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Would you swap Smith for Biedrins?


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If both player resign, Biedrins likely will get a few $mil less per year. I don't know all the in and outs but I assume GS would have to throw something else in. If that piece were significant (more than Kelena A) then I'd probably do it.

The biggest downside would be loss of fan enthusiasm due to losing our most exciting player. So I guess factoring that in, if I were management I'd stop any deal like this. I'd only deal Smoove for someone that fans would similarly love to watch.

Chillz would be great in the GS system. Maybe a better deal would be Chillz and Marvin for Biedrins and Brandan Wright or maybe Monte. I don't really want Monte much more than Wright due to what Monte will cost combined with his size.

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Beans' numbers are overrated because he plays in a system where quick shots are the norm and it allows him easy and more chances to get rebounds in less minutes.
There is just no way that I would trade Smoove for him because Beans will never replace what Josh gives us.

Not true. I made a long post (I knew no one would read it) where I pointed out his rebounding %. Rebounding % normalizes for pace and playing time by simply pointing out the % of total rebounds that any particular player game up with.

Biedrins ranks up with Bynum and Okafor, and ahead of KG. He's a good, legit rebounder. You could argue that this is because he plays on a team with no other legit bigs, but that's a different matter.


It's Monta Ellis, gentlemen. Monte was the gay waiter at this steakhouse I went to last year who kept hitting on my friend.

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It's not even--but they DONT play the same position. Dolfan, I broached this subject months ago in a possibility of a Smoove-for-Biedrins swap and was largely ignored. If there are no trade restrictions here (I'm assuming one or both of the cats would have to be signed before a trade could go through), it would mean several things:

1. Horford, who 99.9% of the world believes is a natural PF, gets to have his wish at the 4.

2. We bring in a consistent, young legit Center to man the 5 spot.

3. Biedrins is only 22 years old, consistent, and puts up the aforementioned 10/10/2.

4. Our interior defense improves. I hate when people suggest playing Horford and Zaza on the court together. Why? Because the interior defense would be so bad. Zaza doesnt play defense, but Biedrins certainly will. We dont need a Shaq [in his prime], we just needs someone who will play good or better defense--especially in the paint. Zaza doesnt do it, Horford will get better at it, but Biedrins already does.

5. Did I mention he is only 22? He will get better just like most young guys. But to put up those number already at his age, at one of the toughest positions in the NBA, is a good sign.

6. We lose Smoove, but get all of 1-5.

People need to look at the big picture instead of "OMFGZ WE WONT HAVES SMOOVE AS ICE ANYMORE!!!!11!"

If the money Philly or any other team approaches the near outrageous realm, then you have to consider deals like this. Until then, we should continue to make sure signing Smith to a decent contract is priority number one.

I know of a player that in the final 5 games of the 06 - 07 season, averaged:

16 pts

11 rebs

2 blks

2 stls

and shot 67% FG

And when he got 25+ minutes of playing time, he averaged a double-double. And he's just a little bit older than Biendrins.

Anybody know who I'm talking about? And if you do, maybe we should go get him instead. He'd be a lot cheaper to get, especially for next year.

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  • Premium Member


I know of a player that in the final 5 games of the 06 - 07 season, averaged:

16 pts

11 rebs

2 blks

2 stls

and shot 67% FG

And when he got 25+ minutes of playing time, he averaged a double-double. And he's just a little bit older than Biendrins.

Anybody know who I'm talking about?

Oh Oh! Mr. Kotter! Would that be Shelden Williams?

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I think that if you took a group of unbiased fans and showed them the stats and other measurables of both players it would be a lot closer to being a fair trade than people here believe it is. I think that your post proved that as you found it to be closer than you originally anticipated. I don't claim that it's the best thing for us to do, but honestly if we had to move Smith then Biedrins would be among my first few choices of potential players.

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Northcyde, not surprised by your antics as usual...what a bad joke. It does too appear that you are referencing Shelden Williams, and what a stupid and asinine thing to add. We all know Shelden is not only inconsistent, but he also is nowhere near equipped to play Center, and furthermore, just does not have the talent to do so.

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Northcyde, not surprised by your antics as usual...what a bad joke. It does too appear that you are referencing Shelden Williams, and what a stupid and asinine thing to add.
We all know Shelden is not only inconsistent, but he also is nowhere near equipped to play Center, and furthermore, just does not have the talent to do so.

Careful, the Diesel is lurking

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I know of a player that in the final 5 games of the 06 - 07 season, averaged:

16 pts

11 rebs

2 blks

2 stls

and shot 67% FG

And when he got 25+ minutes of playing time, he averaged a double-double. And he's just a little bit older than Biendrins.

Anybody know who I'm talking about?

Oh Oh! Mr. Kotter! Would that be Shelden Williams? t

(( talking like Richard Dawson on Family Feud ))

"Peoria . . . if Shelden Williams is on the board, you win the game and get to play for the big money."

(( pointing at the board ))

"Is it . . . .Shelllllllllldennn Williaaaaams?"

((( DING !!! )))

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Northcyde, not surprised by your antics as usual...what a bad joke. It does too appear that you are referencing Shelden Williams, and what a stupid and asinine thing to add. We all know Shelden is not only inconsistent, but he also is nowhere near equipped to play Center, and furthermore, just does not have the talent to do so.

Of course not . . . that's why he only averaged 16 and 11 and shot 67% in those final 5 games, instead of what a real center would average . .. 20 - 16 - abd shoot 80% FG.

Question for you . . . how many time have you actually WATCHED Biendrins play? Because if you've watched him play, there is no way in hell you'd trade him for Smith, even if you did add an Azubuike to the mix.

Beans is a scrapper, there is no doubt on that. But his offensive game is very limited. There are few guys in the league that have a worse jumper than Smith, and Biendrins is one of them. And with him, we're only talking at most from 10 - 12 feet away. His entire game is put backs, dunks, tips, and scoring 5 feet from the basket.

Beans is also a streaky/horrible FT shooter and would be a major liability at the end of games.

And as far as his defense goes, it is vastly overrated. He doesn't stop any halfway decent player in the post.

I love stats, but you also have to watch how the guy plays and put everything together. You've watched Shelden play, so you dismiss those numbers he put up at the end of the 07 season as not the norm.

The fact is when the guy got PT, he produced at a Biendrins-like clip, if not better.

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It is true that Smoove takes to many outside shots, has careless turnovers and needs to work on man to man defense. The thing I ask myself is, With Biedrins why has Golden State been known as one of the worst interior defenses in the league? And when I watched them play I never see them throw the ball down low to him. All his points seem to come on put backs and guard penetration assists.

Another good center to consider is Chris Kamaan. He had his best season last year but still doesn't have the overall skill that Smoove has. Smoove is a difference maker on the floor for this team. All this talk about natural position is starting to remind me of Kieth Brooking. Al and Smoove formed a very good chemistry last season and that never seems to be talked about.

I keep hearing about what Smoove can't do. Some of you need to start appreciating the man while he is still in a Hawks uniform. U would think the guy was a #2 pick in the draft who doesn't make an impact on the defensive end and has to play off others to get his offense because his ball handling is weak. Oh wait thats the other guy.

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I would wonder what might happen if Smith got to GSW and was played in a role similar to Biedrins. They'd love what he brought to the interior defense and he would be able to finish in transition and move around in all the space created by the GS shooters.

Oh God . . Smith would be a flat out MONSTER in the Warriors system. This is the same team that played Harrington at center ( in place of Biendrins ) at times, and let Al do just about anything he wanted.

Smith at the 5 in their system would be deadly. Whether he could take the physical pounding on the other end, is a different story. But a guy like Baron Davis would love feeding the ball to Smith either out on the break, or off penetration after people rotated toward him to double.

Smoove could easily be a 21 ppg - 11 rebs guy in their system.

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Under certain conditions I would do the trade . . . . that being we were likely to lose him to Philly. He would be awesom in that system but he'd also play out of control which he does some times. And they may lose their floor leader too. I don't think we know how good Biedrins is.

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Biedrins is a good player and I would be happy to have him but I wouldn't trade Smoove for him. I think Smoove can do everything that Biedrins can do if he puts his mind to it - plus a whole lot more. If Smoove decided that he wanted to focus on rebounding, I have no doubt that dude could average 10+ boards a game.

That said, if GS were interested in a sign and trade that would net us Baron Davis (or Monta Ellis) and Biedrins for Smoove and Bibby, I would be awfully tempted. It would take some sort of 3 way due to Smoove's and Biedrin's BYC status but it would be awfully tempting if a deal that worked could be found.

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