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Let's say we trade Josh Smith for Michael Beasley


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Where did I say I was a NBA scout???

This was your quote


you said the majic word, fan... mosts don't understand the game, which is the reason you a fan and I'm a scout



so you think your smarter then me when come to basketball... look here Shirley, I have been scouting basketball for serveral years now



hey buddy I'm a scout and after I'm done with my business degree I want to get the chance to be a GM in the future.



I work for disclose firm in the basketball scouting department. I've been scouting on my own since 16, so I know the game and I know I see the game differently then others.



Marcus Banks is better then Josh Smith.


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Oh yeah? That's the only time you have mentioned my name? Does this sound familiar?


Subject: To Dolfan,

I like Dolfan, but sometimes his judgment of people isn't the brightness. Dolfan, as we all know I do not have the best of grammar, but I can sell myself and am a hell of a young businessman as well as a Hawk fan. I have been a Hawks fan since I was a child. I was raise in highly educated family and I have a sister who is looking at attending Dartmouth College and another looking at Duke and Harvard as a 9th grader. I will graduate in December from a Georgia University and am a President of several different organizations and part of a major nationally respected organization as well as personally being nationally known. That was just a brief description about me... So before you judge a book by its cover, think about it first.

You were acting like you were better then everybody, a straight as*hole. I was acting like a as*hole when I first join this site and realized that and stopped. You say I called you out, but the way you were walking around here, it needed to be said.

I'm not sorry about that either, you needed it and since I said that, you have been a great poster and highly respected poster till you joined Atlas in trash politics for this thread. What so calling out about that, you needed that at that time.

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You think that I have changed my posting because of something you said? You must think pretty highly of yourself. If it wasn't for the fact that I can't ignore you you would have been ignored a long time ago! I can barely understand your posts but if it wasn't for the fact that yo try to pawn yourself off as something you are clearly not I wouldn't have a problem with you but because you have done that it makes you doubly annoying.

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Where did I say I was a NBA scout???

This was your quote


you said the majic word, fan... mosts don't understand the game, which is the reason you a fan and I'm a scout



so you think your smarter then me when come to basketball... look here Shirley, I have been scouting basketball for serveral years now



hey buddy I'm a scout and after I'm done with my business degree I want to get the chance to be a GM in the future.



I work for disclose firm in the basketball scouting department. I've been scouting on my own since 16, so I know the game and I know I see the game differently then others.



Marcus Banks is better then Josh Smith.


Way too many links, lmao at the Marcus Banks comment re-up. I will admit I was wrong on that one, I probably said that in overraction to something. Good one. As for the scouting once again I answered your question already, just keep going through my history. As I answered earlier I was a as*hole when I first joined the site. Point blank... As for the GM thing, it's not something I want to do anymore, at that time I just called it quits to my playing career(college) and wanted badly to still be in the game. GM was the second best thing to me at the time.

Banks was better then Smith in his career at that point when I made the dumba** comment.

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You think that I have changed my posting because of something you said? You must think pretty highly of yourself. If it wasn't for the fact that I can't ignore you you would have been ignored a long time ago! I can barely understand your posts but if it wasn't for the fact that yo try to pawn yourself off as something you are clearly not I wouldn't have a problem with you but because you have done that it makes you doubly annoying.

I don't think that highly of myself where I affect others who I don't know like that, no. I do feel that it was a reality check for you and one you needed, and that is true(Am I wrong on this sentence, likely so, but that's just the way I feel). As for you babbling about my grammar and other things, I could care less. I don't do this for you or your interests. Honestly, I don't give a you about what about you. To me your just a solid poster who can be credible depending on the subject(with great graphics skills I might add) . As for me, I am just a diehard fan at this point of my life who wants the Hawks to put a winner on the floor. No different then any other poster on this site.

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Kind of like Brandon Wright last year?

If Beasley was as good as he's hyped up to be then I'd make this trade in a second, but Beasley is way overhyped. I seriously think Beasley is just not going to be a good NBA player. He'll be a decent scorer and that's it, he will suck at defense his entire career. I'm close to putting him in Randolph territory. A great comparison I saw was Derrick Coleman, I think that's his best case scenario.

Now, if we are talking about Rose, I'd trade any player on our roster for him, he will be a star.

If Beasley goes #1, how about this trade:

Josh Smith, Mike Bibby (big expiring contract) for #2 pick (Rose), and Blount

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Oh yeah? That's the only time you have mentioned my name? Does this sound familiar?


Subject: To Dolfan,

I like Dolfan, but sometimes his judgment of people isn't the brightness. Dolfan, as we all know I do not have the best of grammar, but I can sell myself and am a hell of a young businessman as well as a Hawk fan. I have been a Hawks fan since I was a child. I was raise in highly educated family and I have a sister who is looking at attending Dartmouth College and another looking at Duke and Harvard as a 9th grader. I will graduate in December from a Georgia University and am a President of several different organizations and part of a major nationally respected organization as well as personally being nationally known. That was just a brief description about me... So before you judge a book by its cover, think about it first.

OMG i could have such a field day with that post but it would just be too easy.

As far as the thread goes i haven't seen Beasley at all. However from what i have read in this thread Beasley doesn't sound like a guy who would be comfortable at the 3 which basically kills what little interest i would have in trading Smith for him.

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Yeah I had to try and leave that one alone, it's like picking on Timmy from South Park if he made up stuff to try and look cool even though he was taking the short bus to school.

Beasley looks like the real deal to me as far as his scoring ability, but he wouldn't be the first to look like he would be able to score at a high level in the pros and not make it happen. Rose is the only sure thing in this draft as far as I am concerned, but I seriously doubt we could get him.

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  • Premium Member

Will the real Scout please stand up!!!

Cub Scouts.

Eagle Scouts.

Cherokee Scouts

Apachee Scouts.

Girl Scouts

The boy's and girl's name Scout s-cout is of Old French origin, and its meaning is "to listen". Occupational name: someone who gathers information quietly.


Maybe he's just a good listener?

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How would that workout for us. Beasley would be a better player then Smith for us no doubt. But would he help us win a title. He plays the same position as Horford. He can shoot it so it gives us 3 three point shooters. Defensively we would be great on the board but we would have no shot blockers. Teams with fast PG's like SAS and NO would rape us. Offensively it would be hell to stop us. Too damn versailte... think Charlotte with Zo, LJ, Bouges, and Gill. I don't know, we would need Marvin to be more of a defensive pesence and defensive minded PG who can guard the fast PG's.

It's a strong possiblity, Riley is in love with Smith more then Smoovethefuture and he wants to sign Smith and really doesn't want Beasley with Wade as strongly as we might believe. What do you think about this idea?

EDIT: As for shots, that will be hard to value. We would have to trade Bibby but is Acie ready is really the question. The Hawks would need a vet PG(5+), who is smart, and can defend faster PG of the league. He needs to be a good off ball defender as well. No one comes to my mind right now, but that is what we need if we were to make this trade.

yeah Pat just really seems keen on Rose and not Beasly from what ive heard. I dont think he'd trade Beasly for Smith tho, if he would do it, id make that deal but im feeling Smith as a all star next season if he can just keep things consistent and mature basketball wise. I dont want smith to leave but having beasly would be great. However that would defently keep Horford at C which we dont want. Id like horford to grow playing C one more year but i think a career at PF would be much more beneficial for the team. I would still make this deal pretty easliy but id rather us trade for a good C (not trading smith)

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This would be a hard trade to make becuase Josh is better then Beasley right now. He part of our problem but he's part of our success. Idk, I would love to keep him if it was for 60-63 million for 5 years. That's all I'm saying about this. I felt I made my points in the top half of the thread.

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The Heat would not make that trade. Beasley is more likely to be a superstar than Smoove. Smoove's BBIQ is not there.

Not to mention in all honesty we are better off with Smoove simply because of his weakside shotblocking ability which is pivotal with an undersized C in Horford.

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My concern with Smoove is weather he will learn anything on offense. BBIQ. Not shooting because I think we exaggerate the shooting.. but can he become a driver. He needs to practice this summer with Beasley and learns some moves. Beasley is a lefty. If Smoove had Beasley's handle, we'd be talking about Kobe like.

There is no way to exaggerate about his shooting. He should never take a jumper. Ever. Smith would probably shoot 60% if he only took shots that he could make.

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No, no, no on a Josh Smith for Michael Beasley trade. chairs.gif

We're supposed to be moving forward, not back. We just got done making the playoffs, we're getting a new GM, we've got talent on this team and in my opinion things are looking up. We are already young as hell, and you're proposing trading of our more experienced players (and a DAMN good one at that) for some completely unproven rook? Talk about taking a step back. That's the type of move that the Clippers would make, which is why they are the Clippers. Donald Stirling's just too fricken tight with a dollar and too stupid to realize the importance of hanging onto your good young players- and so he just trades them off for more draft picks when it comes time to try and re-sign these guys. Great, very exciting stuff for the draftniks- but not so good for the team. It's the reason why the Clippers never have an identity, and it's the reason why they're in a state of permanent rebuild.

Our rebuilding process should be almost over, and it would be absolutely insane and idiotic beyond all measure to start tearing that down by trading one of our most valuable players, and for a *%$&^#$ draft pick of all things?!?!. So Beasley's got 'potential', whoopity-doo. So did Marvin, he supposedly oozed potential- but look how that's turned out so far.

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