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Can We Really Beat Boston with a 7 Player Rotation


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It looks like Woody has decided to go with a 7 man rotation when we get into the playoffs vs Boston. Chillz and Zaza off the bench and that's it. Can we survive like that? I really think we need to get Acie in there to spell Bibby and use JR to spell JJ. I don't like when we go without a real PG and he puts Chillz in there as PG with JJ as an alternative. I think this strategy won't work because it puts too many minutes on out starters.

What do u guys think?

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No. We could have played our bench significant minutes all season and we still wouldn't beat Boston in a series. They are the better team top to bottom and are clearly the best team in the NBA. If we had a comparable bench talent wise then I would say that we had a shot, but then again if we had that we wouldn't be in the 8th spot to begin with.

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I hate Chillz playing the point. It plays to his weaknesses and takes him away from his strengths. He is effective roaming the baseline and working the short corner in. He is also an outstanding offensive rebounder. When he is running the point he cant do either of these things because he has to have court balance.

To answer your other question, in short, no. I will hope against hope but not only is Boston the better team, they will get premium treatment from the refs. ESPN/ABC loves Boston and you know Stern wants to see them advance to the Finals. Don't think the refs aren't aware of that.

Vets/young players (i.e. Horf/KG, Pierce/Smoove) the vet gets the call every time. Add to that the fact that it's boston. Any close game the Hawks will be at a sever disadvantage.

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No. We could have played our bench significant minutes all season and we still wouldn't beat Boston in a series. They are the better team top to bottom and are clearly the best team in the NBA. If we had a comparable bench talent wise then I would say that we had a shot, but then again if we had that we wouldn't be in the 8th spot to begin with.

I do not think Boston will win the NBA Title. I still think Detroit will beat them.

I will not say what our bench can't do until they get some playing time on the reg.

How can you say what our bench can't do when they have not play on the reg. the whole year?

Take J-Rich for example. This guy comes off the bench in the 1st couple of games blazing. He looked like he could not miss. That was because he had being playing in the DL, getting plenty of PLAYING TIME. Then he get puts in the WOODY SYSTEM...AKS LARRY BROWN somewhat system... where Vets get all of the playing time. Now, he looks like he can't play.


I said it once before and I will say it again... No player can look good playing 2min in every 5 games. When you go put them out there to play 5min after they have set the bench for a whole month it's like a crap shoot. They may play good or bad.

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i dont see why salim, acie, and richardson can't get minutes when they put in their backups like tony allen...solomon jones actually didnt play all that bad against KG..he had a couple fouls but overall was pretty decent..he matches up size wise well with KG...

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I wouldn't say they're the best team in the NBA, but they're definitely better than us. Anyone expecting us to win this series or even push them in it needs to wake up. All I want to see is us playing hard, competing and trying to win, not just rolling over and taking the beating everyone expects us to get. If we can steal a game from them I will be happy as a pig in mud.

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Just judging them based on their best record in the NBA and how they dominated the western conference I would say that has to make them the best team in the NBA, at least until someone beats them. I think the Pistons will give them a run for their money but in the end even the mighty Pistons won't beat the Celtics. I don't think any team in the west will have enough left to even make it much of a fight in the finals.

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I think we Woodson will use a 8 man rotation with Childress, ZaZa, and Law off the bench against the Celts..and maybe even Solomon too-at least i hope lol because we're gonna need an extra big body against them

If Woodson wont use him now (especially with everyone saying now isnt the time to be "developing" players), what makes you think he will use him during the high-pressure, let's-do-something in the playoffs time?

It's a rhetorical question...

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