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If I'm not mistaken, Sund indicated...


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...he felt he would have a decision on the coaching situation about this time of this week. Presume that nothing one way or the other is announced in the next 24-48 hours... how will you interpret that? That Woody's staying? Or that Sund is considering other candidates? Or that Sund just hasn't formed an opinion?

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I was about to make a new post regarding this topic too. I've been waiting for a while now, and it's just about time we be told at least his plans for this franchise. So far, I've heard this and that about how he acts during interviews and such, but what about the actions that he takes that will try and progress this team further? I'll stay skeptical on this fella until he shows me otherwise.

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He's only been on the job for a week, give the guy a little time to make an informed decision about such an important part of our team. I would rather him take his time and make the right decision than rush and make the wrong one. It's not like there are a slew of other teams out there needing a head coach right now. Off the top of my head I can't remember another opening so if he decides to not renew Woody's contract the same guys will still be available then.

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I don't remember Sund indicating he had any timetable on a coaching decision. Personally i don't think it matters that much when a coach is hired. If i remember right coaches can't work with players during the offseason anyway.

Sure it would be nice to get the coaching uncertainty out of the way for the benefit of the players. But realistically considering what the players have been through over the last few years i don't think this is a major issue. They are used to FO turmoil.

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I'm not sure, in reading the article up on ESPN about Curry being hired he mentioned that they would have the staff in place and working hard during the summer so maybe he just meant the coaches but I think he probably meant the players as well. I'm sure they can't force the players to be there until a certain point, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them recommend that the players are working together at a location that the coaches just happen to be gathered at as well.

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Realistically, Sund should know by now if he wants to retain Woody or not. Whether he knows who would replace Woody is another matter. Hopefully as a long time front office executive he has put thought into head coaching candidates (in a general sense) even before joining the Hawks organization.

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You think that he should already know in a week whether he should retain Woody or not? I think he could be leaning one way or another based on outside observation and initial impressions, but 1 week isn't nearly enough to make an informed decision. At this point he could be leaning towards keeping Woody and that could be the wrong decision. Even though I support bringing back Woody I would rather him make the right decision once he has all the facts and data to work with, even if it means bringing in someone else instead of rushing to a decision after a week.

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You think that he should already know in a week whether he should retain Woody or not? I think he could be leaning one way or another based on outside observation and initial impressions, but 1 week isn't nearly enough to make an informed decision. At this point he could be leaning towards keeping Woody and that could be the wrong decision. Even though I support bringing back Woody I would rather him make the right decision once he has all the facts and data to work with, even if it means bringing in someone else instead of rushing to a decision after a week.

A week is more then enough. Sund has been doing this for 30 years, he should have talked to all the players, Woody, the assistants and any other executive within the organization by now. He also should have watched tape of most of the teams games.

Heck he should have already been thinking about this after interviewing, so he has had more then a week.

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It's been two weeks. And I believe every week we don't solve this problem is another week gone by where we could of at least opened up the negotiations for resigning [the] Josh[es]. Respectfully, I agree with what you are saying, but don't you think that if we were going to make a coaching change, we should do it now? I mean... how long will it take to gather the coaching candidates and pick one of them. It would just be more time (I don't want to say wasted because this is, I agree with you, an important decision to make) burned off our clock. We need to finish this as soon as possible.

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Correction... though not that far astray of the actual quote... Sund said the following in an ESPN article referenced by Cwell last Wednesday.


"It's too early," the new GM said. "It wouldn't be right."

Sund, who was hired last week as Billy Knight's replacement, went out to dinner with Woodson in Orlando, Fla., shortly after getting the job. They will meet again in the next few days, and there won't be any decision made on the Hawks' fourth-year coach until then.

"We talked a little bit and shared some philosophies and things like that," Sund said.
"Next week at this time, it might be a more appropriate question. But today I can't answer it.

Regardless, I was just interested to see how people project their own reactions as the process gets elongated.

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Realistically, Sund should know by now if he wants to retain Woody or not. Whether he knows who would replace Woody is another matter. Hopefully as a long time front office executive he has put thought into head coaching candidates (in a general sense) even before joining the Hawks organization.

And the point should be affirmed that, indeed, he may know what he wants to do... but then, that doesn't mean that we're going to know anything anytime soon.

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It's been two weeks. And I believe every week we don't solve this problem is another week gone by where we could of at least opened up the negotiations for resigning [the] Josh[es]. Respectfully, I agree with what you are saying, but don't you think that if we were going to make a coaching change, we should do it now? I mean... how long will it take to gather the coaching candidates and pick one of them. It would just be more time (I don't want to say wasted because this is, I agree with you, an important decision to make) burned off our clock. We need to finish this as soon as possible.

I don't think we can even start talking contract with them yet.

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You think that he should already know in a week whether he should retain Woody or not? I think he could be leaning one way or another based on outside observation and initial impressions, but 1 week isn't nearly enough to make an informed decision.
At this point he could be leaning towards keeping Woody and
that could be the wrong decision

I knew you'd come around. clapclap.gif

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Realistically, Sund should know by now if he wants to retain Woody or not. Whether he knows who would replace Woody is another matter. Hopefully as a long time front office executive he has put thought into head coaching candidates (in a general sense) even before joining the Hawks organization.

And the point should be affirmed that, indeed, he may know what he wants to do... but then, that doesn't mean that we're going to know anything anytime soon.

If Sund knows that he isn't going to retain Woody then it is common curtesy to give Woody and his assistants as much time as possible to find alternative employment. This is especially true when there are a limited number of vacancies for coaching positions in the NBA.

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I haven't come around, but I will admit that it could be the wrong decision but that is for Sund to decide since he is the man with the insight into the team. I don't know the inner works of the team, but I trust JJ to be honest about things and if he backs Woody that's enough for me at this point.

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The longer we wait the more likely it will be Woodson. If they didn't want him I think we would know by now. Maybe they are just waiting around hoping that somebody else wants the job? I think there are better options out there, but we haven't really heard anybody talking about somebody wanting the Atlanta job. I really don't want Woodsoon here, but if it is for a one year deal I will be fine with that. Maybe Avery or Flip just want to take some time off before they get back into coaching? If that is the case, giving Woodson a one year deal can only help us. If he does well moving forward, keep him. If not, well, hopefully one of those two are ready to start coaching again.

On the other hand though, if we are turning down people with interest because we feel Woodson is the guy, I would be pretty pissed. Everybody always wants to get the big name for the job, but the real question is does the big man want this job? How attractive is coaching the Hawks right now?

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