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I don't normally like to bring up politics here


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but I had to share this quote that was brought up on the radio this morning from one of Barack's books.

"Should the winds of politics ever change in an unfavorable way, I will stand with the Muslims"

That's a scary thought for a guy that could end up as our President.

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That is unfortunate. Do you know what the context of that quote is? Quote mining can really lead to stuff being completely out of context and used in the opposite way it was intended.

The other question is which muslims is he refering to? The fanatics that are killing everyone or the moderates who are working to get relations with the West and Jews normalized?

At any rate, Obama has a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease.

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That is very scarry. This very sad part IMHO is the reverse racism. There are so many blacks who will vote for the 1st time which is great. However their only reason is because Obama is black. Anyhow all this is really going to do is almost guarantee that our next Pres is McCain. So get ready for more WAR. I hope some how Hillary Clinton gets the DEms nomination but thats a miracle now. Now is not the time to sign up in the armed forces thats for sure.

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but I had to share this quote that was brought up on the radio this morning from one of Barack's books.

"Should the winds of politics ever change in an unfavorable way, I will stand with the Muslims"

That's a scary thought for a guy that could end up as our President.

I need context on this.

That could be read so differently. For example:

(1) I won't let people attack Muslims or any other faith because of their religion, and I won't stand by idly if Muslims in this country are attacked when the winds of politics change in an unfavorable way. Just as I would stand with Christians if they were being attacked, I will stand with the Muslims and not be someone who supports you only when things are good.

(2) I know there are Muslim extremists looking to attack this country. If the winds of policis change in an unfavorable way, I will stand with the Muslims against my own country.

You need context before this has real meaning.


Sure enough, reading it in context it is nothing frightening at all unless you are nostalgic for interning the Japenese in internment camps:


"Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

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I don't know the context of that quote but I do know that Muslims do not equal terrorists. I realize that we have begun to think of all Muslims in a negative light and that is truly unfortunate. Every group (religions included) has a radical fringe that often stands as a counter to the traditional values of the mainstream. To assume that every Muslim is ready to blow themselves up and kill Americans is to assume that every Republican is ready to blow up abortion clinics and kill the doctors. Again, their is a radical fringe within every group. It would be helpful to understand the context of the quote and to understand the "mainstream" values of religious groups. Instead of being scared, seek understanding so that you can determine that which you should truly fear (based on your own research and not the opinions of others).

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I missed which book they said it was from but I will try to find out and pass that along to you all. I agree that things can be taken out of context to look/sound like something completely different and that could be the case here but this radio station I listen to in the mornings tends to be very fair and balanced so they wouldn't simply attack Barack.

Of course this comes on the heels of him saying he has all 57 states, which at first sounded ignorant, until you do some digging and find that there are 57 muslim states (or countries). It just goes to show that all of his learning from his time in the middle east are still ingrained in his brain pretty deeply. I have nothing against muslims but it scares me to think that our next President has such strong ties to the religion that has so many people terrorizing our country.

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AHF, thanks for putting that "quote" into its context. I really get tired of the hate-mongering that utilizes quote minning. Dol this is not to say you were hate-mongering, its the source you got it from.

Unfortunately, Americans seem to be willing to take in this sort of out of context material. It is really unfortunate. We have a free press in the U.S. but we don't hold the press to any standards by calling them out when they print/report crud like an out of context quote. Just as a comparison look at what the military junta in Burma (I refuse to use the illegal name those jacka$$'s are using) is doing with the press and the cyclone relief. The junta chiefs are taking all the aid that is sent in and claiming it was their aid. All media in Burma is now controlled by that junta, thus the populace has no idea what is going on.

In a side note: there is almost no way that Obama would loose an election to McCain. Watch McCain when he speaks. He is beginning to have those old man shakes, he's slouched over, and his voice crackles some. Obama is arrow straight and has a pressence. If anything that the last four elections have shown is that a strong physical appearance trumps actual intellect (not that Obama isn't highly intelligent) and common sense (not that Obama isn't sensical).

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This is the quote from the Audacity of Hope. Anyone who is trying to use this out of context on a radio show is pandering to people with an anti-Muslim agenda, IMO. Reading it in context it is nothing frightening at all unless you are nostalgic the days when you could cram Americans of Japenese ancestry into internment camps:


"Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

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Of course this comes on the heels of him saying he has all 57 states, which at first sounded ignorant, until you do some digging and find that there are 57 muslim states (or countries). It just goes to show that all of his learning from his time in the middle east are still ingrained in his brain pretty deeply. I have nothing against muslims but it scares me to think that our next President has such strong ties to the religion that has so many people terrorizing our country.

Give me a break!

He says he has visited nearly every state in the Union having visited 57 states with 1 left to visit and being unable to make it to Alaska or Hawaii.

47 + 1 + 2 = 50

Is is possible he misspoke? I know this country has never seen that from a presidential candidate, but it does happen.

I guess those same radio pundits who want to rail on this also believe that George Bush is trying to destroy our country and the American people since in a speech about what his administration planned to do he said:


[Our enemies]never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

I can't imagine how anyone reads that quote from Bush and can't figure out that he misspoke and meant to say that he never stopped thinking about ways to stop our enemies or how anyone would hear the quote from Obama and can't figure out he said 57 when he intended to say 47.

It is amazing to me the way things get twisted in politics.

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Or when W said that OB-GYNs are having a difficult time practicing their "Love" on women, lol.

I lean towards a more conservative slant but that quote was obviously taken out of context and is blatantly pandering to what is likely a majority conservative audience.

Objective journalism is almost non-existent any more, and that goes for both sides of the scale (left v right). Everyone is pushing an agenda and most of the public just eats it up like a lapdog (and that is not meant as an insult to you Dolf, but rather people who don't do their homework on what they are presented and just take it at face value as fact).

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The radio show didn't bring that up, I heard it myself when he said it and no he didn't misspeak by mistaking it as 47. Talk about drastically stretching to find the truth. You can defend it any way that you want but I suggest you go and listen to it before you rush to judgment.

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Where did you get that quote from? Did you type that out or find it online someplace? That definitely reads differently than what was being read on the air this morning and like I said earlier this is not an anti-Obama morning show that I listen to and I find it hard to believe that they would purposely twist that quote to make him look bad.

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I agree that the majority of the media is slanted and that is one of the biggest issues that is always brought up on the show but I can honestly say that they don't play to the conservative audience any more or less than they do to the liberal. In fact what they keep pushing is that people should realize that we have more of a choice than either republican or democrat in the election. I can also assure you that they rail on Bush quite often, even though Barbara Bush (the grandma not the daughter) listens to the show most mornings.

I believe that Bush makes mistakes in his speaking because he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, whereas that 57 states thing is NOT something I would expect from someone who is as intelligent as Obama is.

Back to the original post though, I am going to try and find that book for myself to see exactly how it reads. If what AHF quoted is how it really reads then I will be calling in to find out if they twisted it or if they were reading it from another source and not from the book itself.

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Here is the entire quote. It is from his book "Audacity of Hope" (Page 261) and he is talking about standing with Arab and Pakistani AMERICAN'S! He is not talking about abandoning the USA, he is just talking about standing behind any Americans that are unfairly

questioned because of what happened on 9/11.

“In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans … have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging,” he laments. “I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Sen. Barack Hussein Obama

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The radio show didn't bring that up, I heard it myself when he said it and no he didn't misspeak by mistaking it as 47. Talk about drastically stretching to find the truth. You can defend it any way that you want but I suggest you go and listen to it before you rush to judgment.

I did listen to it. Here is the clip. There is nothing about Muslims in there. Talk about rushing to judgment...

"It is just wonderful to be back in Oregon. And over the last fifteen months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I have now been in fifty...seven states...I think one left to go. One left to go because Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit my staff would not justify it."

Man. Crazy Islamic talk. /sarcasm

Are we really talking about the same thing here?

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Just out of curiosity, what is the "fear"? That he will get us involved in a meaningless war? That he will waste lives and money on the wrong enemy? Or that under his watch, the economy will tank? Or that he will send thousands of jobs overseas? Or that many Americans will struggle to pay for gas, mortgage and food? Or that he will be the leader of a party that is wrought with corruption?

What's wrong with electing someone who can think outside of our borders? What's wrong with a POTUS who has studied more than 1 religion? Has the narrow guidelines we've used the past 20-30 years resulted in such success that we dare not break the mold?

What's the fear? That he will walk into a State of the Union address with a bomb vest underneath his Armani suit? That he will give the key to the White House restrooms to radical Islamics while everyone is looking at the pretty flowers in the rose garden? Is the fear that he has befriended angry Black men? That someone who has friends outside of America knows people who don't like our international policy? Is the fear that he is lying and that he really DOESN'T want to change DC? That he is in fact satisfied with the status quo?

Here's a rule of thumb, any media that ultimately uses fear or scare tactics is probably not that "objective". At worse, they are pushing their own brand of propaganda. At best, they are exploiting those who believe what they see on "24" are probable scenarios that could befall our country if not for the heroics of a real-life Jack Bauer. Wake-up people!

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Being Muslim doesn't equal being a terrorist; however, 99.9% of terrorists just happen to be Muslims. Do the research. Look at all hostile conflicts taking place around the world. Just about every single one involves Muslim fanatics. It would be nice if the peace-loving Muslims would stand up and demand that the fanatics stop the violence and stop destroying their image around the world because the image they are giving the Muslim world is that of an out-of-date and gutter religion. Oh, but they remain, for the most part, strangely quiet. Except for when a cartoon of that pedophile Mohammad is publicized and then, oh boy, you better watch out for the Muslims are then indeed offended and will riot in the streets to show their displeasure.

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Being Muslim doesn't equal being a terrorist; however, 99.9% of terrorists just happen to be Muslims. Do the research. Look at all hostile conflicts taking place around the world. Just about every single one involves Muslim fanatics. It would be nice if the peace-loving Muslims would stand up and demand that the fanatics stop the violence and stop destroying their image around the world because the image they are giving the Muslim world is that of an out-of-date and gutter religion. Oh, but they remain, for the most part, strangely quiet. Except for when a cartoon of that pedophile Mohammad is publicized and then, oh boy, you better watch out for the Muslims are then indeed offended and will riot in the streets to show their displeasure.

So again, I ask the question, are you concerned that one of November's primary candidates for POTUS is a terrorist? And what do you expect that he will do once he is sworn into office?

I guess you probably find it quite humorous that the story that gave him the most difficulty was about his Christian Pastor. I guess it is ironic, that the lie he has been living as a member of TUCC would bite him in his Muslim butt, huh? I assume that is how you marry his closet Muslim beliefs with his membership in a Christian denomination... that it is part of the Manchurian cover-up that our 25-hour/day media has yet to fully uncover, right?

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