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Let's say we trade Josh Smith for Michael Beasley


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OK so your basically saying that jj is worse than redd yet he is a little better by the same time and that he sucked after the allstar stretch when he actually killed good teams......Tu no comprende?

No, I said JJ better then Redd, it was the first thing I said. He didn't kill good teams, he was horrible, most fans lost hope that we would be a playoff team. That was until we played the great Knicks, Grizzles, and Pacers when we started winning games. We couldn't even put it to the great Bobcats. JJ is good, very good, but he's not PP or anyone who can carry a team in streches. He can only carry you for a game or two. That's not good, Caron Butler can do that, and your acting like he(JJ) is Ice cold. He is what he is.

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And can you give me jj's stats against the bobcats please, and can you pull jj's stats from last year and compare his percantages to these so called great players like butler and paul pierce. Please read and then comment, dont comment just for the sake of commenting....

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PP= paul pierce am i correct and now caron can carry a team but jj cant

No, he can carry a team for a game or two like JJ. Yes, PP is Paul Pierce, I watched him do it every year cept last season but they were trash and worst then the Hawks last season.

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And can you give me jj's stats against the bobcats please, and can you pull jj's stats from last year and compare his percantages to these so called great players like butler and paul pierce. Please read and then comment, dont comment just for the sake of commenting....

I don't remember the stats nor care about them. I watched the game. I seen what he did. I know we lost.

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you do know that we beat them more than lost to them right??? your neither giving jj or the hawks any credit...

We were 2-2 v. them....

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Wow he thinks that hes an NBA scout, very interesting...

lol yeah, funny stuff.

Link 1

Link 2

There were a lot more back then but those were the first ones I found.

Where did I say I was a NBA scout??? For one we already went though this before. Not once did I say I was a NBA scout and I told you what I was a couple of weeks ago. So if someone tells you they had sex. Your going to say they had sex with Jessica Alba right?


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Is he a
or a student

For the scout question look though my history and I answered it for Atlas recently. As for the soon to be college graduate, that is true. Keep looking though my post history, I will not deny anything I said. If your trying to discredit me.... smh.

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Well if you aren't an NBA scout, then you must be an Eagle scout I suppose and using that to prove why we are simply NBA fans and not "scouts"?

Look through my post history, from the looks of it you have head start.

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WOW what an idiot, he had like the whole hawksquawk against him. LMAO smoove is worth 5 mill and jj is a role player. WTF WHERE YOU THINKING NOOB!!!!!

Smoove got a lot better, what people get better. This team was in the running for another lottery pick(Pho future pick). I had every reason to believe that at that time. Josh Smith was bad last year, what you guys who hate Marvin say about Marvin now is what JS really was then. JJ is still at his best as a Great role player. That hasn't changed even after this season.

You can find any poster posts from last year a critque them like that. Some of those post were in the heat of the season. Remember that before you get high on your high horse.

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Nah, I haven't looked through your post history and I really don't care to, but I don't forget
when someone tries to call me out
and I find it pretty hilarious that you got caught.

The only time I mention your name in here was for asking where the ingore list is. So what is all this about...

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Oh yeah? That's the only time you have mentioned my name? Does this sound familiar?


Subject: To Dolfan,

I like Dolfan, but sometimes his judgment of people isn't the brightness. Dolfan, as we all know I do not have the best of grammar, but I can sell myself and am a hell of a young businessman as well as a Hawk fan. I have been a Hawks fan since I was a child. I was raise in highly educated family and I have a sister who is looking at attending Dartmouth College and another looking at Duke and Harvard as a 9th grader. I will graduate in December from a Georgia University and am a President of several different organizations and part of a major nationally respected organization as well as personally being nationally known. That was just a brief description about me... So before you judge a book by its cover, think about it first.

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But when role players score 20 points against the best record in the league and average 20-25 points pluse 5-7 ass and around 4-5 reb a year, dont they become all stars or atleast borderline stars. Oh wait joe is an all star, lol but seroiously you need to get over your hate of joe johnson and josh smith...

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