Hawks dont have the pieces that NJ would of wanted and salaries would have to match too. Kidd is still a top 3 pg in this league after Nash and Paul i think but with that said, im glad that we have Bibby here still.

Yeah. Right. Kidd has maybe two years left in him... You think he would lead us to a championship?? haha.. NO.

It would be like when Minnesota got Cassell... yeah, awesome move. Except that after that one good year he had with them it all fell apart. Trading away anything of significance for a 35 yo 20 million a dollar PG that doesn't guarantee you a championship is retarded.

Dallas is already sorry they made this move.. .and when they are stuck with a 37 YO Kidd who shoots 35% from the field and dishes out 6 assists they will want to shoot themselves in the head.

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We would a better team if Kidd was here.His defense is a huge upgrade over Bibby, and he woulld get guys like Marvin more involved .

But it really doesn;t matter cuz Kidd would have never came here.

No, his defense would not be an upgrade, at all. Kidd sucks at defense nowadays, he USED to be a good defender, but those days are far behind him.

I think Hawk fans tend to just overrate other teams players, I remember when we first got Bibby everyone thought he'd be at least a decent defender, but I've known forever that he flat out sucks at defense. I still think he's better than Lue/AJ at defense though.

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I am not blasting the guys with a different opinion. I just don't see how it works in reality. Sure the words sound good. Jaon Kidd, one of the all time great PGs playing for the Hawks. You could win a campaign on that "hopeful and wishful thought"with Hawks fans who are more fan then realist. Sure its a wonderful idea in a perfect world but how would that happen. What would we give it up ?

How in the world could we have gotten Kidd ? Trade JJ and more ? We gave away trash for Bibby and kept some future cap flexibility. Kidd Makes $20 mill per year. If we got Kidd's contract that means we probably could not afford to resign Smith.

I'll take Bibby's $10 mill/ year contract for the trash we gave up while maintaining the ability to resign Smith and make a decision as to whether to sign Chills or a FA center (or all 3 if the owners pay a little tax).

Now in a perfect dream world scenerio:

We trade the same pieces we gave for Bibby for Kidd and pay Kidd 1/2 his salary. Not to mention Kidd is demanding an extension at 35 and Bibby is willing to play out his current contract without any threat of holding out at 29....Aw ! No more perfect world crap. You guys get the point.

Some guys need a pinch to wake up from all their "perfect / ideal world" dreaming.

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