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On NBATV Peter V said Woodson is gone even if...


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Wow, that would be great!!! You'd have to feel a bit for the guy having coached through 4 painful years only to get dumped after the season that he finally makes it to the playoffs (if we get there). Still, I always thought that they hired Woody as a developmental coach and would bring in a more experienced campaigner once the team started to compete on a more regular basis.

Having such a young team with potential plus a couple of savvy vets at/near the peaks of their careers in Bibby and JJ and a potential big market, we'd be a pretty attractive option for unemployed coaches looking for a team to take charge of. If only the ownership dispute wasn't hanging over us!?

Still, if Peter V said it's gonna happen... it's not gonna happen.

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To Woodson credit he has done a fairly good job at developing the young players. From that standpoint he has done his job. He has proven he cannot get them to that next level. He has a talented roster and yet they are still way below .500. They are having to fight every night just to stay in the playoff hunt in a sorry Eastern Conf.

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No way there is any validity to that.

If we make post-season for the first time this decade, Woodson is staying.

And what a damn shame that would be. *Sigh* When will we ever get REAL basketball-minded, hell anyone with an IQ over 60, to run the Hawks and make the right decisions regarding our personell?

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It would be a shame indeed. When you have a team with this amount of talent compared to the rest of the conference, you should at least get over the .500 winning percentage hump. It seems that when we get a 15+ point lead, I always expect Woodson to blow the lead with horrible playcalling and substitutions. Honestly, I'd be glad to have Woodson out of here. I'd definitely be disappointed in the ownership if he wasn't gone even if we make the playoffs. I don't sense one tid bit of passion in this coach. Those are the type of coaches of high school ball, not college - especially not professional. Sorry Woodson, but please stay out of Atlanta!

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It would be a shame indeed. When you have a team with this amount of talent compared to the rest of the conference, you should at least get over the .500 winning percentage hump. It seems that when we get a 15+ point lead, I always expect Woodson to blow the lead with horrible playcalling and substitutions.

I totally agree.

I mean, when Smoove makes repeated bonehead plays that makes everybody cuss . .

or when Marvin misses wide open jumpers or gets his shot blocked drivng to the hole . .

or when Horford statts fumbling the ball around and can't stop mediocre PFs from scoring . .

or when JJ or Bibby have a game in which they're ice cold, but they still keep shooting . .

or when Chill misses critical FTs in the 4th quarter, after making them in the 1st half . .

or when Law steps into the game and is flat out invisible . .

or when Zaza thinks he's Amare Stoudamire trying to take people off the dribble, but starts turining the ball over left and right . .

or when Salim comes in the game, acts like the ball is a hot potato, and misses 4 shots in 2 minutes . .

or when as a team, this team looks like a YMCA team playing defense . .

that's ALL on Woody.

Woody just needs to pass that X-Box controller to someone else.

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Ug, it pains me how some people refuse to understand that although all of the problems northcyde you posted are true, you utterly refuse to place heavy blame on Woodson. Sadly, this is why our FO and coaching is what it is. They dont see things for what they really are. It's so sad. Woodson is not a good HEAD coach. Period. He has done the same old tired stuff game in and game out for several years now. Whether we make the playoffs or not, he needs to go. How some of you still want him here is beyond me. Some of you must have orgasms off to lackluster coaching or something. If you REALLY want what is best for this team, that means realizing that we have some major weak spots that only a competent head coach can address. Half of the stuff you posted is a direct result of the inability of the head coach to do his job to reign in his players. Being a head coach is more than looking good in a suit and drawing up plays northcyde...

Good grief.

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Ug, it pains me how some people refuse to understand that although all of the problems northcyde you posted are true, you utterly refuse to place heavy blame on Woodson. Sadly, this is why our FO and coaching is what it is. They dont see things for what they really are. It's so sad. Woodson is not a good HEAD coach. Period. He has done the same old tired stuff game in and game out for several years now. Whether we make the playoffs or not, he needs to go. How some of you still want him here is beyond me. Some of you must have orgasms off to lackluster coaching or something. If you REALLY want what is best for this team, that means realizing that we have some major weak spots that only a competent head coach can address. Half of the stuff you posted is a direct result of the inability of the head coach to do his job to reign in his players. Being a head coach is more than looking good in a suit and drawing up plays northcyde...

Good grief.

Yes, I don't understand it either... Is Hawksland (and knicksland apparently) the only place on this planet where head coaches don't get judged based on the performance of their team???

Wait, what? It's not the coaches fault it's the players fault you say?

Guess what guys the COACH IS IN CHARGE OF THE PLAYERS AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR FREAKING PERFORMANCE... He is the boss, the captain, the CEO (well that would be BK, but this tirade is applicable to him just as much as Woodson), the decision maker... You think ANY business in the universe, any army in the planet, would not change captains or directors after FOUR years of not winning a battle or turning a profit?

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Ug, it pains me how some people refuse to understand that although all of the problems northcyde you posted are true, you utterly refuse to place heavy blame on Woodson.

All I did was tell "the truth". Everybody constantly complain about what these players do on an individual basis, yet, expect Woody to magically cure everything that ails this team? Pat Riley is one of the greatest coaches in NBA history. But even he isn't a miracle worker. You see how the mighty Heat have fallen.


Sadly, this is why our FO and coaching is what it is. They dont see things for what they really are. It's so sad. Woodson is not a good HEAD coach. Period. He has done the same old tired stuff game in and game out for several years now. Whether we make the playoffs or not, he needs to go.

What some of you need to understand, is that we have a COLLECTIVE F-UP job here. People can complain about Woody all they want, but to place the majority of the blame on him is just flat out wrong. I say that because Woody did not choose this group of players to coach. Woody didn't pass on Chris Paul, nor did he refuse to bring in vet talent to help JJ until February.

Woody gets 1/3 ( 33% ) of the blame, ownership/management gets 1/2 ( 50% ) of the blame, and the players get about 1/6 ( 17% ) of the blame.


How some of you still want him here is beyond me. Some of you must have orgasms off to lackluster coaching or something. If you REALLY want what is best for this team, that means realizing that we have some major weak spots that only a competent head coach can address.

Nobody wants Woody here. But we also don't want the ownership/management here either. And some don't even want the players here. So how does the bulk of the mifortune of the Hawks fall back to Woody?

Woody is the easiest to get rid of, so he'll be the first one to go. The mistake that most people make about my defense of Woody, is that because I won't place all of the blame on him, they think that I think that Woody is a good coach. That's BS.

He's not a good coach, he's an average to below average coach. He's the only coach in the league that has been forced to coach without a starter quality PG ( until he got Bibby ), AND without a legit low post player who can score with his back to the basket. To this date, Al Harrington is still the best low post scorer the Hawks have had since Shareef got traded. And Harrington would much rather shoot a 20 foot shot, than score down low, while he was here.

And before Bibby came here, the best PG he had to work with, was Tyronn Lue. LOL . . but he was supposed to have this team running on all cylinders with a PG that literally dribbles the ball into the ground like he's doing some type of practice drill?

This team, and the offense is so much better with Bibby, that it isn't even funny. Imagine what would happen if we actually had a low post scorer or a tough defensive center?


Half of the stuff you posted is a direct result of the inability of the head coach to do his job to reign in his players. Being a head coach is more than looking good in a suit and drawing up plays northcyde...

Good grief.

Reign in players? How do you reign in Smoove, when we ( and Smoove ) know good and well we can't survive without him on the floor? When he reigns in Salim, he gets criticized for putting him in "the doghouse". It's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

Woody could some things better as our coach, but the guy isn't a miracle worker. And this is a league where you need the TALENT to win, more than you need a great coach to win. Not POTENTIAL TALENT, but ACTUAL TALENT.

Because if all you needed was a great coach, the Lakers would've won a title in the post-Shaq era and Larry Brown wouldn't have failed in New York with the Knicks.

Without the moves Ainge made in Boston to get KG and Ray Allen, you bets believe that the Celtics would be nowhere near the playoffs, and that Doc Rivers would be fired.

But give Woody Chris Paul, and we're not talking about him getting fired.

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Yes, I don't understand it either... Is Hawksland (and knicksland apparently) the only place on this planet where head coaches don't get judged based on the performance of their team???

Wait, what? It's not the coaches fault it's the players fault you say?

Guess what guys the COACH IS IN CHARGE OF THE PLAYERS AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR FREAKING PERFORMANCE... He is the boss, the captain, the CEO (well that would be BK, but this tirade is applicable to him just as much as Woodson), the decision maker... You think ANY business in the universe, any army in the planet, would not change captains or directors after FOUR years of not winning a battle or turning a profit?

That's the problem with some of you. You think everything will be A-OK with a mere coaching change.

LOL . . isn't the very coach that we're rumored to get ( Larry Brown ), flat out FAIL with the Knicks?

Do you blame Brown for not being able to "reign in" Stephon Marbury, when no other coach has been able to?

Do you blame Brown for trading a 1st round pick to get Eddy Curry. A pick that could've ended up beng Roy, Aldridge, or Rudy Gay?

Do you blame Brown for obtaining Quenton Richardson and that horrible contract, then benching his azz because he can't make a shot, nor play a lick of defense?

He didn't acquire Jerome James . . or Jared Jerrfies . . or Steve Francis. So does Brown get the blame for that too?

LOL @ the coach is responsible for a player's performance. What a coach tries to do, is put their players into the best possible situation to succeed. But in the end, it's still the individual talents of that player, that will determine if he succeeds or not.

If a player just can't get the job done, there's nothing a coach can do.

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I wish I knew how to quote independently like that...

Ok, I will address some of the things.

1) No one should absolve anyone of blame. The Hawks are a patchwork team with horrible management. Woody cant wield supernatural powers, but the Hawks are not the Heat. That is the truth.

2) Yes, we do have a collect F Job done here. Everyone from the ASG all the way down to the players. But for anyone, and I mean anyone, to give Woodson excuse after excuse or even intimate that he should stay if we make the playoffs proves to me how little that person knows about how subpar he is as a coach and how we can't get over the hump with him here. It's not personal or an attack to him, it's just the way it is.

3) Actually, a faction of even Squawkers still want Woodson retained even if we make the playoffs. Quite a few prominent ones at that...Making the playoffs should NOT be the sigh of relief for Woodson. If I were him, I would be polishing off the ol' resume...

4) I understand about not having a quality PG or tough defensive Center, but Woodson has NEVER done anything to develop his players--or at least to the point where they should be. He still underutilizes players, refuses to give some PT, plays some too much, has some of them doing things they shouldn't be, etc. These are things a coach controls, end of story. BK is as much at fault for acquiring the wrong players for tis team.

5) The coach is supposed to reign in his players just like a boss reigns in his employees. Woodson has shown that he has an ego that hampers his ability to coach. Woodson does not command respect, so it is not surprising that J Smoove continues to do some of the same stupid things. However, flip the coin. As soon as Acie Law makes one mistake, he yanks him off the court with a scowl. Hmm, he wont do the same with Smoove or others on a consistent basis. Go figure... If a coach can't reign in players, this isnt the right job for him. Go to college where you can bully young men. You have to be able to establish relationships and respect with these grown men in the NBA. It is what it is.

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It would be a shame indeed. When you have a team with this amount of talent compared to the rest of the conference, you should at least get over the .500 winning percentage hump. It seems that when we get a 15+ point lead, I always expect Woodson to blow the lead with horrible playcalling and substitutions.

I totally agree.

I mean, when Smoove makes repeated bonehead plays that makes everybody cuss . .

or when Marvin misses wide open jumpers or gets his shot blocked drivng to the hole . .

or when Horford statts fumbling the ball around and can't stop mediocre PFs from scoring . .

or when JJ or Bibby have a game in which they're ice cold, but they still keep shooting . .

or when Chill misses critical FTs in the 4th quarter, after making them in the 1st half . .

or when Law steps into the game and is flat out invisible . .

or when Zaza thinks he's Amare Stoudamire trying to take people off the dribble, but starts turining the ball over left and right . .

or when Salim comes in the game, acts like the ball is a hot potato, and misses 4 shots in 2 minutes . .

or when as a team, this team looks like a YMCA team playing defense . .

that's ALL on Woody.

Woody just needs to pass that X-Box controller to someone else.

You could do a similar writeup for ANY team in the league.

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Yes, I don't understand it either... Is Hawksland (and knicksland apparently) the only place on this planet where head coaches don't get judged based on the performance of their team???

Wait, what? It's not the coaches fault it's the players fault you say?

Guess what guys the COACH IS IN CHARGE OF THE PLAYERS AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR FREAKING PERFORMANCE... He is the boss, the captain, the CEO (well that would be BK, but this tirade is applicable to him just as much as Woodson), the decision maker... You think ANY business in the universe, any army in the planet, would not change captains or directors after FOUR years of not winning a battle or turning a profit?

That's the problem with some of you. You think everything will be A-OK with a mere coaching change.

LOL . . isn't the very coach that we're rumored to get ( Larry Brown ), flat out FAIL with the Knicks?

Do you blame Brown for not being able to "reign in" Stephon Marbury, when no other coach has been able to?

Do you blame Brown for trading a 1st round pick to get Eddy Curry. A pick that could've ended up beng Roy, Aldridge, or Rudy Gay?

Do you blame Brown for obtaining Quenton Richardson and that horrible contract, then benching his azz because he can't make a shot, nor play a lick of defense?

He didn't acquire Jerome James . . or Jared Jerrfies . . or Steve Francis. So does Brown get the blame for that too?

LOL @ the coach is responsible for a player's performance. What a coach tries to do, is put their players into the best possible situation to succeed. But in the end, it's still the individual talents of that player, that will determine if he succeeds or not.

If a player just can't get the job done, there's nothing a coach can do.

I don't think things will be A - Ok.

I think it is something that is necessary in order for things to be A - Ok at some point in the future... Why this is dificult to understand in any shape way or form, is just beyond me completely.

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I wish I knew how to quote independently like that...

It's easy.

- Click on the "quote reply" button.

When you see the message, you'll see something like this

[ quote ]Ok, I will address some of the things.

1) No one should absolve anyone of blame. The Hawks are a patchwork team with horrible management. Woody cant wield supernatural powers, but the Hawks are not the Heat. That is the truth. [ /quote ]

Focus on the [ quote ] and the [ /quote ]. All you have to do is type [ quote ] where you want to begin the section you want to respond to, and [ /quote ] where you want it to end.

You have to type [ quote ] without any spaces between the [ and the quote and the ]. It has to be typed altogether for it to work. When you type [ quote ] without any spaces between the brackets and the word quote, and end it with /quote, it looks like this:


2) Yes, we do have a collect F Job done here. Everyone from the ASG all the way down to the players. But for anyone, and I mean anyone, to give Woodson excuse after excuse or even intimate that he should stay if we make the playoffs proves to me how little that person knows about how subpar he is as a coach and how we can't get over the hump with him here. It's not personal or an attack to him, it's just the way it is.

It's easy to do, once you understand how to do it.

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