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What is the limit per year you would go for Smith?


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I have no doubt that you couldn't understand what everyone else did but Walter just joined in to be typical Walter and it is truly comical that YOU would try and talk about someone needing to learn the language.

I know what annually means. You don't. Simple as that. This from Webster's


: occurring or happening every year or once a year : yearly

Without the word annually and it would be obvious what you were saying.

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It is kinda funny that some on this board really value players from other teams but our players aren't worth anything.

Josh Smith is a local kid that has incredible talent, is young and will only get better. Are there better players at the 4? Yes, but you can't get them.

I voted whatever it takes!

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you guys are a trip.

for the record, and I am impartial to both the Dolf and Ex camps, I understood "annually" in the initial post to mean the average salary over the life of the deal.

I will also say in Dolfan's defense, however, that I have read hundreds of his posts and am fully convinced that he has a firm grasp of English and is very capable of expressing himself clearly and effectively.

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you guys are a trip.

for the record, and I am impartial to both the Dolf and Ex camps, I would say that I understood "annually" in the initial post to mean the average salary over the life of the deal.

I will also say in Dolfan's defense, however, that I have read hundreds of his posts and am fully convinced that he has a firm grasp of English and is very capable of expressing himself clearly and effectively.

I don't have a problem with someone making a mistake when they post. Everyone makes typos. But to turn around and say i am twisting his words in some kind of sinister plot to disrupt this thread is stupid and strangely paranoid.

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perhaps he didn't consider you and Walter as objective bystanders and therefore took it as an attack rather than constructive criticism.

Here is my first post in the thread which i directed to Trace.


You must be looking at the first year max. Over the life of the deal the max is much higher, more like $17 million currently.

JJ signed his deal after his rookie contract was up and he got $14 million/yr.

I have a feeling that a lot of people misinterpreted Dolphan's poll. He was asking for the annual average salary not the first year salary.

How can that be construed as an attack?

When i decide to jump on someones case i am generally not subtle about it.

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Thank you jhay. Exodus has a reputation for post stalking and I typically assume that his replies to my posts will be an attack of some sort and in that case I felt like he was spinning this thread to make the voting look like people were confused when in fact only he and Walter (who does NOTHING but attack posters) were the ones confused by it (at least at that time).

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Thank you jhay. Exodus has a reputation for post stalking and I typically
that his replies to my posts will be an attack of some sort and in that case I felt like he was spinning this thread to make the voting look like people were confused when in fact only he and Walter (who does NOTHING but attack posters) were the ones confused by it (at least at that time).

First of all i didn't reply to YOUR post (or the poll for that matter).

Secondly how it is ok for you to assume that i was attacking you (even though i wasn't responding to you) but it isn't ok for me to assume that you meant the yearly salary, even though that is exactly what annually means?

I will be glad to accept your apology unless of course you WANT my posts to you to be consistently attacks.

Dolphan - If we add a marquee player we are in business.

So how can we do that without giving up anyone?

Dolphan- Obviously we can use Bibby and his expiring contract.

But if we trade Bibby how can he play with our new marquee player?

Dolphan- Ummmm well we could resign Bibby cheaper and then sign someone.

But i thought you said we would trade Bibby?

Dolphan- You are just twisting my words to stir the pot.

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Here is my first post in the thread which i directed to Trace.

no one would view the words in that post as an attack. If you scroll back up, you'll see that his response to that post was benign as well. Then you responded with some slightly more aggressive words. Dolfan responded in kind, and pandemonium broke out.

At any rate, rather than assigning blame, I think we should just note the original intent of the language in Dolfan's first post and collectively move forward.

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Here is my first post in the thread which i directed to Trace.

no one would view the words in that post as an attack. If you scroll back up, you'll see that his response to that post was benign as well. Then you responded with some slightly more aggressive words. Dolfan responded in kind, and pandemonium broke out.

At any rate, rather than assigning blame, I think we should just note the original intent of the language in Dolfan's first post and collectively move forward.


Here is what i wrote in my second post.


This is what you wrote.



"beyond 11 million annually"

You made no mention of starting salary.

I don't see how that can be construed as twisting words or being aggressive.

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Yep, that's how I saw it. My initial reply to him was about trying to protect the integrity of the poll, which he was trying to skew the results of by making an assumption. For some reason Exodus doesn't realize (or is playing naive now) when he creates conflicts in threads and escalates them. I am guilty of responding in kind no doubt, but the initial aggressiveness certainly came from him.

This has been beaten to death though. By now everyone viewing this thread knows what my intentions were in the initial post.

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Since you seem to be more in tune with Dolphan maybe you could explain something to me.


I wasn't asking for the average annual salary as
that is the most relevant to us right now
. I was asking for the starting salary and I believe that most people have been voting off of that assumption.

What is he trying to say with the phrase in bold?

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Your posts ARE constant attacks. You are famous for post stalking and creating aggression in threads. This went from being a straight forward thread without any aggression to what it is now based on your assumptions and attacks and me responding in kind with aggressiveness. Do you not realize that you do that with everyone?

I love your word twisting little commentary at the bottom. If that is how you saw that thread then perhaps you aren't twisting words and are possibly incapable of replying to someone while using their own words but rather your assumption of their words.

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which he was trying to skew the results of by making an assumption.

Another stupid assumption.

Why exactly was i trying skew the results of a poll which i gave no opinion on and didn't even respond to until 5 hours after you posted it? I couldn't care less about the results of the poll. If I cared i would have actually stated my opinion.

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Your posts ARE constant attacks. You are famous for post stalking and creating aggression in threads. This went from being a straight forward thread without any aggression to what it is now based on your assumptions and attacks and me responding in kind with aggressiveness. Do you not realize that you do that with everyone?

I love your word twisting little commentary at the bottom. If that is how you saw that thread then perhaps you aren't twisting words and are possibly incapable of replying to someone while using their own words but rather your assumption of their words.

The first "attack" was in your post right here


You seem to be the only one assuming an average.
I don't know why you like to twist my words
but there is a difference between "annually" and "average".

Why don't you point out my "attack" before that post?

by the way there is a difference between annual and starting which you still dont understand obviously.

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You see that is your problem. You pick and choose words and pieces of sentences rather to respond in an inflammatory manner rather than respond to the simple explanation that often directly follows.

Exodus sees "that is the most relevant to us right now"

Everyone else sees "I wasn't asking for the average annual salary as that is the most relevant to us right now. I was asking for the starting salary and I believe that most people have been voting off of that assumption."

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Okay so if you didn't care about the results of the poll why did you try and come in and tell others what my (apparently hidden) intention of the poll was? Why not just stay the hell out of it if you didn't care. Instead you decided to post your assumption of what I meant as if there was some hidden meaning rather than what I actually wrote and people were responding to.

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I love your word twisting little commentary at the bottom. If that is how you saw that thread then perhaps you aren't twisting words and are possibly incapable of replying to someone while using their own words but rather your assumption of their words.

Oh really. This look familiar?


I am making the assumption that our core will be together. Meaning JJ, Marvin, Chillz, Smoove, Horford, and Acie. Add another marquee player to that group
and [
b]maybe a re-signed for a reasonable deal Bibby and you are in business.

So we can just create a marquee player out of thin air?


Yeah you're probably right, we couldn't do anything with Bibby's 15 million or better yet with his expiring contract.

I took this to mean you meant to trade Bibby but obviously i could be wrong.

But how would bibby play with the marquee player if we traded Bibby to get him? If we trade Bibbyat the deadline we will have to bring back equal salary which would make it a little tough to resign him.

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Jhay already posted your initial attack. No sense posting it again. You denied it and obviously don't know when you are attacking someone.

LOL where exactly did he quote my "attack"? He never posted any "attack" I made and in fact didn't quote any of my posts.

I wonder if you actually believe the nonsense you write.

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