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Will Acie ever get a chance to prove himself?


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Of course he will.

1. Bibby is kind of injury prone and will be 30 next year. Law will get a chance.

2. There is still a possibility some team over pays for Chillz and he leaves. That leaves back up minutes at both SG and PG for Law.

3. I personally like seeing a lineup of: Law, Bibby, and JJ on the court together for stretches of games. A penetrator with two serious 3 point threats is a different look the Hawks should use more often.

4. With Bibby in a contract year it is obvious the franchise will need to take a long look at Law to gage the need to resign Bibby or not.

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With the likelyhood of Woodson remaining. There is a chance Speedy will return next year. Will Acie ever be given a chance? Acie can be our future PG.

Speedy????? LOLOLOLOL he wont last 5 games before gets sore knees again.

Law has to earn a chance to play first.

Most of the time that Law was on the floor, he was ineffective, and made no real impact .He wasn't setting guys up to score , and he was not scoring himself.

I think he was too worried about being compaed to Jason Terry, that he didn't want to look to score.

He needs to stop dibbling around so much and drive more to the hoop ,more.

Then he can drive and kick to his teamates and rack up some assists.

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law is going to be the primary backup point guard next year so i think he is going to have plenty of PT next year. hopefully he's working on his game over the summer to be more prepared for the season. speedy is going to be the #3 PG and only get in for specialties or injuries.

law time to shine will be in 2009-2010.

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I hope so because it looked like we may have missed the boat on Stuckey. With that said, I truly believe that Acie can be a 11 and 4 guy for us as early as next season. I still see him coming off of the bench next season though as I'm pretty sure that a healthy Bibby will easily average 16 and 6. That's really all we need out of the PG position for this team. I really do hope that Acie can be the player he was back at Texas A&M where he was a potent scoring threat and a fearless floor leader. I can see him taking over at the point the season AFTER next if he can be that player again. But I'm pretty sure that Woody and the ASG really want to see what a healthy Bibby can bring to this team from the start of the season.

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IMO i think that law could be better than Stuckey...i like stuckey and was a proponent of his pre draft...however laws incredible ability to take ANYONE off of the dribble and handle the ball in traffic is nice...in the playoffs i saw a better ability also of dishing out from a drive...he's a good size, plays great d....once he gets his shot down(or more important takes it more often and with confidence), he will be a handful....mark jackson said it during the celts series that he though he could get anywhere he watned to on the floor and once he got some more playing time he woiuld be good..

even when one time the announcers wondered aloud how he would turn out, mark defendedhim..

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Acie will get his (second) chance to prove himself. He had his CP3/Deron year as a rook and didn't quite match up. But he can play summerleague ball and improve. Acie looks like a solid "tweener" in the league to me (if he starts hitting shots). He can be a nice - off the bench - 1/2 fill-in if he improves. detective.gif

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Acie will get his (second) chance to prove himself. He had his CP3/Deron year as a rook and didn't quite match up. But he can play summerleague ball and improve. Acie looks like a solid "tweener" in the league to me (if he starts hitting shots). He can be a nice - off the bench - 1/2 fill-in if he improves.

lol. Just funny that you casually throw out CP3 and Deron Williams. I'm pretty sure you weren't comparing their rookie years to Acie's, but it looks like it.

It's actually funny, because there's a rather well-chronicled history with Jerry Sloan and his reluctance to play rookies. Deron Williams burst onto the scene and despite Sloan's reluctance to play first year players for a lot of minutes, Deron forced his way into the line-up and ended up having a rather solid rookie season.

Mike Woodson has never shown reluctance to play rookies before. He just threw guys on the floor and hoped things worked out this year. Acie might come in and score 10 points and play only a few minutes before AJ, Lue, or Bibby replaced him. I think Woodson just preferred to play it safe, sort of, since his job was so obviously on the line this year. He had hopes that Acie could come in and automatically be the best PG on the roster, but he wasn't, so Woodson refused to develop him at all. Horford came in and was the best C (and third best player) on the roster, so he got plenty of playing time. And could have stood for more if not for Woody's overreacting to fouls.

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actually Acie was THE pg,he outplayed everyone by far.Woody even tried to start zaza over Horford repeatedly.Acie's injury hurt him but even then when he was the starter Lue got more minutes while being the inferior player.When Acie came back he should have still been starting but Woody's dumbazzness kicked in even more by throwing him to the bench with less minutes with worse players.There is no excuse for ever playing an Anthony Johnson or Tyronn Lue over an Acie Law.I'm pretty sure Deron outplayed Keith freakin McCleod but McCaleod still started half the season but the difference is Deron got the job and improved to a breakout sophmore year.while Acie stayed behind inferior players.

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Sloan rode Deron, esp the first 2/3s of his rookie season. Deron wasn't playing like Sloan knew he could, so Sloan would sit him and help him learn how to see the NBA court.

Woody, just sits guys. I never once saw Woodson sit next to Law and explain what is happening on the court and how Law could control the game. Watch Sloan during Deron's first year and you see a coach using the game to teach his young PG.

Law, IMO, has the potential to be a solid NBA point. He has a little of Billups in his game, but just like Billups, Law needs someone to help him with his game. Billups floated around the NBA until Larry Brown took him in Detroit and molded his game. The Hawks need to have a coach that can help Acie move his game to the NBA level, Woodson is not that guy.

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exactly.Sloan himself said Deron didn't play well at all his rookie year but he came out on fire his 2nd year and hasn't looked back.People think Acie is gonna be alright when they keep proposing trades for more guys to start ahead of him?that's stupid.Most of these so called fans would have wanted Deron traded after his rookie year.I think he can be more than just a solid PG.He could be an all-star if he gets as good as he can be.or at least one of the best in the game that gives other teams fits.Woody can't explain stuff to Law because he has no clue himself.It's obvious when he says that offense takes care of itself.

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exactly.Sloan himself said Deron didn't play well at all his rookie year but he came out on fire his 2nd year and hasn't looked back.People think Acie is gonna be alright when they keep proposing trades for more guys to start ahead of him?that's stupid.Most of these so called fans would have wanted Deron traded after his rookie year.I think he can be more than just a solid PG.He could be an all-star if he gets as good as he can be.or at least one of the best in the game that gives other teams fits.Woody can't explain stuff to Law because he has no clue himself.It's obvious when he says that offense takes care of itself.

Mike Woodson: "I think the offense just takes care of itself."

Translation: "We'll just force the ball into JJ and hope he takes care of it for us."

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Dude i like acie and all but you are like practically sitting on his nuts man. He hasnt outplayed any pg so far, even lue and anthony were playing better than him. Not that they are better than him. But you are seriously sitting on his nuts or something.

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Woody, just sits guys. I never once saw Woodson sit next to Law and explain what is happening on the court and how Law could control the game. Watch Sloan during Deron's first year and you see a coach using the game to teach his young PG.

Law, IMO, has the potential to be a solid NBA point. He has a little of Billups in his game, but just like Billups, Law needs someone to help him with his game. Billups floated around the NBA until Larry Brown took him in Detroit and molded his game. The Hawks need to have a coach that can help Acie move his game to the NBA level, Woodson is not that guy.

Yep Fros...we need a different (meaning better) coach IMO. I have a "gut" feeling that Acie may turn out OK - but really - I haven't seen it yet so it's a hope. There are plenty of quick tweener guards out there who can't shoot. We know Acie CAN shoot...he just has to start doing it. Also, it's a big jump from being the man at A&M and seeing the court well and getting the job done in the pros.

I really think Woody has stunted his development due to his desire to save his job. The ASG got half of the job done (firing BK) - now finish the job boys.

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Lue and AJ were not better than him.

i'm not on any body's nuts it's recognizing talent and seeing how it isn't being utilized.I didn't even want Acie,I wanted Conley.but now that he plays for the team I cheer for and i've seen the great talents and ability that he has,I will support him and I will defend him when people make dumazz statements about him.

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Law release is a little too similar to Josh Smith and Salim (too much arc...not good). Everything else is looking very good for him to be the PG of the future. And being 6'3 with speed, quickness and ball handling skills is not a tweener... I don't know why but that word just stuck out as being down playing Acie's skills.

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