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First Half Analysis


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One word....Nerves

Defensively, we really didn't play that bad. We gave up 44 points, which puts the Celtics on pace for 88 points in the game. That's very solid defense.

Unfortunately, the offense was bad. Awful. Celtics played great D, but in spite of that, the Hawks were able to get a lot of great looks, but just couldn't convert.

Furthermore, the refs have been of no assistance. We're attacking similarly to the way we have in the games at home, but we're just not getting the calls. Only getting 4 free throw attempts in the half. Partial credit to the Celtic's defense, you can tell Doc told them to not give bailout fouls and force us to make difficult shots inside.

In the second half, we're going to need to limit the turnovers and keep up the defensive effort. We're beginning to rebound better than we started out doing, need to keep that up. We've forced a few bad shots in the halfcourt set, we can't have that unless it's towards the basket.

Summary. To win, we're going to need to put together a few 30 point quarters to have a chance. We were only able to score 26 in the first half, so it doesn't look good

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It's not that our offense is playing really bad, it's the fact that we aren't hussling out there. It doesn't even look like we wanna be in the playoffs right now. There is nothing that is pumping us up right now. In order to even think about making this game close, the Hawks need a catalyst to their offense, and most importantly, Al Horford and Josh Smith need to step up and stop getting outrebounded by players such as Rondo... Rebound, rebound, and rebound.

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its over...

We've been doubled up and at this point even 50 points look like a stretch.

I blame nerves (Horford), bad coaching (COMPLETE lack of an offensive strategy other than Joe), and Josh Smith.

Josh Smith should sit for the rest of the game; he doesn't deserve to be on the court right now.

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