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Horford Steps up to clear up this mess!


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If the Ref say he think Horford tip the ball and that is why he started the clock. What can the NBA really do but to go with that? It is kind of funny and sad at the sametime watching Raptors fans over at Realgm react to all of this.

Who gives a fart about Raptors fans?

We all as Hawks fans should care less what those guys think. The only time we should care is if they start to spam this board (or the Hawks RealGM board).

The whole idea of reviewing and replaying a game that the refs huddled about and made a determination is crazy. The game is over.

This whole "controversy" will over by the next game the Raptors play.

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The ball did change paths...keyword in my post is "slightly".....that pass was not perfect it should have been thrown higher near the rim. If TJ could have caught the ball at the top of his jump instead of catching in mid elevation the bucket would have counted. Instead, the slight tip cause the ball to fall shorter.

I guess I should say the ball changed rotation, it is clearly there, I could not see it at game speed but slowing it down and replaying you can see what happened....I posted this last night.

We won this frickin game....NBA can't do anything about it.

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It's not over if they protest and league gives in. Don't tell me not to discuss something that is obviously relevant and still ongoing.

I am not telling you not to discuss anything. I am questioning why give the Raptors fans any credence to their whinning. If you want to be affected by it, great.

The NBA isn't going to over turn anything. This sort of "protest" happens night in and night out in the NBA. The refs will not be overturned on a split-second call.

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The guy was basically laughing and calling the Raptors' fans pathetic. What does that have to do with giving their complaining credence?

Sigh, you just want to be confrentational- fine.

There has been a lot of pixels wasted on the state of Raptors fans on the board today. My statement is why worrying about them in any way?

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Shoot . . . If I were him, I'd say that I tipped the ball too.

LOL @ some of you seeing the ball change paths. Horford's "tip" turned that into the perfect inbounds pass then, seeing that it hit TJ right on the money.

Even if the ball didn't change paths it still could have been tipped.

I remember playing once when my shot was really on and this guy, who used to play college football, was really playing me tight. I had to go about 3 feet behind the college 3 to get a shot off and he still almost blocked it. I heard his fingernail scrape against the ball as it went past him and eventually through the net.

Then i made fun of him about it of course.

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There is a new copy of the AJC's "Horford Tip Story" on www.ajc.com. Basically, Woody says the Raptors are reaching and everyone should move on. Horford says, because of all the hype surrounding last night's game, he forgot that he tipped the ball, and Marvin said it would be ridiculous to replay that game. He said it would "cloud" all the good surrounding the team.

For once, I agree with Woody. He said stuff happens in games all the time that the players or coaches can't control. It sounds like he and Marvin are irritated at the notion of a replay or a reversal in the decision of the game.

I just wish this crap would just go away.

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