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Woodson to be on 790 The Zone later today


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thanks for the link..

was a pretty decent interview because he was asked good hard questions and Woodson has some good answers I wanted to hear (needing a big man and a shooter, will play the bench more, Horford to focus on offense in hopes of double teams). I did notice he beat around the bush on Stoudamire......He's gone. I mean someone has to go to get that shooter right?

I have been majorly critical of these resigning, but this at least was a positive interview to make me feel a little better (actually better way to say would be "little less worse) than before.

You know with Woodson it's that x and o. He's got the right positive attitude but it's the x's and o's that just kill us offensively.....

i hate the resigning.......but i have to live with it so i will try to keep an open mind (plus i've had 3 beers and a bowl).

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Mike didn't say it in the interview, but I'm betting he has implied while talking with Rick Sund that he needs a DEFENSIVE big man as well as a good, spot up jump shooter to come in off the bench.....just not one that is a high volume shooter.

It will not surprise me to see the Hawks go after and sign DeSagana Diop. He's not a great or even above average big man, but he's is solid defensive presence that brings a big body to the table. He's a guy that can play in tandem with either Al Horford and Zaza Pachulia.

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I love hearing him answer the questions about adding the pieces we need, re-signing the Joshes, pushing Josh Smith to be an All-Star, sky is the limit for Al Horford, will turn the keys over to Acie in the summer league and make him a big part of the team next year, why he went with a 7 man rotation, etc. I like how he acknowledged the high minutes of Joe and how it was intentional. Next year we will play our bench and go with an 11-12 man rotation. Woody will stay bald next year! It does seem like Salim will not be back.

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thanks for the link..

was a pretty decent interview because he was asked good hard questions and Woodson has some good answers I wanted to hear (needing a big man and a shooter, will play the bench more, Horford to focus on offense in hopes of double teams). I did notice he beat around the bush on Stoudamire......He's gone. I mean someone has to go to get that shooter right?

One question he dodged but I wish he would have answered was what our identity will be next year - are we a running team, etc.? Establishing an offensive identity is an important step for this team.

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I love hearing him answer the questions about adding the pieces we need, re-signing the Joshes, pushing Josh Smith to be an All-Star, sky is the limit for Al Horford, will turn the keys over to Acie in the summer league and make him a big part of the team next year, why he went with a 7 man rotation, etc. I like how he acknowledged the high minutes of Joe and how it was intentional. Next year we will play our bench and go with an 11-12 man rotation. Woody will stay bald next year! It does seem like Salim will not be back.

Pushing Smoove to be an all-star? Make Acie be a big part of the team next year? Play our bench next year?

Surely you jest Mr. Dol.

Just curious, even though we all probably know the answer . . why did Woody say that he went to the 7-man rotation and why he played JJ heavy minutes?

One of the other things that Woody doesn't get a little credit for, is the development of Joe Johnson, especially in his mental approach to the game as the star of this team.

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I love hearing him answer the questions about adding the pieces we need, re-signing the Joshes, pushing Josh Smith to be an All-Star, sky is the limit for Al Horford, will turn the keys over to Acie in the summer league and make him a big part of the team next year, why he went with a 7 man rotation, etc. I like how he acknowledged the high minutes of Joe and how it was intentional. Next year we will play our bench and go with an 11-12 man rotation. Woody will stay bald next year! It does seem like Salim will not be back.

Pushing Smoove to be an all-star? Make Acie be a big part of the team next year? Play our bench next year?

Surely you jest Mr. Dol.

Just curious, even though we all probably know the answer . . why did Woody say that he went to the 7-man rotation and why he played JJ heavy minutes?

One of the other things that Woody doesn't get a little credit for, is the development of Joe Johnson, especially in his mental approach to the game as the star of this team.

Woody said on two occasions that he went to the 7 man rotation to get them into the playoffs (save his job as well, IMO).

Things I liked:

Develop Horfod's post game

Keep pushing Smith to be an All-Star

Needs of the team: Big man and shooter

Play the bench more

As I have said before, talk is cheap, esp from coaches in radio interviews. Woodson said much of this the last couple of years, but never did anything. The fact is that JJ played 40+ minutes every night, not just in the final 23 games that Woodson alludes to. Woody also said during the season that he would reduce JJ's minute, but that never happened.

Sund has got to get Woodson a vet scorer to take the heat off JJ, to me that is priority #1 with a bullet. All other things can be handled after that. If getting that shooter means trading players then so be it, but it must happen for the Hawks to be a better team next season.

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I love hearing him answer the questions about adding the pieces we need, re-signing the Joshes, pushing Josh Smith to be an All-Star, sky is the limit for Al Horford, will turn the keys over to Acie in the summer league and make him a big part of the team next year, why he went with a 7 man rotation, etc. I like how he acknowledged the high minutes of Joe and how it was intentional. Next year we will play our bench and go with an 11-12 man rotation. Woody will stay bald next year! It does seem like Salim will not be back.

Pushing Smoove to be an all-star? Make Acie be a big part of the team next year? Play our bench next year?

Surely you jest Mr. Dol.

Just curious, even though we all probably know the answer . . why did Woody say that he went to the 7-man rotation and why he played JJ heavy minutes?

One of the other things that Woody doesn't get a little credit for, is the development of Joe Johnson, especially in his mental approach to the game as the star of this team. huh?Joe was already good when he got here,he's just the man here with the ball in his hands.I liked what he said but I'll believe it when I see it,he says stuff like that all the time,but never does it.

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Needs of the team: Big man and shooter

Those needs will be hard to fill if we resign both Joshs.


Sund has got to get Woodson a vet scorer to take the heat off JJ, to me that is priority #1 with a bullet

Another tough task given our cap situation. a major trade is probably the only way to accomplish this.

Too bad they didn't ask Woody why he "fouls out" guys with 2 fouls in the first half and 5 in the 2nd.

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Too bad they didn't ask Woody why he "fouls out" guys with 2 fouls in the first half and 5 in the 2nd.

Thats an easy answer:

The guys are 21-23 that he sits with 2 early fouls. They are not NBA veterans who know how to play in foul trouble. Normally its Smith and Horford who can be taken advantage of by less talented veterans who know how to draw cheap fouls in the paint..........When its a guy like JJ he does pull him out but normally puts him in early in the 2nd quarter.

I agree on the 5th fouls in the 4th quarter. He would sit Smith and Horford until there is only 1:30 left in the game. Get them back in there at around the 5 minute mark.

But hey, what do I know ! Just a fan's opinion.

All in all it was a good interview. He makes a good point on his 7/8 man rotation. It worked !

I like how he said don't be critical be positive ! That is the mindset the team should have ! Especially a young one like ours. Of course the fans will alwayse be critical.

I''m really siked for next year ! Think I'm about to get a 7 or 13 game package ! (Once they resign Smith, that is.)

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He had 5 fouls in 17 games.

I think Horford will get some more rope this year. He was rookie last year after all and we know how refs give rookies some cheap foul calls against them unitl they prove themselves.

One could view the stat where Horford had 5 fouls in 17 games without fouling out as good management by the coach from preventing the 6th foul where you don't have Horford in crunch time where defense is more important then ever.

I am with you though in that I would not mind seeing Horford fould out 5 or 6 times in a year if its due to playing more minutes early in the first half with 2 fouls but once a post player gets his 3rd foul in the 1st half he has to come out no matter what.

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Resigning both to me isn't a big priority. One should be used to even out the roster in a SnT. Childress is my choice for moving in a trade, but there are other trade options on the team.

As of now, the ASG has imposed its will on Sund, now its time to see if Sund has any autonomy to make trades.

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Good interview. Thanks for sharing.

Woody said what we all needed to hear.

I believe that this team, right now, is over the hump. They are ready to do some positive

things in the upcoming season.

Our new GM will make some changes to the bench. We have brought in a big from our

overseas player who was drafted earlier.

The playofs aren't over yet, but I'm ready for summer league, free agency and the

start of next season. Everything moves slowly for the Hawks right now - - We want

to start again - - We're ready for more of what we saw in the playoffs @ home

against the mighty Celtics!!


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