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Diop a goner in N.J


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April 19, 2008, 5:28 pm In a review of the Nets’ roster, Dave D’Alessandro writes DeSagana Diop, the second piece in the Jason Kidd trade, is likely a “goner”. D’Alessandro calls it a “hunch” but adds, “by the time they get their front court together, he’ll be taken”. Dave D also predicts Nachbar will go with “the first team that comes up with a $4M/year offer”, saying it’s 50-50 that team will be the Nets. He also writes the Nets will let Nenad Krstic test the market.

maybe we can get him?

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Diop would be a good addition off the bench for the right price. I watched Mutumbo play the other night and he looks like a good bench player. He seems to still have a defensive presence. He is cheap and should end his career here.

Getting Diop this off-season is my dream. Matching him with Al and Smoove would be sick.. All those rebs, and block shots is just what a young team needs... room for errors. It would be even sweeter if we can manage to sign him cheap.

Get that guy in the weight room and some good ol ATL freaks to make sure he stays in shape... an All-Star in the making baby... LOL

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I understand being enamored with a 7 foot "defensive type" big man, but hell Priest Lauderdale was 7'4 300 lbs and he was still a stiff. A Stiff is a Stiff is A stiff.

is a stiff is a stiff is STILL BETTER THAN ZAZA.I would take Aaron Gray over Zaza.

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I understand being enamored with a 7 foot "defensive type" big man, but hell Priest Lauderdale was 7'4 300 lbs and he was still a stiff. A Stiff is a Stiff is A stiff.

The fact is that we have no reliable defensive presence to come off the bench at the Center position. If you think,even for a second, that Zaza is our answer, then you are an idiot. Diop may be no all-star, but he is good defensive presence that we desperately need to be our primary option off the bench at the 5. Would I like a more athletic Center who could also give you about 10 points a game? Sure. But the fact is, there won't be any for a reasonable price out there.

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Zaza is WAY better than felaffel flop. Diop should be signed as a backup only. Zaza is a sieve defensively, but can play O. Diop is a warm body only.

ZAZA CAN PLAY OFFENSE?lolololololololol u just made my day man.

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Diop was a vital part of the Dallas defense and is a 20 min/game guy off the bench for a contending team... Zaza won't sniff a rotation in Dallas. People whining about a 7' that can play defense... well, you got him in Diop... what the hell more do you want? Hawks would be in great front court shape if they got him and bring in a coach that can manage the team.

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He is an above average passer, can shoot FTs, and has better ball handling skills than Smith. I fail to see what is funny about that.

it's funny because he sucks,duh.He thinks he's a guard,he thinks he's an all-star that takes a shot whenever the ball comes to him.He's a black hole that can't put the ball through the hole.He throws up retarded shots,he fumbles away passes.He goes for Iverson lay-ups instead of dunks.He's also a stiff that is slow as hell.He tries to make moves like Garnett or Duncan or something only too look like a slow idiot,just like his coach that plays him.

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So you should always dunk? Tim Duncan may disagree. Hit the center of the square on the backboard and it will go in. 5th grade fundamentals.

Tim Duncan doesn't think he's Iverson either.Tim Duncan wouldn't pass up an easy 2 to go for a reverse lay-up only to miss it.Tim Duncan isn't a sorry azz backup on the Atlanta Hawks.Yeah that's 5th grade fundamentals,so why can't Zaza do it?If Tim Duncan was surrounded by defenders he won't go up soft with with it.lol Zaza can barely hit the backboard let alone the square.

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