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Terry to wait new ownership out/Turned down 5yr 36


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But really,it's seemed like a years issue.Apperently,

he wants a 7 year contract.It's hard to give out max

contracts like that these days and it usally isn't a

good idea unless the guy is a star player.

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Terry is definitely not worth that kind of money. I think we will miss JT but we can't overspend on players anymore. I am interested in seeing how this team will function without JT. Will the teams assist/turnover ratio improve with another person running the point. Only time will tell!!!

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Enthusiam is one thing...

But how much more over 7.2 million per year are you willing to pay a guy who is so defiecient that we need to draft a player to compliment him??

Terry turned down a deal that would have paid him on the average of 7.2 million per year. That means that somewhere over those 5 years, terry would have been making 8 million dollars.

How much more is he worth?

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wouldn't have been drafted had they known JT was looking for major $$$...I wonder if Miami, Denver, or Utah have contacted him.

Of course, this offer was last fall, so things might have changed a little.

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You will go to the far extremes of a statement to try and prove a ridiculous point Diesel, well all know that, but this is getting tiring.

Do you not understand that every player is drafted to compliment the other players on the roster? Have you not figured that out yet? The NBA isnt street ball, its about playing team basketball and finding guys who work well together and compliment each other.

You guys shouldnt be so quick to assume that JT is being greedy because he allegedly turned down this deal. IF, and thats a big IF, he did turn this deal down then I would like to hear his reasons because I am sure they are very valid. He loves the Hawks and wants to stay in Atlanta. The Hawks knew going into the draft what its going to cost to keep him and I am sure they will find a way to resign him once this [censored] ownership thing gets cleared up.

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In reply to:

Do you not understand that every player is drafted to compliment the other players on the roster? Have you not figured that out yet?

Dolfan, I'm so happy that you are not a GM... Especially not the GM of Cleveland. Why?

It's your kind of Thinking that makes a man take Sam Bowie over Micheal Jordan. That's what happened to PTL (Sorry Beav). PTL's GM said, "We already have a good 2 gaurd in Drexler, let's get someone who fits our need."

The problem is that Most GM draft... Best Player available. If you look at Cleveland, Labron James was the best Player available. Labron plays the same game as Ricky Davis (with better Passing). They also have Juanny and a slew of guys playing the 2 and 3 position, but they took James. According to your thinking, they should have taken Darko to help feel the void they have had at PF since Ty Hill part 1.

Secondly, Diaw was selected ONLY to compliment JT.. NOT THE TEAM. IF he was selected to compliment the team then it wouldn't matter if JT were PG or NOT. IN fact, we could simply plug in Dickau and there not be much of a problem being that many said that Dickau was similar to JT coming out of college. BUT Diaw doesn't compliment the team. For Imagine our team without JT. Where does Diaw fit? For Laughs, imagine we get a SNT of JT with LAC for Miller. Where does Diaw fit? Does he still Compliment the TEAM? HEl no. He compliments the BENCH.

Again I ask... How much more than 7.2 million a year is JT worth??

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That's a low ball offer for the production Jason Terry has given the Hawks. Based on Kevin Broom's salary forumla at Real GM, his production makes JT worth $70 million over 7 years.

$36 million over 5 years is an extremely low ball offer to JT when Mike Bibby and Baron Davis both get $80 million over 7 years, and JT is better than Bibby and at least equal to Davis at this point.

Go try to find another point guard that will give you 17 points and 7 assists a game. There are only 5 of them in the NBA, and JT is one of them.

JT should at the very least get $60 million over 7 years.

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The difference is that Marbury, Francis, and the like are PGs. Terry is not. Terry is a SG. NO different than Iverson.

Terry cannot run an offense. He does not recognize defenses. He does a terrible job of running a fast break. Come on give me a break.

I think it's a great mistake to pay JT more than the 7.2 mil per year we have already offered.

I think it's an even greater mistake to look around the league for examples of what to pay. Just because the Knicks gave Houston 100 million dollars, does that mean that every 1 dimensional SG is worthy of 100 million dollars? KB, I thought you were smarter than that. That's how Koncak got a contract bigger than Pat Ewings back in the day.

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All I know is if our management does not sign Terry our franchise is S$%@ up a creek without a paddle. We cannot replace Terry and our franchise will sink even lower than where it is now. I say sign him to the money he wants, which is reasonable compared to current players on the market. This team should be built around Terry and his explosive offense that he provides to this team.

Those that are calling for us not to sign him, really have no clue where your heads are at. I see some people naming off piece of garbage players like Damon Stoudamire, extreme over priced players such as Eddie Jones to come onto our team and [censored] up the present and future even more. All I have to say is THANK GOD THEY ARE NOT THE GM OF THIS TEAM!

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he is definitely worth 7 Yrs/$55 million and that is what the 5 yr offer he got last year would be worth if they added 2 more years with the max 12.5% raise. I think the MAX I would give JT is the same 7 Yr/$60 million deal that Rashard Lewis got last year and I think a 7 Yr/$55 million offer is VERY fair. If someone steps up to the plate and offers him 7 Yrs/$70 million, I would probably try to work out a SNT but I don't think I'd invest that much in JT.

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Only an idiot would offer JT 10 million a year.I don't

care what Broom said.JT got toasted by the likes of

Mike James and Gilbert Arenas really cleaned JT's

clot last year.

He isn't worth more than 6 million.He's a undersized

SG that isn't even close to Iversons level.

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