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Let's say we trade Josh Smith for Michael Beasley


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on a Josh Smith for Michael Beasley trade.

We're supposed to be moving forward, not back. We just got done making the playoffs, we're getting a new GM, we've got talent on this team and in my opinion things are looking up. We are already young as hell, and you're proposing trading of our more experienced players (and a DAMN good one at that) for some completely unproven rook? Talk about taking a step back. That's the type of move that the Clippers would make, which is why they are the Clippers. Donald Stirling's just too fricken tight with a dollar and too stupid to realize the importance of hanging onto your good young players- and so he just trades them off for more draft picks when it comes time to try and re-sign these guys. Great, very exciting stuff for the draftniks- but not so good for the team. It's the reason why the Clippers never have an identity, and it's the reason why they're in a state of permanent rebuild.

Our rebuilding process should be almost over, and it would be absolutely insane and idiotic beyond all measure to start tearing that down by trading one of our most valuable players, and for a *%$&^#$ draft pick of all things?!?!. So Beasley's got 'potential', whoopity-doo. So did Marvin, he supposedly oozed potential- but look how that's turned out so far.

IT's almost as if some people don't want us to become a veteran team. They have been so accustomed to seeing young talent develop, they would keep it that way.

I understand wanting someone like Beasley but honestly Smoove is a better fit w/ Horford at C.

We need Smoove's weakside shotblocking to compensate for our lack of size down low.

But seriously if Josh Smith could develop the post skills of Michael Beasley, WOW.

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lol at you thinking you're a scout (regardless of whether or not you said you're an NBA scout or just a basketball scout). I always thought that you had your head on the wrong way, and when you were talking some sense, it was usually pointed towards the complete obvious.

Anyways, I would agree with Diesel on this one. I think Beasley has a good future in the NBA, but Josh Smith has grown into the face of the defense in Atlanta, and that's why he will be so hard to let go of. I don't see Beasley any where near Josh Smith's defensive style of play, so I'd rather have Josh Smith than Beasley. The question I'm thinking is... who would we rather have at the peak of their basketball careers? Josh Smith or Michael Beasley?

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Kind of like Brandon Wright last year?

If Beasley was as good as he's hyped up to be then I'd make this trade in a second, but Beasley is way overhyped. I seriously think Beasley is just not going to be a good NBA player. He'll be a decent scorer and that's it, he will suck at defense his entire career. I'm close to putting him in Randolph territory. A great comparison I saw was Derrick Coleman, I think that's his best case scenario.

Now, if we are talking about Rose, I'd trade any player on our roster for him, he will be a star.

Ok we are better off with Josh Smith than Beasley because of Horford at C, but this post is ridiculous.

Are you honestly comparing Michael Beasley to Brandan Wright? Brandan Wright was incredibly raw as a prospect. Beasley has post skills that are developed beyond his years.

He sucks on defense? He led the nation in rebounding as a Freshman. The kid has a knack for scoring and rebounding the basketball. His defense isn't all world but it won't be any worse than all-star PFs like Boozer/Amare/West.

Zach Randolph is not even close to the same level athlete than Beasley is.

The Derrick Coleman comparisons are a joke and are being pedaled by Jay Bilas, the same guy who said Josh Smith would be a bust. The wrap that Beasley has for being an umotivated player are completely unsubstatiated. If he was so dang lazy he wouldn't have led the league in rebounds.

If he didn't love the game of basketball he wouldn't step up his game every time he's faced top level competition whether if it's dropping 50 in an All-STar game, winning MVP of McDonalds All-American game, dominating against the National Champs, or starring on game at legendary park with guys like Arenas and Butler on his team.

This kid has potential to be a combination of Amare and Antawn Jamison but with better rebounding skills than both.

If anyone has been overhyped it's Derrick Rose, who was incredibly inconsistent during the season and just raised his stock in the NCAA tourney. He is incredibly raw as a prospect. For all his great size and athleticism, his assist to turnover ratio right now is not there and neither is his jump shooting to keep a defense honest.

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