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What to do with the Braves


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I have never been so disgusted with this team as I am right now. Players not performing or even playing hard. Bobby looking like a rookie manager. I cannot believe some of his decisions lately. How do you leave Reyes in to hit for himself with bases loaded? then, go figure, reyes blows up next half inning and gives up the lead. Not the first time this has happenede this yr. I realize they are shorthanded on bench but whaty better time to use pinch hitter than that?

I really dont see this team doing any damage even if they make the playoffs. So, please for God's sake, please dont trade away any more young talent for rentals to try to make it this yr. How about instead lets do the opposite. Lets trade Tex and maybe KJ. I say call up baltimore and offer tex for roberts and a pitching prospect. This will fix our leadoff spot and cover 2nd. We will not be resigning tex anyway so lets get something for him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a possible solution for the Braves. Given that they are last in the league at one run games, miserable really, they let one of their second string pitchers start the game and get a 4-5 run lead and then bring in their started. They have a better record when they come from behind like that. Should help???????????????

Anyone got a better suggestion?

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Haven't been able to keep track of the Braves as much as I wanted to this year. I haven't even watched more than one game other than their first game against the Nationals (damn you TBS for not televising the Braves games!!!).

But whatever happened to the rumor of us maybe wanting to trade for that pitcher? I forgot who he was. He's white though, that's all I remember seeing on the ESPN website rumors.

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I guess thats who you are referring to. This would be a HUGE mistake. Our pitching has been great. starters number 1 in the league i believe. We need our everyday players healthy and we need to realize that kelly johnson isn't our 2nd baseman. I mentioned in another post that we trade tex since we wont resign him anyway. Well, I have since changed my mind. If there is 1 guy that could completely change this team's offense, its brian roberts. Takes care of 2 problems for us...2nd base and leadoff. he is a switch hitter and has good speed and gets on base. If we keep kelly then move him to left.









That is a very strong lineup. Even with frenchy struggling we should score enough to be serious contenders. The bench would be very strong as well. Blanco, Diaz(or jones if diaz not healthy), norton, infante and corky. The way our young starters have pitched we would be in great shape.

1 more thing i would like to add. I have read that Jason Bay may be avaiable. He owuld be a verry nice get to play lf. He would be nice protection hitting behind mcann. With 4 young starters making the minimum we maybe able to afford both bay and roberts next season.

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