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Let's say we trade Josh Smith for Michael Beasley


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How would that workout for us. Beasley would be a better player then Smith for us no doubt. But would he help us win a title. He plays the same position as Horford. He can shoot it so it gives us 3 three point shooters. Defensively we would be great on the board but we would have no shot blockers. Teams with fast PG's like SAS and NO would rape us. Offensively it would be hell to stop us. Too damn versailte... think Charlotte with Zo, LJ, Bouges, and Gill. I don't know, we would need Marvin to be more of a defensive pesence and defensive minded PG who can guard the fast PG's.

It's a strong possiblity, Riley is in love with Smith more then Smoovethefuture and he wants to sign Smith and really doesn't want Beasley with Wade as strongly as we might believe. What do you think about this idea?

EDIT: As for shots, that will be hard to value. We would have to trade Bibby but is Acie ready is really the question. The Hawks would need a vet PG(5+), who is smart, and can defend faster PG of the league. He needs to be a good off ball defender as well. No one comes to my mind right now, but that is what we need if we were to make this trade.

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How would that workout for us. Beasley would be a better player then Smith for us no doubt. But would he help us win a title. He plays the same position as Horford. He can shoot it so it gives us 3 three point shooters. Defensively we would be great on the board but we would have no shot blockers. Teams will fast PG's like SAS and NO would rape us. Offensively it would be hell to stop us. Too damn versailte... think Charlotte with Zo, LJ, Bouges, and Gill. I don't know, we would need Marvin to be more of a defensive pesence and defensive minded PG who can guard the fast PG's.

It's a strong possiblity, Riley is in love with Smith more then Smoovethefuture and he wants to sign Smith and really doesn't want Beasley with Wade. What do you think?

I originally proposed a trade of Smoove for Beasly/blount if Beasley goes to Miami.

However, here's the deal.

IN that trade, we'd be trading a great athlete and shot blocker for a better ball handler and shooter. Beasley is a street baller. He has cross overs and sick dribbling skills. However, he doesn't have Smoove's athletic ability and shot blocking timing. Beasley shot is better than Smoove, but I think he will struggle at first. The trade would allow us to move Beasley to the three and put Horf back at the 4.

I'm sure Riles loves smoove. Who doesn't. He'd do the deal. WHo wouldn't. The question is would we lose our defensive identity without Smoove?

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How would that workout for us. Beasley would be a better player then Smith for us no doubt. But would he help us win a title. He plays the same position as Horford. He can shoot it so it gives us 3 three point shooters. Defensively we would be great on the board but we would have no shot blockers. Teams will fast PG's like SAS and NO would rape us. Offensively it would be hell to stop us. Too damn versailte... think Charlotte with Zo, LJ, Bouges, and Gill. I don't know, we would need Marvin to be more of a defensive pesence and defensive minded PG who can guard the fast PG's.

It's a strong possiblity, Riley is in love with Smith more then Smoovethefuture and he wants to sign Smith and really doesn't want Beasley with Wade. What do you think?

I originally proposed a trade of Smoove for Beasly/blount if Beasley goes to Miami.

However, here's the deal.

IN that trade, we'd be trading a great athlete and shot blocker for a better ball handler and shooter. Beasley is a street baller. He has cross overs and sick dribbling skills. However, he doesn't have Smoove's athletic ability and shot blocking timing. Beasley shot is better than Smoove, but I think he will struggle at first. The trade would allow us to move Beasley to the three and put Horf back at the 4.

I'm sure Riles loves smoove. Who doesn't. He'd do the deal. WHo wouldn't. The question is would we lose our defensive identity without Smoove?

Smith is a elite athlete and could be a elite shot blocker but Beasley has great offensive skill with the ability to be elite in no time. That is not the even close to the case with Smith. Potenial is a key word for Smith and that isn't easy to reach as it sounds. He would need to be a gym rat for that to happen. As for Beasley again he is a excellent rebounder, not a street baller like you claim, in fact Josh would qualify for that statement much more then Smith.

Beasley is a PF who could be used as a 3 in a big lineup. I doubt that will happen with Marvin here. Horford is probably going to be a Center again which isn't great but his job on offense will be easier with the addition of Beasley. Beasley will have the opp. to play with a leader in Horford as well and this could make signing JJ back become a lot cheaper or just not sign him at all and make trades(down the road of course). We would most definely need a shot blocker and that's IMPORTANT with this type of roster.

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Potential means nothing.

Didn't you learn anything from Marvin #2.

Now.. I like what I see with Beasley.. but this one thing. He seems slow to me. PF Slow. Still. I think that once he becomes comfortable at this level, he will live on the line. He's got a nose for scoring around the goal. He has an assortment of moves, plus he is strong enough to take a foul and still get off a good shot.

Marvin's defense on this board is overrated.

Smoove's however is very neccessary.

We saw all season long how Smoove would leave the game and our defense would break down... Mainly because Smoove stops guys from just scoring in transition. Our defensive scheme with Smoove should be set up to a Junk defense (zone) with Smoove roaming (diamond and one like). I think Wood is smart enough to put in a matchup zone diamond and one that can double on certain scorers? If not, he should go look at some of those old Utah Utes tapes when Rick M. was trying to hide KVH...

My concern with Smoove is weather he will learn anything on offense. BBIQ. Not shooting because I think we exaggerate the shooting.. but can he become a driver. He needs to practice this summer with Beasley and learns some moves. Beasley is a lefty. If Smoove had Beasley's handle, we'd be talking about Kobe like.

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Kind of like Brandon Wright last year?

If Beasley was as good as he's hyped up to be then I'd make this trade in a second, but Beasley is way overhyped. I seriously think Beasley is just not going to be a good NBA player. He'll be a decent scorer and that's it, he will suck at defense his entire career. I'm close to putting him in Randolph territory. A great comparison I saw was Derrick Coleman, I think that's his best case scenario.

Now, if we are talking about Rose, I'd trade any player on our roster for him, he will be a star.

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Kind of like Brandon Wright last year?

I don't see the Wright comparison. Wright is more like Marvin and lacks aggressiveness.

Beasley will be plenty aggressive. I don't know about his defense. It's hard to say. However, his offense will be hard to stop once he gets comfortable. He should start out at Sf, but his lack of speed and athleticism makes me think he will end up at pF (even with his ball handling). It's not like he's slow.. but compared to a guy like Rudy Gay, he's slow. He's like a more athletic, less mechanical Deng.

I don't see the DC comparison either. DC was a Center.

When I see Beasley, he reminds me of Larry Nance...

Not fast, but athletic.

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Kind of like Brandon Wright last year?

If Beasley was as good as he's hyped up to be then I'd make this trade in a second, but Beasley is way overhyped. I seriously think Beasley is just not going to be a good NBA player. He'll be a decent scorer and that's it, he will suck at defense his entire career. I'm close to putting him in Randolph territory. A great comparison I saw was Derrick Coleman, I think that's his best case scenario.

Now, if we are talking about Rose, I'd trade any player on our roster for him, he will be a star.

Brandan Wright was what I said he was and I wasn't wrong either. Did I overhype him, yes but I wasn't wrong, no. If you thought you were doing something with that post you can go kill our self right now. DC was on pace to be the best PF ever till Drazen died and they lost their leader. Not to mention he was lazy and thuggish and without leadership he fell into quicksand. You say DC like he's Josh Smith. This dude had the skills to be one of the best, anyone at that time period before Drazen died could tell you that. This fool said Randolph, seriously dude your a joke, I'm not even kidding. I didn't even say that about Diesel and he far from bright. Man you lost any and all respect from me. Put me your ingore list to do me a favor.

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Lol i stopped reading when you suggested not resigning jj. What a bunch of wackos.

lol, dude your reading to far into it, JJ possible extention could be much bigger then Michael Redd's, not quite incouraging.

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Kind of like Brandon Wright last year?

I don't see the Wright comparison. Wright is more like Marvin and lacks aggressiveness.

Beasley will be plenty aggressive. I don't know about his defense. It's hard to say. However, his offense will be hard to stop once he gets comfortable. He should start out at Sf, but his lack of speed and athleticism makes me think he will end up at pF (even with his ball handling). It's not like he's slow.. but compared to a guy like Rudy Gay, he's slow. He's like a more athletic, less mechanical Deng.

I don't see the DC comparison either. DC was a Center.

When I see Beasley, he reminds me of Larry Nance...

Not fast, but athletic.

DC wasn't a Center EVER! Later in his carrer he was fat enough to be a Center. In all seriousness, talking to some of you guys is like talking to a group of 14 year olds about the NBA. They only know about their team(Not sharply) and what ESPN feeds them. I'm done with you guys.

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how do i ignore someone

I think it's in your personal profile, you would have to ask Dolfan or capstone...

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This trade cant happen until well after the draft so it will be hard. I would not trade Josh Smith for a rookie.

I agree but any trade for a player in the draft can happen after the draft(June 30). FA is huge is year for the Heat so we will is. I disagree, would you trade Josh Smith for one of these players: Lebron, Melo, Wade, Oden...

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But jjs better than redd, and your thinking that jj is going to want a kobe extension. Lol your are misinterpreting everything

Redd contract is min, Kobe contract is max. That is a lot of money. If were winners we could get him in like a Duncan contract.

Redd is wayy overpaid. JJ is better but not by much. Last I check Redd career in Mil>>> JJ in Atl. He has been to 2 to 3 playoffs and gotten out of the 1st round. JJ got to the playoffs with a 37 win season. Redd team was over .500 everytime(playoff yrs). They had less talent then our ATL team(this season) as well. Your letting JJ playoff run fool you, this is the same JJ that couldn't carry us v. the NBDL Heat in the last game of the season, and was horrible after the All Star strech. He didn't start playing good till the teams we played sucked.

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I don't see the Wright comparison.

That was a backhanded jab at nbasuperstar for saying all of those ridiculous things about how good Wright would be in his rookie season. Guess I shouldn't have included it here laugh.gif.


I don't see the DC comparison either. DC was a Center.

A scoring big man who isn't very athletic that can hit jump shots, but won't be as BIG as DC. Won't be much of a passer or defender, but will probably be a decent rebounder. I just don't see much greatness when I watch Beasley.

I wasn't referring to DC's potential, obviously he had the ability to become one of the best big men ever, I'm saying Beasley's best case scenario is the DC that played out, not DC's potential.

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Wow he thinks that hes an NBA scout, very interesting...

AtLas stays striking up lies, not surprising being the caliber of poster that he is.

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