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I didn't realize that Marvin only measured 6'7 without shoes. According to draftexpress.com both he and JJ were 6'8 1/4" in shoes but nba.com has Joe listed at 6'7 and Marvin at 6'9. That seems odd that they would make Marvin taller and Joe shorter.

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Hawks.com has JJ listed at 6'7 while Marvin is 6'9. So you're telling me that Marvin wears 1 3/4" higher shoes than JJ?

Height has very little do to with getting your shot blocked. Timing is SIGNIFICANTLY more important. There have been hundreds of little guys that were able to get their shots off without being blocked in the history of the NBA.

Conversely you don't have to be tall to be a shot blocker. Josh Smith is only 6'9 but he has incredible timing and that makes him a great shot blocker.

Marvin Williams is 6'7" without shoes. Joe Johnson is 6'6.75" without shoes.

Pre-Draft Measurements

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I didn't realize that Marvin only measured 6'7 without shoes. According to draftexpress.com both he and JJ were 6'8 1/4" in shoes but nba.com has Joe listed at 6'7 and Marvin at 6'9. That seems odd that they would make Marvin taller and Joe shorter.

How long have you been following the NBA? How could this be news to you? The NBA has always been inconsistent as far as listed heights.

Childress and Iggy are the exact same height but iggy is listed at 6'6" and Childress is listed at 6'8".


The bottom line is that Yi sucks inside because he is soft. Yi shot 46% on his shots inside (including dunks) which just so happens to be the same percentage that Marvin shot from the field overall.

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It's not news to me that they list people as being a different height, what I find peculiar is that they list JJ as being over an inch shorter than he actually is. What's the point of that?

So Yi isn't accurate inside ... yet. That doesn't mean he is soft. He was a rookie learning how to transition to American basketball and he probably isn't used to the more physical play but that doesn't mean he is soft or weak.

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It's not news to me that they list people as being a different height, what I find peculiar is that they list JJ as being over an inch shorter than he actually is. What's the point of that?

What are you talking about? He is 6'6.75" without shoes and is listed at 6'7" like he should be.

It is many of the other players listed at inflated heights that are the problem.


So Yi isn't accurate inside ... yet. That doesn't mean he is soft.

It isn't just that he isn't accurate inside. He is a train wreck inside which is sad for a 7 footer.

He is soft because he gets pushed around by everyone he faces (including players in the Chinese league) and fumbles the ball when he gets hit. That is why he stays outside. He can't finish inside worth a crap because he is so weak as i posted last summer from watching him on tape.


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A Williams/Redd/Jefferson combo doesn't scare me at all. That team didn't play any D last year and Jefferson won't help much in that regard. All this means is that they will go inside to Bogut even less. As for NJ, if Yi becomes anything of signifcance, it won't be next year. I think we stay ahead of both of these teams next year if we resign the Joshes.

A-effin-men. The Bucks will have to score 130 a game to even stay competitive.

BTW: Yi is a bust. People here who wanted him should at least come out and take their medicine.

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I bet they would have taken the Marvin/Speedy package after all. Marvin is a better prospect than Yi and Speedy's deal isn't as bad as Simmons'.

The Nets actually want Simmons' deal. It expires the year LeBron is a FA. (Jefferson's expires a year later)

If we had offered Bibby and Marvin you'd have like to think that the Nets would have accepted it over Simmons and Yi.

I truly think this sucks major balls... Redd and Jefferson were both ripe for the picking and we had a great expiring contract and a good young player in Marvin to way at the Net's and Buck's face... I'm sure if we had tried we could have had a great shot at either of these guys. As it stands, we now have completely no chance to pick them up... Terrible news

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He is soft because he gets pushed around by everyone he faces (including players in the Chinese league) and fumbles the ball when he gets hit. That is why he stays outside. He can't finish inside worth a crap because he is so weak
as i posted last summer from watching him on tape.

Yi averaged 1.36 TO in 25 minutes. There is no indication of fumblitis amidst these stats. Yi had the largest transition of any player in the NBA last year. The step from the Chinese league to the NBA is greater than the step from any Euro league to the NBA. Yet, he still played extremely well, just not adjusted to the physicality. 3 years. Just wait.


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He is soft because he gets pushed around by everyone he faces (including players in the Chinese league) and fumbles the ball when he gets hit. That is why he stays outside. He can't finish inside worth a crap because he is so weak
as i posted last summer from watching him on tape.

Yi averaged 1.36 TO in 25 minutes. There is no indication of fumblitis amidst these stats. Yi had the largest transition of any player in the NBA last year. The step from the Chinese league to the NBA is greater than the step from any Euro league to the NBA. Yet, he still played extremely well, just not adjusted to the physicality. 3 years. Just wait.


The reason his turnover numbers are low is because he was just a catch and shoot player. if you actually watched him play you would see that he frequently fumbles the ball when he gets hit, even in the Chinese league.

that is why he was content to stand outside and shoot standstill jumpers. he is a pansy inside. James Jones didn't make many turnovers either.

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Oh, I thought you were talking about Marvin because Marvin fumbles the ball and doesn't have the strength inside to finish when someone puts a body on him. He has to pray for a foul inside and is most comfortable sitting outside waiting for a jumper, but Yi can at least extend out past the 3pt line.

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He has to pray for a foul inside and is most comfortable sitting outside waiting for a jumper,
but Yi can at least extend out past the 3pt line

here again i say WTF. We are talking about finishing inside and then you start talking about outside shooting?

Marvin scores far more inside than Yi finishes inside at a far higher percentage than Yi (even when he was a rookie).

Your analysis that Yi "can shoot over anyone" is laughable considering how often he gets his shot blocked and saying he is physical is again laughable considering he is just a stand still jump shooter. Not only does Yi not score inside worth a crap but he also doesn't get to the ft line. He averaged only 2.2 free throws a game.

Anyway i am off to Atlantic City. I expect you to brush up on your English skills while i am away.

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here again i say WTF. We are talking about finishing inside and then you start talking about outside shooting?

Oh is there a rule against talking about other aspects of a players game or does it only apply when those other aspects help your argument?

When did I say that Yi could shoot over anyone ANYWHERE on the court? I saw him shooting over Hawks players last year in one of our games when he was burying deep jumpers with a defender on him and a hand in his face.

I could be wrong but I don't think I called him physical either. I believe I said he is strong. I could be wrong, but I believe that's what I said. I know you have nothing better to do than sit on Hawksquawk all day to go look that up so I look forward to you reporting what I actually said.

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Just to throw my two cents in about Yi... I played against this kid when I was on a summer tour team in 2006, so I guess he was 18 at the time.

Now, I know you are not at your peak at 18, but I was not impressed at all with his game. As ex had said, he seemed quick for a guy his size due to the league he was in, but the CBA, while fundamentally stellar, does not have nearly the athletes that the NBA, NCAA, or even some of the better Euro leagues have. Athletically, I wouldn't even put it on a level with most D-II schools here in the states.

I had to get much better on the floor (with footwork, shot fakes) to get my shot up in the states. Against CBA comp, I never had to worry about anyone blocking my shot, I could just go straight up and shoot over people every time.

There are some things you just can't learn or teach, and those are the things Yi doesn't have. He is going to have to become much more aggressive in his temperament, get much stronger and play every day against real athletes to figure out how he can play in this league. I think if he does all of that, and that's a big if, he could make his way in the NBA. He has PLENTY of work to do to ever amount to much, though.

Just getting another year older will not help.

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He has a lot to work on, like any rookie, but especially so because of playing in a foreign league and transitioning to the NBA from there.

Compare his stats from his rookie season to that of Dirk in his rookie season. Pretty similar.



98-99 DAL 47 24 20.4 0.405 0.206 0.773 0.9 2.6 3.4 1.0 0.6 0.6 1.55 2.20 8.2


07-08 MIL 66 49 25.0 0.421 0.286 0.841 1.6 3.6 5.2 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.36 2.30 8.6

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here again i say WTF. We are talking about finishing inside and then you start talking about outside shooting?

Oh is there a rule against talking about other aspects of a players game or does it only apply when those other aspects help your argument? When did I say that Yi could shoot over anyone ANYWHERE on the court? I saw him shooting over Hawks players last year in one of our games when he was burying deep jumpers with a defender on him and a hand in his face.

I could be wrong but I don't think I called him physical either. I believe I said he is strong. I could be wrong, but I believe that's what I said. I know you have nothing better to do than sit on Hawksquawk all day to go look that up so I look forward to you reporting what I actually said.

The whole thread we were talking about finishing inside. 3 pt shooting has nothing to do with the argument.

You said he could shoot over anyone and you were talking about perimeter jumpers? LOL OK. It is pretty rare for anyone to get a perimeter jumper blocked no matter how tall they

are. A 7 footer shouldn't lead the league in getting his shot blocked.

As far as his play against the Hawks he was a train wreck, shooting 31.4% on the season.

Anyway i am out for a few days. Brush up on those English skills PLEASE!!!

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Ah that's where I went wrong. I thought we were allowed to talk about other aspects of a players game, not just the one that conveniently fits into your argument.

So now you are assuming that being able to shoot over anyone means ONLY inside shots? Yeah that make a lot of sense jackass. Let's not consider where the player primarily scores from when talking about him shooting.

I'm sorry that your period will keep you out for a few days. Make sure you take your midol exodust.

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