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Tommy Heinson is blaming the refs, LOSER


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I slept through the game so I have no clue what happened but he is blaming some call that Pierce got fouled out of the game on calling in chincey.

The channel that shows the Celtics every single announcer looks like they are going to cry. They literally look shocked. This rocks.

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Yeah I heard/saw that too. What do you expect though? Celtics fans are mostly homers, and most of them don't even care what happens on the court. They just think it should always go against the Celtics' opponents.

The foul on Pierce was out of the play, so I think it was somewhat deserved. The only questionable call that stood out from the rest was Cassell getting a technical even though he didn't really deserve one. However, calls were made equally between the two sides IMO, and I think it was good officiating.

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You slept through the game? You should either be banned as a Hawks fan or castrated. Let the fans vote.

I already told you I am not a Hawks fan per say. I am a Celtic hater. They need to lose. They deserve to lose.

I am tired. You try getting up with 2 month old twins at 2 and 4 and 6 am and see how wide awake you stay.lol

I am not the bandwagon type but if the Hawks knock off the Celtics they deserve to win and keep winning.

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I slept through the game so I have no clue what happened but he is blaming some call that Pierce got fouled out of the game on calling in chincey.

The channel that shows the Celtics every single announcer looks like they are going to cry. They literally look shocked. This rocks.

Please! Garnett was steam rolling Smoove all night long and josh was getting called for the fouls! awful calls!

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You slept through the game? You should either be banned as a Hawks fan or castrated. Let the fans vote.

I'm voting for banned. But that's only if he passed out from all the alcohol he consumed at the pre-game party. Otherwise I might just say castration.

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You slept through the game? You should either be banned as a Hawks fan or castrated. Let the fans vote.

Let's hear his reason...

...most likely ban. No reason to sleep through the game.

I gave my reason below. You want to babysit the twins I'll stay awake.lol

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All I know is that Tommy Heinson is the most obnoxious announcer since Johnny Most (god rest his soul) I once called up Johnny Most on the phone before the the Celtics-Hawks game in the Hartford Civic Center and told him I was sick of his overly-biased announcing. He didn't appreciate it and I'm not even sure now how I got through to him on the phone. I'm not sure what excuse I used at the time. I was young and crazy then and a big "Pistol Pete" fan.

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I hate the Celtic's with a passion it would be like them to say thev refs were the ones that blew the game for them. The league will want to see the Celts advance on Sunday so they'll get the calls. The Hawk's must find a way to keep the Celtics off the boards to make this a close game. I would love to see the Hawks win sunday but the odds are incredibly stacked against them.Good luck Hawks.

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