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Mark Bradely strikes again


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thats what haters do. haters hate when your doing good. i mean yes the Hawks record could and should be better but goign to the playoffs is much more important and Hawks have put themselves in a position to go to the playoffs and compete for a title, even though the odds are totally against them lol fuq Mark Bradley! he aint shyt! LMAO

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I thought hometown writers are supposed to be "for" their teams?

You want your writers to be total homers? That's hicktown BS. In a big city, you should expect reporters with a variety of opinions. Do you think every NY paper is blowing smoke up Isiah's @ss? No.

We have the 19th best record in the league. Yes we are hopefully going to squeak into the playoffs because the East is so weak, but we still have major issues that start at the top.

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I thought hometown writers are supposed to be "for" their teams?

You want your writers to be total homers? That's hicktown BS. In a big city, you should expect reporters with a variety of opinions. Do you think every NY paper is blowing smoke up Isiah's @ss? No.

We have the 19th best record in the league. Yes we are hopefully going to squeak into the playoffs because the East is so weak, but we still have major issues that start at the top.

You are MOS DEF right!

We should see more of this type of written. Guys I love the Hawks but we maybe be the team with the worse record ever getting into the playoffs.

We all know that the Hawks are better then what their record shows and this is were the anger comes from.

Don't get me wrong, if we make the playoffs I'm going to be there talking crap, saying we can beat the Big 3.

BUT... I'm not too much of a homer to not admit this team should be playing better. We have lost too many games this year that was no doubt to be a W in the books.

I will end with this, PLEASE DO NOT RESIGN WOODY!

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This guys is unreal.....


I thought hometown writers are supposed to be "for" their teams?

What exactly is wrong or inaccurate about the article? Dude, we have sucked for a decade now. Should he be writing a glowing article about a team that might not even make the playoffs? We have been rebuilding now for ten years - if this were New York or Philly, can you imagine the coverage from the media? This isn't bashing - this is the truth.

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This guys is unreal.....


I thought hometown writers are supposed to be "for" their teams?

What exactly is wrong or inaccurate about the article? Dude, we have sucked for a decade now. Should he be writing a glowing article about a team that might not even make the playoffs? We have been rebuilding now for ten years - if this were New York or Philly, can you imagine the coverage from the media? This isn't bashing - this is the truth.

Unfortunately for us Hawk fans the article is true. They need the criticism for the crap over the past ten years.

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I don't really see anything wrong with his article. He's really not saying anything any different than many Hawks fans on this board and elsewhere are saying. You know, he's sick of it just like we are. He's tired of the team losing, he's sick of these clueless owners blowing smoke up everyone's arse all the while without saying anything meaningful at all, he doesn't see these tiny incremental signs of progress as being enough to mitigate the last decade or so of abject futility, and he'd like to see somebody, ANYBODY take some accountability for this situation and give us some kind of workable plan for the future, a plan where we can have hope and truly believe in this team again.

There's nothing wrong with that. For one thing, that's his opinion- and for another, I believe he makes some very valid points. This situation *should* be considered unacceptable, and would be in almost any other franchise in professional sports. It seems only in Hawksland could this kind of circus fly.

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I thought hometown writers are supposed to be "for" their teams?

You want your writers to be total homers? That's hicktown BS. In a big city, you should expect reporters with a variety of opinions. Do you think every NY paper is blowing smoke up Isiah's @ss? No.

We have the 19th best record in the league. Yes we are hopefully going to squeak into the playoffs because the East is so weak, but we still have major issues that start at the top.

They don't have to be homers but to write an article like this detailing 9 years of losing when we are just about to make the playoffs, hopefully, is BS! While the team was really TERRIBLE a couple years back when the rebuilding first started, the Hawks NEVER got mentioned. Now that they are turning the corner, the history lessons? GTFOH

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the Hawks almost certainly will make the playoffs for the first time since 1998-99. That would, as you know, snap the NBA’s longest ongoing run of postseason absence.

Had Golden State not made it last year, we wouldn't have to endure this crap. I almost think ATL fans and writers were openly WANTING GS to make it so they could say things like this.

Considering we won 13 games not too many years ago, I consider this season to be awesome. We're more than likely going to see playoffs. No matter what, that is a good thing.

Keep in mind, this is the "GO SAINTS" AJC we're talking about here. Homerism is one thing, but blatant hate is another.

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Bradley is doing what he is paid to do, write an OPINION about what he sees. He sees an underachieving, inconsistent NBA team. Is this team better than in recent teams? Yes it is. Could this team be better? Without a doubt. That the Hawks are the best of the bad Eastern teams is nothing to blow our horns about. Is it exciting to be in the playoffs? Yes it is, but to put this year down as a major accomplishment is hyperbole at its best (worst).

Bradley is pointing out that the Hawks management from the ownership, to the gm, to the HC, to the players, and even to the freakin' scorers are a mess.

We as Hawks fans deserve a better product than is on the court right now. For my money, Bradley is right on with his assesment of the Hawks and their dysfunctional nature.

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While the team was really TERRIBLE a couple years back when the rebuilding first started, the Hawks NEVER got mentioned.

A couple of years ago we didn't have the league's longest playoff drought or the city's longest losing-seasons streak. Also this article came out after we got down by 30+ points in the biggest game we've had in a long while.

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While the timing of the article may be in question, I found absolutely positively NOTHING wrong with Bradley's article. Hell, when I read it, I thought he copied and pasted up one of my rants from months ago (come to think of it, I'm checking my HS profile; I might have a case here). What did he say that wasn't true?

Did the team not have muliple lottery picks over the last nine years? Yes.

Do they currently have the longest tenure of not making the playoffs? Yes.

Did management spin enough excuses over the years to strike oil? Yes.

Do they have the longest tenure of losing seasons in Atlanta sports history? Yes.

Have they gone through a lot of coaches, players, GMs, and owners in that time? Yes.

Should they have a much better record than 36-42? Yes.

Couldn't they have made the playoffs sooner if they had played their lotto picks right? Yes.

You can't expect folks to be bursting open the champagne bottles just because the team will likely finish as an 8th seed when they could've been at this point a year or two ago. Sure it's better than what we've been used to over the last decade but when you've been fed a bunch of crap for so long, anything different is filet mignon in comparison.

Bradley's dead-on, a bullseye on the mark. Going nine straight years without a winning record IS unacceptable. There's no such thing as the '5-year plan' that the Falcons always used or the 'give us a little more time to gel' line that Babs used to spin after Dion Glover bricked another 15-footer. Folks like us invest a ton of time, energy, and $$$ on these teams and want results TODAY, not in 2012.

Call me fairweather all you want but I can't justify spending $$$ on a mediocre product; not when I'm trying to buy another house. Its like going to a restaurant in a bustling area where they treat their customers to lukewarm food, stale bread, lousy service, and management who thumb their noses at you if you dared to complain and at the same time wondering why their place stays empty while everyone else has lines of patrons wrapped around their buildings to get in.

It's simple Marketing 101, folks; do something (win) to draw them in and once there, give them a reason to come back (win). Anything less than that and folks don't come back; they'll simply find somewhere else to spend $$$ until they get their ish together.

I call that common sense.

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The truth hurts. Until the Hawks give the AJC something positive to write, this is what you'll get. The onus is on the ASG, not Mark Bradley, Jeff Schultz, Terrance Moore, or Furman Bisher, to create a positive buzz for our Atlanta Hawks. Even if these guys are overly negative, if we WIN, their articles mean significantly less. Until, when they have deadlines and are made to write articles on the Hawks, best believe it will be negative material.

In addition, compared to other major markets, our paper is a softy, due to the lack of competition in terms of sport's papers. If the ASG, Billy Knight, and Woody were in another market, the papers would work up such a negative buzz, changes would have to be made.

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