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"Goodbye BK" Good article


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"So what does this mean for the franchise moving forward? Look for Mike Woodson to make an exit in the near future. He was Knight’s pick for the head coaching spot and ownership wanted him fired last season. With Knight now out of the picture, I can’t see Woodson staying on, especially with coaches like Mike D’Antoni and Avery Johnson on the market."

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Yeah he was definitely off there. I would be thrilled to find out that we have gotten into the D'Antoni chase, or Avery Johnson, but it looks like at this point at least that Woodson will be brought back. The really bad part about that is it will take at least a 2 year deal so even if he stinks this year and they can him ownership will be on the hook for his contract and the new head coach which means they probably wouldn't spend much on a new coach.

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I don't know. He is talking about LAST season not this past season. There was a point that BK had to rally the owners to come out in support of Woody. So some of them may have wanted to can him. This past season was when BK was ready to get rid of him.

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That is an awesome article. I also believe that we must not all put so much pressure on Knight for passing on Paul because Marvin's stock was skyrocketing at the time of the draft. He's had his ups and downs, and it's unfortunate that he's made bigger mistakes than successes.

Hopefully Atlanta will find a better GM, but good luck to Billy Knight in the future nonetheless.

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BK was the WORST GM a team could ever have. He MISSED on most draft picks (JC/Deng...CP3or Deron/Marvin...ad nauseum). The guy SUCKED as a GM. Period....exclamation point...he SUCKED.

Want to talk about 2nd rounders?............we ALL knew Milsap would be a player. The man was a fool.....dumb ass walking his dog...now let's finish it and rid ourselves of a poor coach.

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BK was the WORST GM a team could ever have. He MISSED on most draft picks (JC/Deng...CP3or Deron/Marvin...ad nauseum). The guy SUCKED as a GM. Period....exclamation point...he SUCKED.

Want to talk about 2nd rounders?............we ALL knew Milsap would be a player. The man was a fool.....dumb ass walking his dog...now let's finish it and rid ourselves of a poor coach.

Yeah because Acie Law, Joe Johnson, JOsh Smith, and Al Horford are such terrible pieces to build around.

Some people suck as "fans" period because they let their agendas blind their judgment.

THat was a good article but it was inaccurate on the part about us needing to trade for that Phoenix pick. They weren't listening to an offer from Atlanta. Clearly they didn't want to trade us back the pick that we gave them in the 1st place

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BK was the WORST GM a team could ever have. He MISSED on most draft picks (JC/Deng...CP3or Deron/Marvin...ad nauseum). The guy SUCKED as a GM. Period....exclamation point...he SUCKED.

Want to talk about 2nd rounders?............we ALL knew Milsap would be a player. The man was a fool.....dumb ass walking his dog...now let's finish it and rid ourselves of a poor coach.

Yeah because Acie Law, Joe Johnson, JOsh Smith, and Al Horford are such terrible pieces to build around.

Some people suck as "fans" period because they let their agendas blind their judgment.

I'll give you Josh. But do you really think it was some excellent GM'ing that landed Acie and Al? Yeah, those were two sleepers he pulled out of his sleeve. After the previous crapfair who else was he going to pick? Give me a break the man outright sucked.

And on top of it all he's still going to be hurting us if we keep Woody. Fk BK.

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I'll give you Josh. But do you really think it was some excellent GM'ing that landed Acie and Al? Yeah, those were two sleepers he pulled out of his sleeve. After the previous crapfair who else was he going to pick? Give me a break the man outright sucked.

And on top of it all he's still going to be hurting us if we keep Woody. Fk BK.

Are you really going to tell me those moves WEREN'T great?

First of all, we had to make a deal to get the 11th pick in the FIRST PLACE.

And that allowed us to get the best available combination out of the 3rd and 11th pick combined where we went with Horford.

Not even close to a no-brainer either. THe joke is that I basically campaigned for every post player in the draft. Reason being is because without a 7 footer, I had my reservations if Al could play C in the NBA. I fell for the BS about height and reach.

Not even close to a no brainer decision especially considering people saying passing Mike Conley Jr would be Chris Paul all over again.

BK got the most out of those two picks with Horford and Law.

You can bash Marvin but 4 out of the 5 total players in our future starting lineup outside of Marvin have very promising futures. That's a damn good job of GMing especially considering the oldest of them is 26.

If BK sucks with a core like that, then 95% of the GMs in the league suck

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I'll give you Josh. But do you really think it was some excellent GM'ing that landed Acie and Al? Yeah, those were two sleepers he pulled out of his sleeve. After the previous crapfair who else was he going to pick? Give me a break the man outright sucked.

And on top of it all he's still going to be hurting us if we keep Woody. Fk BK.

Are you really going to tell me those moves WEREN'T great?

First of all, we had to make a deal to get the 11th pick in the FIRST PLACE.

And that allowed us to get the best available combination out of the 3rd and 11th pick combined where we went with Horford.

Not even close to a no-brainer either. THe joke is that I basically campaigned for every post player in the draft. Reason being is because without a 7 footer, I had my reservations if Al could play C in the NBA. I fell for the BS about height and reach.

Not even close to a no brainer decision especially considering people saying passing Mike Conley Jr would be Chris Paul all over again.

BK got the most out of those two picks with Horford and Law.

You can bash Marvin but 4 out of the 5 total players in our future starting lineup outside of Marvin have very promising futures. That's a damn good job of GMing especially considering the oldest of them is 26.

If BK sucks with a core like that, then 95% of the GMs in the league suck

Yeah, you're right. The article nailed pretty much all my feelings on BK.

Yes, he missed on drafting Marvin, but that's the kind of mistake that at least half of the NBA franchises would have made in that same spot. ALL of the talk coming up to the draft was about Marvin and Bogut, who were the absolute can't-miss prospects out of that draft. Someone else might have taken Paul, but no one could have predicted just how much better Paul is at this point than Marvin.

And he was dead-on about Sheldon too. That's never emphasized enough. Eveyone who criticizes him wants to throw out Marvin over CP3, but that wasn't an idiotic move. Taking Shell over Roy and Gay was an idiotic move.

The trade to select Bibby is one that couldn't have been easy to work out. I was fairly certain that a ton of spare parts that even WE didn't want couldn't land us any kind of useful player. That's an instance of some very good, hard work put in to work a deal that he knew we needed. It deserves to applauded, no matter how much he may have screwed up elsewhere.

BK wasn't a great GM, but he certainly wasn't a complete screw-up.

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