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The movies I've seen from 2007 and the order I


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Like them. *=movies I own.

Jesse James:10/10*

There Will Be Blood:9/10*

No Country for Old Men:8.5/10*


Hot Fuzz:8/10*

3:10 to Yuma:8/10*

The Mist:8/10*

Knocked Up:8/10*

The Bourne Ultimatum:8/10

The Hoax:7.5/10*

Black Snake Moan:7.5/10*

28 Weeks Later:7.5/10

Into the Wild:7/10*

Planet Terror:7/10*

Death Proof:7/10*




Live Free or Die Hard:6.5/10*

Spider Man 3:6/10

Dead Silence:6/10*



Wild Hogs:5.5/10

Rush Hour 3:3/10

Meet the Robinsons:2/10


I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry:0/10

The Hills Have Eyes II:0/10* (Gift)

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Same old junk. Lots of good or entertaining actors in the usual stupid jokes. I wish Adam Sandler would go away. He has to be 45 years old and still making movies with the same old jokes that 13 year olds would do.

Btw, I watched Ratatouille last night and I would put it 3rd behind Jesse James and There Will Be Blood.

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Yes. Transformers is garbage.

What more can you expect from Michael Bay though.

Saw it the other night on cable and I wouldn't call it garbage, I would call it three day old left-overs. Another day and they are in the garbage. Too predictable and bad acting. I actually thought there wasn't enough on the robots. All the shots, esp during the fights were hard to follow and the robots just didn't really tear each other up enough.

BIG plot hole- why the heck would an army captain go into a city and put civilians at risk when he could have gone into the mountains? Then you add in the F-22's coming in a low-level attack? WTF- F22 is a stand-off air-to-air with some A-G capability platform. A Warthog would have been better- that 30mm gun would have been perfect to see going off.

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I disagree with your assessment of Transformers. I loved the movie, but that's just me. And No Country for Old Men is over-rated in my opinion. And the Mist wasn't all too good either, they kinda rushed the ending.

Transformers was one of the best action flicks in a looooong time. Acting and plot were bad? Well, perhaps, but it was an "action"movie. BTW, you HAD to see that one at the movies. Television simply doesn't do it justice.

No Country for Old Men was the best movie this year, period. FWIW I don't usually follow the Acadamy.

The Mist was OK, but talk about poor plots. Who the hell does what they did at the end without even giving it a day? They were on the road for what, a couple of hours max? Reminded me of that South Park episode where they get trapped in the gym (i think) and Cartmen starts wanting to eat people even though it's only been a few hours. Funny stuff.

Haven't seen all of the movies on your list, but the ones I have seen is pretty close to where I'd rank them.

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I don't think Bay has ever made a good movie. Shallow junk movies from a shallow action director. You think NCFOM and the Mist is overrated, but you like Transformers. Oh, brother.

Popcorn flicks (which is another word for meaningless) need to die. Their time has past. They got nothing new to offer.

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Is there anything Bay knows about other than special effects?

On another note, I think I gave Into the Wild a rating higher than it might deserve. I had mixed feelings about it. I didn't totally mind what the dude did, but the way he hurt everybody on his journey was bad. The more I think about it, the more I think Chillz was right on this one. Chandless shows mostly stupidity as the movie goes along.

I would probably drop it to a 6.

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I don't think Bay has ever made a good movie. Shallow junk movies from a shallow action director. You think NCFOM and the Mist is overrated, but you like Transformers. Oh, brother.

Popcorn flicks (which is another word for meaningless) need to die. Their time has past. They got nothing new to offer.

Bay sucks but Transformers was actually a successful use of his "talents." There is a place for a shallow movie about robots blasting eachother with a Megan Fox hottie thrown in on the side.

That movie was not anything special but it was enjoyable enough for what it was trying to do. It is movies like Pearl Harbor that are supposed to have some substance that really make me dislike him. Jerry Brockenheimer fits roughly the same mold for me.

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I disagree with your assessment of Transformers. I loved the movie, but that's just me. And No Country for Old Men is over-rated in my opinion. And the Mist wasn't all too good either, they kinda rushed the ending.

Transformers was one of the best action flicks in a looooong time. Acting and plot were bad? Well, perhaps, but it was an "action"movie. BTW, you HAD to see that one at the movies. Television simply doesn't do it justice.

I think I'm with Hot on this one. Bay just doesn't do it for me with his movies anymore (if he ever did). It could also be that I didn't grow up being a Transformers fan. If you liked the cartoon in the 80s(?) I am sure it was a fun movie to see.

Your comment got me thinkning of what is the best action movie I have seen ove the past year or so- tell you the truth I can't think of a good one- but I haven't seen that many either.

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I don't think Bay has ever made a good movie. Shallow junk movies from a shallow action director. You think NCFOM and the Mist is overrated, but you like Transformers. Oh, brother.

Popcorn flicks (which is another word for meaningless) need to die. Their time has past. They got nothing new to offer.

Bay sucks but Transformers was actually a successful use of his "talents." There is a place for a shallow movie about robots blasting eachother with a Megan Fox hottie thrown in on the side.

That movie was not anything special but it was enjoyable enough for what it was trying to do. It is movies like Pearl Harbor that are supposed to have some substance that really make me dislike him. Jerry Brockenheimer fits roughly the same mold for me.

Add Joel Schumacher to that list for me. That guy hasn't made a good movie since "Lost Boys"

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I disagree with your assessment of Transformers. I loved the movie, but that's just me. And No Country for Old Men is over-rated in my opinion. And the Mist wasn't all too good either, they kinda rushed the ending.

Transformers was one of the best action flicks in a looooong time. Acting and plot were bad? Well, perhaps, but it was an "action"movie. BTW, you HAD to see that one at the movies. Television simply doesn't do it justice.

I think I'm with Hot on this one. Bay just doesn't do it for me with his movies anymore (if he ever did). It could also be that I didn't grow up being a Transformers fan. If you liked the cartoon in the 80s(?) I am sure it was a fun movie to see.

Your comment got me thinkning of what is the best action movie I have seen ove the past year or so- tell you the truth I can't think of a good one- but I haven't seen that many either.

I was a big Transformer fan so perhaps i'm a little bias towards it. And I guess there haven't been any real good action movies for a looooooong time either. Good points, but it still made me smile.

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Pretty much everything... Good villian, violent, unpredictable and some good bits of humor. The scene with the tent poles had me laughing abit as did the scene at the hotel with the desk clerk. Honestly, I liked it better on the second viewing because the first time I got caught up in the action.

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