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Kimbo vs Thompson


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Kimbo looked pretty good on the ground but like he said he still has a lot to learn. He tore Thompson's ear up and looked like he was going to knock him out until the ref ended the fight. Does anyone know if CBS is going to continue doing the Saturday Fight Night?

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Kimbo looked pretty good on the ground but like he said he still has a lot to learn. He tore Thompson's ear up and looked like he was going to knock him out until the ref ended the fight. Does anyone know if CBS is going to continue doing the Saturday Fight Night?

I don't know. This is the first time i have watched it. It is a little wierd seeing something like this on CBS.

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They are suppose to do 3 Saturday Night fights this year. I guess the 2nd one will be sometime in the fall. I enjoyed the girls fight, and I wish they would have let it go to a 3rd round. The Scott Smith/ Robbie Lawler match was a bad stoppage. I think Smith lied about telling the doctor he wanted 5minutes to recover. I think all he told the doctor was that he couldn't see out of that eye.

James Thompson should have had that ear drained before this match. That is one of the worst cauliflower ears I have seen in MMA. He has his own self to blame for losing that match, plus he had a chance to finish Kimbo on the ground but his ground game isn't that much better than Kimbo's and he has been fighting much longer.

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Thompson's ear was disgusting. Kimbo went right at it and even said if they didn't stop the fight he would have kept going after it. I think it's great that CBS is going to show more fights so more national exposure will be given to MMA.

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I have never watched this stuff and missed it last night. I do have a vague opinion to offer however. I wont go as far to say the fights are fixed. I will however say CBS will benefit alot more the longer this Kimbo guy keeps winning.

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I love watching her fight. She is still unbeaten and I think she has won every fight by knockout so far. In one of her previous fights her opponent said that looking at Gina she would rather make out with her than fight her, but of course they fought and Gina got her first submission win.

For those that watch American Gladiators Gina Carano plays "Crush" on that show. Her father was a QB for the Dallas Cowboys back in the day too.

That was definitely the toughest fight for Kimbo in EliteXC so far. He doesn't have the stamina to go more than a round at the pace he likes to fight at and I thought he was going to lose for sure last night but he pulled it out. It won't be much longer until someone beats him though because his ground game still needs a lot of work and he still needs to learn to pace himself. He is very much like a modern day Tyson for MMA.

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That fight was pretty good. Kimbo is a bit overrated or media-hyped though. I'm amazed by how quick and powerful his strikes are. He busted Mr.Cauliflower Ears with just a couple blows to the ear.

There's no doubt about it that if Kimbo went to UFC, he would get his ass kicked.

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I have never watched this stuff and missed it last night. I do have a vague opinion to offer however. I wont go as far to say the fights are fixed. I will however say CBS will benefit alot more the longer this Kimbo guy keeps winning.

From what I have read, it sounds like they have been feeding him creampuffs rather than having him go against any top fighters. I don't think that qualifies as fixing but he sure isn't going to go up against a top 5 fighter from the sounds of it.

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There aren't any great heavyweight fighters in EliteXC and it really wouldn't make much sense to immediately have Kimbo fight the very best without a few preparation fights and it also wouldn't be fair to the guys that are ranked higher than Kimbo for him to jump them and get a title shot.

I think his first real test will be when he fights Antonio Silva. That dude is huge and has a decent ground game. He is bigger than Kimbo and I don't think Kimbo can knock him out. Other than that I don't see anyone in EliteXC that can beat Kimbo.

Eventually he will have to go into the UFC to get a real challenge.

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There aren't any great heavyweight fighters in EliteXC and it really wouldn't make much sense to immediately have Kimbo fight the very best without a few preparation fights and it also wouldn't be fair to the guys that are ranked higher than Kimbo for him to jump them and get a title shot.

I think his first real test will be when he fights Antonio Silva. That dude is huge and has a decent ground game. He is bigger than Kimbo and I don't think Kimbo can knock him out. Other than that I don't see anyone in EliteXC that can beat Kimbo.

Eventually he will have to go into the UFC to get a real challenge.

I am sure you follow this more closely than I do.

Here is the sort of thing I read leading up to this fight:


Kimbo hasn’t fought anyone nearly as good as Mir or Herring. Who knows if he ever will? EliteXC and CBS are running his career like a boxer, even if trumped up records and mismatch fights have severely damaged that sports’ popularity.

Based on that mentality, you can understand why White was willing to walk away from the CBS exposure that, done properly, would have shot his league into the stratosphere. Obviously, he didn’t feel it was going to be done properly.

Saturday’s card is not set up to show the best of mixed martial arts and introduce America to a sport it would likely embrace.

If CBS was trying to build serious interest in football, it wouldn’t trot out an unproven pro team against a doomed high school squad and call the ensuing blowout the best the game offers.

It’d get the New England Patriots and the New York Giants and let people see the real deal.

But neither the network nor EliteXC are treating the sport or Kimbo Slice as anything but disposable programming. And that’s the problem here.


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