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Smoove: A very Hard decision!!


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Smoove was drafted behind Marvin and chillz and has outperformed both of them. So a player outperforms players and expectations on a team and now we should not reward him? That makes no sense. If anything Marvin or chillz should be shopped this offseason not Smoove. You're not going off pure potential you have something to base him being paid on. He ran down guys from behind to block thier shots when we only won 13 games. Thats when the kid first gained my respect and he still has it. Three years in Marvin has yet to earn mines.

Redd is still a good player but it isn't his fault he has been injured. Why would you even bring up Konkack or Craig when mentioning Smoove? Does he compare to them in your opinion at this stage of his career? If so then you need to put the pipe down. That line up you posted is worse than you may think. Marvin isn't a player you can count on as a second option or when the pressure is on. Secondly ZaZa isn't altering or blocking anyones shot like Smoove. When he exits the game its like teams drive to the basket at will without the threat of a shot blocker. That is why one is needed off the bench so much.

I think some fans are putting to much into the playoff series with Boston. Woody still isn't a good coach and ZaZa still isn't a starter just because he got into KG's face.

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Smoove was drafted behind Marvin and chillz and has outperformed both of them. So a player outperforms players and expectations on a team and now we should not reward him?...

That's actually a VERY good question Z.

Smoove was drafted well behind two "mistake' picks....Deng was a better pick than Chillz (and everybody was saying it) and...in hindsight...CP3 and Deron were far better picks than Marvin.

BUT....just because BK was ignorant...doesn't mean you have to mortgage the farm on the only pick that seems to be working out (sans Al).

It's really kind of tricky (IMHO)...were JS to be on a good team he would be a 2nd or 3rd place guy for 6th man of the year - a real "energy" guy off the bench...a bit wild but athletic.

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Yep. The Joe Johnson deal should be a black mark on Bryan Colangelo's resume. The Suns got very little for Joe Johnson in that deal.

And what if Phoenix was going to allow JJ to walk? Would Colangelo still have been a bad GM for gaining Diaw along with 2 1st rounders? Sorry but that is still my point of view and I can't see Colangelo being a "bad" GM for doing what he did.

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If Atlanta allows Josh to walk or does a sign and trade and takes back less than proper value for him, you will be one of the very first ones on here criticizing Rick Sund for not seeing what Josh Smith could become down the road when he becomes a monster on someone else's team.

Dude seriously? Sund has been GM for like 48 hours and you still go on about him in the same manner as you did with BK. I love the Hawks as much as anyone but you just spilled the beans with that one. Sund/BK/GM could have made a mistake but you wouldn't come close to admitting it, hillariously pathetic man.

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Only the media would flip out. The a**holes on these sports talk radio stations would act like it's the end of the world. If we win, people will come.

Josh Smith is also pivotal to the success of this team as it's currently assembled.

We are undersized at the C position and we absolutely need his ability to contest the paint to compromise for it.

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Yep. The Joe Johnson deal should be a black mark on Bryan Colangelo's resume. The Suns got very little for Joe Johnson in that deal.

Well, the Suns have not yet been hurt in the win column so it is hard to feel too bad for the Suns. The Suns problem remains interior toughness and JJ wasn't going to provide that.

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Yep. The Joe Johnson deal should be a black mark on Bryan Colangelo's resume. The Suns got very little for Joe Johnson in that deal.

And what if Phoenix was going to allow JJ to walk? Would Colangelo still have been a bad GM for gaining Diaw along with 2 1st rounders? Sorry but that is still my point of view and I can't see Colangelo being a "bad" GM for doing what he did.

I agree. They weren't keeping JJ long-term and got a good return for him. No one should criticize Colangelo for that deal, IMO, unless he had free reign to keep JJ and just decided he wasn't worth it. Given all the pics that Phoenix has give away to keep costs down, I seriously doubt that is the case.

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At the time i was against the trade because i too felt like the Suns were bluffing and wouldn't match.

However when assessing the trade i think it is only fair to look at it assuming they would have matched since we don't know for sure. In that light the trade sure looks a lot better for us now than it did back in '05.

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