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this teams needs bench..thats it


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Do the Hawk's have one man you can run an offense through? Based on what I have seen this teams basketball IQ is low and KB is right way to many one on one plays. Basketball is a team game good teams will let your high scorer get 50 and everyone else is shut down. The idea is to win games which comes from team play. Looking at a few players on the team.

1.Smoove - low basketball IQ why run the offense through him

2. Marvin - can't dribble and chew gum at the same time

3. Bibby - to inconsistent

4.Horford - still learning the game good player

5.JJ - good player but needs the ball to much looking to score. How do you run the offense through JJ when he is looking to score?

Overall this team needs a coach to change the mindset of the team if it can be done. I don't think it can way to many selfish players that think they can take over a game.If you can't adapt then the Hawk's need to get rid of you.

No matter how big a superstar you have that star knows to win championships others must be involved. JJ isn't on par with the elite players and the Hawk's don't have anyone close to being a consistent go to player or running your team through. I stand by my earlier posts I would welcome a big deal to get better team play.

Well as for Josh Smith, you're right about his low basketball IQ. That's why I want to isolate him on the low post and run the offense through him (and Horford). Good things generally happen with Smoove in the post. He might turn the ball over a bit more than we'd like, but if we force into a position where he has fewer options to do something outside his game (like, oh, hoisting 6.6 jumpshots a game and making 1.8) we're going to get much more value and efficiency from him. He'll look more like a star.

And we shouldn't run it entirely through the post. We can still run those perimeter isolations for JJ, BUT NOT FOR THE ENTIRE FOURTH QUARTER EVERY GAME. Joe can score on most NBA twos and even against double teams at times, but wouldn't it be much better if we actually started the offense down low and gave him some open looks?

As things are now, JJ ends up posting up his man and if he can't score, the open man on the perimeter is often the nefarious jumpshooter Josh Smith. That's a problem-when Josh Smith catches the ball wide open on the perimter, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset....well, bad things happen when Josh is open on the perimeter.

Smoove is extremely efficient inside (at least compared to his overall efficiency). He's successful in that he scores or is fouled most of the time. In fact, good things happen more often when he's involved in offense in the post than when he's not involved at all.

The entire point is to take pressure of JJ, anyway. Right now, Joe is our primary scoring threat and Josh Smith is our secondary threat. We need to make Joe and Josh both primary scoring threats, so that at any time we will run a play for either of them. And of course we need to run more plays through Al Horford, who has good basketball insticts and pretty good floor vision-we've seen him running the fast break, and passing out of double teams pretty well.

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We need a couple key additions to the bench. But in addition to that we need a coach that can use the players we have and develop them. Would retarded their development not enhanced it. I have little doubt that we have 3 or 4 guys on our bench that would have been in a regular rotation with other coaches and played anywhere from just a few minutes a night to regular 15 plus minutes strategically. That would have been huge when it came playoff time to have them ready.

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According to
Wages of Wins
the "just add a bench" theory is supported by their statistics (click link for entire article):


What does the "just add to the bench theory" say about JJ getting double teamed??

Nothing, Just adding to the bench wont solve that problem.

You wanna stop double teams on JJ, then stop running the entire damn offense through him. He's not in the tier of talent with guys like Lebron, Kobe, and Chris Paul where he can play 1 on 5 and win most of the time.

We need to start running (at least on occasion) the offense through Josh Smith in the post. Throw the ball in, let him work it around. Mr. Defensive player of the year, KG, even struggled to guard J-Smoove in the post on occasion. We run the offense down low, let him work it around-he's got ways of creating offense down low, when he's not a threat to take a deep jumper-and he has a good chance of either scoring, getting to the line, or passing out to an open man. Horford also does a good job or working into a good post position, identifying mismatches, seeing the floor, and making good decisions about whether to shoot it or pass it.

Heck, if Bibby just hits some open shots on occasion, it will open up Joe for more looks. Bibby struggled very mightily in late April and in the playoffs, so it allowed teams to get back to collapsing on Joe. But the offense is so backwards that we force the ball into a guy who gets double teamed anyway, he drives into traffic, and passes the ball out a career 30% jumpshooter who is, for some reason, entirely wide open on the perimeter.

Good post, bronnt. Part of the problem is that we basically play streetball and Joe doesn't help the situation. He is a chronic dribbler and doesn't do a whole lot when he doesn't have the ball. His endorsement of Woody shows me a lack of understanding of what would make him and the Hawks better. That is troubling. Joe works far too hard for too little. It could be so much easier if he played off the ball a little more and we had some movement. Also, I'd like to see him post up more than once a week. I appreciate that Joe can score, but I'm not exactly a big fan of his style. Will he change with a new coach? Who knows?

I agree that Josh Smith is growing as an offensive player. Not as a shooter, though. I think he may even be worse now.He is however, becoming more of a threat in the post. He is a talented passer and if under control, could be a valuable weapon there.

Our whole dynamic is flawed and limited. A competent GM that has the power to can Woody and tweak the roster could solve the whole deal really quick. Hard to get too excited until that falls into place.

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While I dont agree they are the same players I agree 100 % about signing humphrey. Its just crazy to me the best shooter in college basketball his senior year, and a guy who was just a big to the back to back championships as green, horford, brewer, and noah were, doesnt make an nba squad. JJ Redick has much better range, shoots the mid range better, runs better of picks, and has a little more size but if somehow we had JJ and Humphrey(2 of my favorite players the past few years in college basketball) Id probably [censored] myself lol.

The Hawks already tried the undersized college shooting guard thing with Salim and it didn't work out. The Hawks would be much better off getting a guy with some decent size that is a good shooter.

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Bibby while better than what we have had still wasn't good enough for this team. That along with the great coaching of Woodson is why this team couldn't be consistent down the stretch. Whomever is brought in as the new GM or coach needs to have a sit down with Bibby. Whomever the new GM or coach needs to have a sit down with each player and give them some tough love. Not to ruffle feathers but to motivate them to work hard in the offseason and give them a dose of reality. I would do it something like this:

Mike Bibby - We need you to get into better shape than last season. Veteran leadership is needed on and off the court and you must bring it. Your shooting has to become more consistent. We don't mind JJ handling the ball but we need you,the PG, to bring the ball up and get everyone involved. Being a spot up three point shooter isn't going to cut it. We need you to penetrate the defense and make good decisions when you do. You must work hard on defense.

Joe Johnson - Being the star player doesn't always mean taking the most shots. Instead of worrying about how many points you have we want you to become more team minded. Not saying that you aren't but the last regime set a bad example. You won't log as many minutes as you have in the past. In practice we need you to motivate the young players. Especially the bench players because they will be asked to do more. When on the bench encourage and support the guys in the game instead of just sitting and wanting to come back in. When you notice the rest of the team watching you tell them to rotate or move so they can get open looks. To whom much is given much is expected.

Josh Smith - Your athletism is amazing but that doesn't make you a great basketball player. You must make better decisions if you are to help this team win. Man to Man defense is just as important as making a big block. Boxing out has been something you haven't done on a consistent basis and that has to change. When on the break unless you are alone give it up to the PG or ball handler because they will give it back to you in transition. Don't over think while on the court. Relax, have fun and sacrafise your personal goals for the team. You are not a good jump shooter right now. If you want to be then take 800-1000 shots a day to work on it. Even if you become a better shooter we still want in the post. On the perimeter you are an average player. In the paint you can alter shots and score on just about anyone you want. Stay there and you will reach your potential.

Marvin Williams - You have a great mid range stroke. Thats not going to be enough going forward for this team. I don't care who has told you you have great talent because if you don't want it it means nothing. You must work to be great but first you must want to be great. The weight room must become your second home. Your range MUST expand to the three point line. Your post moves right now look uncoordinated and weak. Get with a big man coach to learn how to score down low and not depend on getting a foul call. I don't know why but you seem very unbalanced on the floor at times and you lose the ball to often. Maybe some yoga to improve your balance and your hands must become stronger. With your jumpshot teams must respect it. Now you must hurt them by driving to the basket with authority. If you improve in these areas you will be a great asset.

Josh Childress - Love your energy and hustle off the bench. Energy and hustle has to be part of your game not its entirety. You must get stronger in the upper and lower body. Your foot speed has to improve as well. You can continue to offensive rebound but not at the expense of leaving your man allowing easy put backs on the other end. I don't care how your shot looks but you must shoot it more and at a good percentage. That includes from behind the arc. The PG experiment with you is over and we want you to focus on becoming a better SG/SF off the bench. Always be prepared to start as well.

Al Horford - Good first season last year. So good more will be asked of you next season. First off the ball will be given to you more in the post. You must eliminate the traveling violations and improve your awareness once you catch the ball. Just because we throw you the ball down low doesn't mean you can't pass it back out to get better position or because you have got double teamed. Continue to improve on your man to man defense. We also would like you to go after more shots from the weakside helping whomever you are playing with down low. Your jumpshots consistency will be a big part of keeping your defender off balanced.

ZaZa Pachulia - Great moment with KG in the post season but that doesn't make a career or this team this season. You must become the offensive threat in the post you were when you first became a Hawk. Use your size and skill in the post against the oppenents bigs to either get them in foul trouble or give the opposing coach something else to think about. We need you to improve defensively. Your lateral movement must improve if you are to stay in front of some of the PF/C in the league. Most of all we need you to be an enforcer. Toughness is needed and you must bring it when you step on the floor. Don't get enamored with your jumpshot.

Acie Law - Last season is over and everything that happened in it. You will be counted on this season to bring solid PG play off the bench. We don't want to change you so much that you are thinking and not reacting on the court. Your jumper has to become more consistent. That includes mid range and from beyond the arc. You may want to work on a floater in the lane as well. We need you healthy so work on getting your body prepared for a full season. You are a great driver but you must find teammates sometimes instead of getting your shot blocked or causing a charge.

Mario West - Find a way to get a jumpshot or you may not make this team.

Jeremy Richardson - Add muscle and work on your defense. You also must be able to drive once teams start to sit on your jumper. Do these things you will make this team.

Solomon Jones - You must add weight and muscle in the off season. Get with a big man coach and learn at least one post move.

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A real PG.

A guy who knows how to run the show.

At this point, I would trade for Andre Miller.

We need a guy who will run the offense and waive off Smoove when he's about to take a bad shot.

Can we get Brevin Knight in FAcy.

I would even take a look at Marcus Williams.

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