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Should we try to keep everyone?


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Next year it can only get better. Marvin is the man I wanted traded but now... I'm man enough to admit this guy is really turning the corner. This is where he would have been if he did not worry so much about school this year. If he can practice more this off season I say keep the young guy. I see his shots are getting very good with him putting the ball on the floor. Before it was only the jump shot that worked. Now he is doing a little of everything and it's working.

Get David Andersen, keep both Josh, get some more solid bench players and do this thing all over again. These guys have been playing together for some time... it can only get better next year.

what do you guys think?

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Next year it can only get better. Marvin is the man I wanted traded but now... I'm man enough to admit this guy is really turning the corner. This is where he would have been if he did not worry so much about school this year. If he can practice more this off season I say keep the young guy. I see his shots are getting very good with him putting the ball on the floor. Before it was only the jump shot that worked. Now he is doing a little of everything and it's working.

Get David Andersen, keep both Josh, get some more solid bench players and do this thing all over again. These guys have been playing together for some time... it can only get better next year.

Not sure about Salim's usefulness. I think that the bench is fine especially if we add Anderson. I do wonder what speedy will look like next year!

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I do wonder what speedy will look like next year!

He will probably look like some man wearing a suit or tux on the Hawks bench? Speedy coming back would be great for our depth, but I am not going to count on him. If he does come back though I hope it doesn't do anything to take away playing time from Acie. Acie really needs to put in some hard work over this summer on his shot and finishing around the rim. Speedy really reminds me of Mike Hampton for the braves. You just can't count on him.

To answer the original question, I really hope we do keep everybody. This team has been through a lot together, and they are now all starting to finally gel. If we make the playoffs there is no reason not to bring badc both Chil and Smoove.

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I think it would be very wise to keep everyone. Billy, if he is retained, will probably look to keep everyone and evaluate how he can fill out the rest of his bench without dealing either Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, or Josh Childress. IMO, it is in our best interests to keep all three of them.

With David Andersen coming over, we will have a big guy that can play in rotation with Al Horford in the post. Andersen would also give us a player who is a high post threat. The potential for an effective pick and pop style is there with Andersen.

I think this summer, our assistant coaches need to spend a lot of time with Acie Law, Mario West, and Jeremy Richardson to get them ready to give us minutes when next season starts.

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I think it would be very wise to keep everyone. Billy, if he is retained, will probably look to keep everyone and evaluate how he can fill out the rest of his bench without dealing either Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, or Josh Childress. IMO, it is in our best interests to keep all three of them.

With David Andersen coming over, we will have a big guy that can play in rotation with Al Horford in the post. Andersen would also give us a player who is a high post threat. The potential for an effective pick and pop style is there with Andersen.

I think this summer, our assistant coaches need to spend a lot of time with Acie Law, Mario West, and Jeremy Richardson to get them ready to give us minutes when next season starts.

If possible, I'd like to see an upgrade by adding some veteran toughness through role players, replacing the Mario Wests and Jeremy Richardsons on our roster, unless those guys take a big step forward with their games. I think those slots need to be used for solid proven role players next year, rather than developmental guys. That will give our core someone they can learn from and avoid the liklihood of us falling apart when subs come in the game. Next year, the expectations for this team should be higher, and it will be very easy to fall out of the playoffs as teams currently below us get better. We should avoid what happened to the Thrashers this year, and the best way to do that is to maintain the core and improve the end of the bench, since we won't have any draft picks.

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I think we really have to get some veteran depth on the the bench. David Anderson is a wimp. I would like to see us pickup a veteran big or so to come off the bench. There are some role player bigs that will be out there this summer. Players like Mario West, Salim, and Richardson are a dime a dozen, Although I like Richardson the best. I don't know why anyone would want to keep Salim he has done NOTHING to deserve a roster spot.

Bottom line, keep the core and get some vets.

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I think it would be very wise to keep everyone. Billy, if he is retained, will probably look to keep everyone and evaluate how he can fill out the rest of his bench without dealing either Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, or Josh Childress. IMO, it is in our best interests to keep all three of them.

With David Andersen coming over, we will have a big guy that can play in rotation with Al Horford in the post. Andersen would also give us a player who is a high post threat. The potential for an effective pick and pop style is there with Andersen.

I think this summer, our assistant coaches need to spend a lot of time with Acie Law, Mario West, and Jeremy Richardson to get them ready to give us minutes when next season starts.

If possible, I'd like to see an upgrade by adding some veteran toughness through role players, replacing the Mario Wests and Jeremy Richardsons on our roster, unless those guys take a big step forward with their games. I think those slots need to be used for solid proven role players next year, rather than developmental guys. That will give our core someone they can learn from and avoid the liklihood of us falling apart when subs come in the game. Next year, the expectations for this team should be higher, and it will be very easy to fall out of the playoffs as teams currently below us get better. We should avoid what happened to the Thrashers this year, and the best way to do that is to maintain the core and improve the end of the bench, since we won't have any draft picks.

Bench without adding veterans next year will be

1) Childress

2) David Anderson

3) Speedy

4) Acie Law

5) Zaza

6) Salim

7) Solomon

8) Richardson

That's a lot of depth right there. I'm not even sure whether we can afford to bring in those veterans that you speak of if we bring everyone back.

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Teams are rarely going to play more than 10 guys in a rotation as it is. Most teams have a set 8 that get consistent minutes.

I agree with you with the need for some veteran players to round out the rotation on the court, but I do not have a problem with using the 11th and 12th roster spots on developmental players.

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The whole point of me repeating the fact that we have the 2nd brightest young roster in the NBA is assuming that we keep this current core together.

It would be ridiculous to not do everything within our power to keep it together.

Try to re-sign both Joshes. If not both, we have to re-sign Josh Smith at all costs.

Marvin is the youngest player on the team and has shown plenty of flashes this year to suggest he can be a solid SF in the future.

Acie Law has shown he has the quickness to play in this league. We just need his shot and confidence to come around.

And what can we say about Al Horford?

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The whole point of me repeating the fact that we have the 2nd brightest young roster in the NBA is assuming that we keep this current core together.

It would be ridiculous to not do everything within our power to keep it together.

Try to re-sign both Joshes. If not both, we have to re-sign Josh Smith at all costs.

Marvin is the youngest player on the team and has shown plenty of flashes this year to suggest he can be a solid SF in the future.

Acie Law has shown he has the quickness to play in this league. We just need his shot and confidence to come around.

And what can we say about Al Horford?

You post like this is a difficult decision and task. All management has to do is either sign the player themselves or match any offer the player receives from another team. Management has already stated that they will match any offer!

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Guest Walter


With David Andersen coming over, we will have a big guy that can play in rotation with Al Horford in the post. Andersen would also give us a player who is a high post threat. The potential for an effective pick and pop style is there with Andersen.

I think this summer, our assistant coaches need to spend a lot of time with Acie Law, Mario West, and Jeremy Richardson to get them ready to give us minutes when next season starts.

Please KB, show me the money. How do we pay for everyone AND Andersen?


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show me the money. How do we pay for everyone AND Andersen?


This may help. This was written on real GM prior to the Bibby trade. The Chills cap hold of $10.9 mill worries me a little bit. We may have to sign Chills quick so that $10 mill cap hold is not being charged. At first I thought we sould sign Smith and a center and then use the rest to hopefully get Chills. Looks like signing Chillz last is not practical due to the high cap hold on Chillz. It appears we can still sign Smith, Chillz, and Anderson without the tax. There does not appeard to be enough to get a center upgrade too.

"Teams that Will Be Under the Cap


Atlanta has a projected payroll of $39.9M. They traded their pick to Phoenix so they won't have a high pick to tack onto their cap figure. Their cap figure does not include Josh Smith, Josh Chidress or Anthony Johnson, all of whom are free agents. Josh Smith will almost certainly be resigned. Interestingly, his cap hold is only $6.7M, which is likely to be less than his future salary. If Atlanta operates quickly, they may be able to grab a free agent before resigning Josh Smith and having to utilize his new salary for his cap number. Chidlress's cap hold is much higher: $10.9. His cap hold puts them over the cap. If the Hawks renounce Childress, their cap figure will be $46.6M, giving them $11.5M in cap space. If they sign him to a modest deal of about $4M, they'll have $7.5M in cap space. If they renounce both Smith and Childress, they'll have $18M in cap space."

Here is some more from a guy who seems to know his stuff at Realgm

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:08 pm Post subject: Hawks Salaries Information


So here come the salaries and cap holds for the Hawks as it should be counted next summer:

Expiring contracts (without rights, don't count against cap next summer):

0,427,163 Mario West

Under contract (or expiring with rights):

14,983,603 Mike Bibby (could be 14,500,000 but I took the higher)

14,232,566 Joe Jonhson

05,757,818 Speedy Claxton

05,636,142 Marvin Williams

04,026,700 Al Horford

04,000,000 Zaza Pachulia

02,071,680 Acie Law

00,797,581 Solomon Jones (non guaranteed year, can be waived and removed from the count)

01,566,000 Salim Stoudamire cap hold (200% of 783,000 as Bird rights after 3 years, not coming off rookie scale contract, and below the average salary. Could be renounced)

So $53,072,090 without the Joshes cap holds and exceptions.

With Joshes cap holds:


+ 6,730,629 Josh Smith (3 x this year $2,243,543)

+10,894,347 Josh Childress (3 x this year $3,631,449)

Total: $70,697,066 with the cap being around 57.5M next season.

+ MLE (certainly around $5.5M, to be estimated this summer) and the Bi-annual exception ($1.91M for next season), unless ATL decides to renounce.

So, this time, with only Josh Smith cap holds, we are over the cap (unless other trades come). No cap room, but the previous cap room was almost the amount of the MLE, so it doesn't change anything.

Basically, we still have the MLE to get players this summer.

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Below is approximate amounts we could resign our FA for. This may be a little less then the "cap holds" stated in the above thread. Under contract (or expiring with rights):

14,983,603 Mike Bibby (could be 14,500,000 but I took the higher)

14,232,566 Joe Jonhson

9,050,000 Josh Smith

6,000,000 Josh Childress

05,757,818 Speedy Claxton

05,636,142 Marvin Williams

04,026,700 Al Horford

04,000,000 Zaza Pachulia

02,071,680 Acie Law

2,000,000 David Anderson

00,797,581 Solomon Jones

minimum vet salary should be lees then cap hold for Salim Stoudamire

total Payroll $68 mill ( approx )

Insurance could pay Speedy's $ 5.75 mill. I think it still counts against the cap but insurance should pay for 80% or so. B/c of that I see us having the mid level exception to get some depth.

The cap is approximately around $57.7 mill but I don't I think the luxury tax starts until around $70 mill (not counting the mid level exception if used). Can any one back me up on that with a more exact # ?

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Due to Josh Smith's low cap hold of $6.7 mill for # 17 draft picks...... don't expext Smith to be resigned quickly as the Hawks have more leverage to go over the cap to get a center from another team BEFORE they resign Smith for more then his cap hold.

Keep in mind. You can go over the cap to resign your own players but not another team's free agent. (The possible Diop recruitment )

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