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Sixers are about to take us to school


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I think your missing my point. The Hawks offense looked good PPG wise due to the weak schedule. Playing the likes of GS, NY, LAC, Orlando and other such bad defensive teams made the Hawks second half scoring average look better than it probably will be over the course of an entire season. The offense is still a weak link. Not as much as the defense.... But it's still not as good as some think.

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Looks like some of the Hawks fan base, are starting to call the wife a slut....with the prospect of divorce looming.

Divorce court in Atl. That's been going on with the owners for years.

I think Philly is playing a chess game with us. And I don't think our guys making the moves is a Bobby Fisher.

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I think your missing my point. The Hawks offense looked good PPG wise due to the weak schedule. Playing the likes of GS, NY, LAC, Orlando and other such bad defensive teams made the Hawks second half scoring average look better than it probably will be over the course of an entire season. The offense is still a weak link. Not as much as the defense.... But it's still not as good as some think.

Your point is that we played a weak schedule but my point is that your schedule has to eventually balance out. Up until the all star break our schedule was tough so we eventually had to play bad teams and luckily we played them all at the end of the year when we needed to get wins.

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Looks like some of the Hawks fan base, are starting to call the wife a slut....with the prospect of divorce looming.

Divorce court in Atl. That's been going on with the owners for years.

I think Philly is playing a chess game with us. And I don't think our guys making the moves is a Bobby Fisher.

That's pretty funny.....lol

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All they will do is win 37 games next year if their lucky.

Very possible. Other teams are actually making moves to upgrade the roster. Due to overpaying their own players, the Hawks will be looking to Randolph Morris as the key offseason pickup.

Well we got Woody back! moped.gif

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This whole Philly situation is starting to make me feel veddy, veddy nervous. worried.gif

I'm not liking it one bit. I honestly just wish they'd eff off and leave our players alone, but that's hardly a realistic wish. So I guess now is the time for the ASG to step up and put their money where their mouth is. Will they do that? Cound they and would they be willing to take on the loss of face that would be inherent in losing Josh Smith- after so loudly, so vociferously, and for so long saying that that just was not going to happen under any circumstance? Who knows?

It looked like it was going to be relatively easy for awhile there, back in the middle of winter when it didn't seem like many teams at all would have the cash to compete with us for Smith. But apparently, cap-space is much more fluid and changeable than I had previously thought. And for what it's worth- I'd be sad to lose Childress, but I'd feel sickened to lose JS. I'd feel absolutely devastated and crushed.

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I swear, these players are such overpaid brats.

It's all driven by market forces. If u dont like it, stop watching. Stop going to games. And stop posting on this board, and RealGM and wherever else you post.

If fans stopped feeding their money into the system then inevitably player salaries would be forced downward. So, until you stop putting fuel into the machine, don't complain that won't turn off.

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Troll? I've been here alot longer than you clown. But what can you expect from a guy that lives in a dump like Douglasville. You got to be a moron just to live there.

if you just ignored them they wouldn't know what to do.

The ole "ignore them and they'll go away" thing.

Sorry, you ignoring me wouldn't stop me from giving my opinion. If you think it will, you don't know me very well.


lol. You've been a fan a whopping 4 years. You don't even know why you became a fan in the first place. Sorry pal, but if anybody is a troill, it's you.

"I'm 18 years old, born and raised just outside of Atlanta. (Douglasville) I honestly have always been a Braves/Falcons fan (also an insane UGA fan), but I became a big Hawks fan 4 or 5 years ago. I was never really interested in the NBA, not sure why I suddenly became a huge fan. Especially considering how terrible the Hawks were. I like going to games at Philips more than the Ted and the Dome now."

If me complaining about the problems with basketball or sports brings somebody down. Well, they got abit of a problem.

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