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Childress weighing offer from Greek team


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Maybe the ASG really is really on the edge financially. Maybe their accountants are calculating this thing down to the last penny. Maybe they want to keep the Joshes but they just don't have any room for error. I think they're just counting and recounting the books, estimating future revenue and cost. That's the only thing that could be keeping them from doing anything right now. They are bidding against themselves. Start low (not a lowball offer), smoove's agent will start high, then meet somewhere in the middle, its simple business. Chillz situation isn't even that complicated, 4yrs 30mill, keeps him here (i believe). They must be broke, this is how people without money do things, they wait to the last minute to pay bills, cut coners, and count up every dollar to see whats going to get paid and whats going to get cut off. Maybe they're trying to see if they can pay both the rent (smoove) and the cable bill (chillz), or just the rent.

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and apparently the organization that he is talking with is sound and professional. Unlike ASG. He went to Stanford and he has the wherewithall to know there is life outside of the ASG, unlike Smith. Let's hope it is a ploy.

Bet Stern is paying close attention to this too.

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Losing Childress without getting anything in return would be a devastating loss for the Hawks.

No it wouldn't. If he walks then the Hawks can get guys who actually fit the team. We need guys who can shoot from the perimeter. That would open things up inside and more importantly get Smith off the 3 pt line.

Letting Childress walk would be better than resigning him.

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this has far bigger implications

now that teams have to compete against euro teams offering 7mil/year to our 6th men, salaries in general are gonna start rising quick for 2nd/3rd/4th tier players, as lots of agents will use this for leverage and salaries could get out of hand very quickly

Prolly not.

The NBA Owners will change the CBA at the next meeting to protect themselves. I think before they attack Free Agency, they will first attack players under contract going overseas. Maybe introduce a no out contract. It will probably ban a player who plays overseas instead of fulfilling their contract for a number of years + the payback..

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Maybe we need to contact some of the remaining FA??? This could backfire on us and be seen as a negative thing by Chill . . . . . but we can't be left empty handed.

Can you name me some as cheap and effective as Chills?

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Here's the deal.

A long time ago, I suggested that the owners get the one player with the left over capspace (KBrown)... then go as far as they need to go in signing SMoove and Chillz. Then make one other signing to get a guy like L. Jackson.

However, now... qwe have the money to sign both the joshes to good deals without going over the LCT. They need to do that.

All this waiting for another team to make an offer Crap is getting us deeper and deeper into a place where it looks like we won't have the same team we put on the floor last year.

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Here's the deal.

A long time ago, I suggested that the owners get the one player with the left over capspace (KBrown)... then go as far as they need to go in signing SMoove and Chillz. Then make one other signing to get a guy like L. Jackson.

However, now... qwe have the money to sign both the joshes to good deals without going over the LCT. They need to do that.

All this waiting for another team to make an offer Crap is getting us deeper and deeper into a place where it looks like we won't have the same team we put on the floor last year.

The point is ASG is so abysmal its indescribable.

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I am a Hawks fan but I hate the ASG group.

I guess I would be glad for Childress, he gets away from those morons and signs a very nice contract. Good grief, the ASG is cursed. If I it were me I would be inclinded to I sign a four year deal at 8 mill per year with options to get out at 2 years at my option. Then I could force the ASG group to trade me where I wanted to go.

ASG sux and I will not buy a ticket till they are gone. Hell, most of the games are on tv anyway.


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Losing Childress without getting anything in return would be a devastating loss for the Hawks.

No it wouldn't. If he walks then the Hawks can get guys who actually fit the team. We need guys who can shoot from the perimeter. That would open things up inside and more importantly get Smith off the 3 pt line.

Letting Childress walk would be better than resigning him.


That is a pretty good point and I had not thought about it. A player who could shoot would be a benefit. Childress shoots like a 5th grader.


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Losing Childress without getting anything in return would be a devastating loss for the Hawks.

No it wouldn't. If he walks then the Hawks can get guys who actually fit the team. We need guys who can shoot from the perimeter. That would open things up inside and more importantly get Smith off the 3 pt line.

Letting Childress walk would be better than resigning him.


That is a pretty good point and I had not thought about it. A player who could shoot would be a benefit. Childress shoots like a 5th grader.


Regardless of how Childress shoots... It goes in more often than anyone else on the team. Period. Moreover, Exodus always wants to focus on what Chillz doesn't do, but he totally misses all the things he does do for the team. So, in actuallity, it's not a good point.

Moreover, If you're so worried about 3 pt shooting, why do we still have a guy who only shot 10 three pters on the year starting at Sf? Don't talk to me about wanting better three point shooting and then try to convince me that we should keep Marvin over Chillz or Smoove.

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Regardless of how Childress shoots... It goes in more often than anyone else on the team.

We need perimeter shooting and Childress averages less than 1 made jumper per game. That allows the defense to collapse making it tougher for Smith and Horford to score inside.


Exodus always wants to focus on what Chillz doesn't do, but he totally misses all the things he does do for the team

What matters is filling the needs of the team. The core players are established now and we need role players to compliment them.

There is no point in trying to sell an Eskimo more ice when he needs a heater.

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ASG and Sund know what these guys are worth. Especially if we squawkers can sit in here and throw out sensible figures. The game is over though, nobody is talking to Chill and Smoove's suitors have all turned elsewhere. What do we gain at this point by not negotiating with our own guys? Make them feel wanted and put a damn offer on the table already. They're both worth it.

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This is just posturing - I love this line:

"Childress, 6-foot-8, played his college ball at Stanford, and is believed to have the international curiosity and maturity it might take to leave the NBA behind for a year"

That must have come directly from the agent to the reporter.

The truth of the matter is that no one can be beleived in free agency because everybody is looking out for their own best interests - both ASG and our RFA's. This article was an attempt - a lame attempt - at inducing some sort of leverage and expedite a signing. The timing is just too perfect.

We need to wait this out and not rush to overpay for our RFA's. Everyone on this board knows we need a shooter and a big body to take the next step. If we spend all of our money on Smoove and Chills - those key pieces are coming from the NBDL. We have the leverage - we have time - we have the cap room to put together a stronger squad than last year. Some of you are the type of people I want at my poker table - with a lot of chips - and if you don't get that reference I want you there even more.

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Olympiakos is also offering to cover any Greek taxes as well. I wonder how much value this adds to the deal? Hopefully an accountant can chime in. I know that overseas income is still taxable income to uncle sam, but you get a tax credit for foreign taxes paid. But, if he's not even paying them, does he get a tax credit?

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That some of you can blame the ASG for this shows that you have zero reading comprehension.

If Childress accepts the European offer, this kind of move for an established, American-born player would be UNPRECEDENTED.

Again, UNPRECEDENTED. Childress could play over there for one season, and then come back over here next year when more money is available.

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Chillz must be real serious about this to fly out to Greece and meet with them. This means one of two things:

1) He really is frustrated with the ASG not working to sign him

2) He is using this Greece thing as leverage for a lucrative deal

I am hoping it's #2, but after reading that article, it doesn't sound good, but you never know. I can't believe in his heart, Chilz wouldn't prefer playing in the NBA over Greece. He has a budding NBA career and this would seriously slow his progress. If he starts over there and puts up crappy numbers, he may never get interest over here again. Let's hope the ASG gets off their collective a$$es and does the right thing. Losing Chillz wouldn't be as

devastating as losing Smoove, but it would definitely hurt an already weak bench. It would put added pressure on Marvin and who would take over as 6th man? Acie? Richardson?

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Well I don't think we should go overboard and throw Chil 4/30 or something, seems like too much for a guy with his impact. That being said, ASG needs to be a) adding some dough to whatever they were gonna offer Smith and b) working SnTs or contacting MLE candidates stat for in prep for Childress' departure.

If Childress goes to Europe and Smith asks out/goes to Europe/takes the QO/gets traded for less than he's worth, I can say pretty confidently that ASG will never get a top flight FA in here regardless of cap space and you can be pretty sure that Joe will be on a real team when his contract is up.

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That some of you can blame the ASG for this shows that you have zero reading comprehension.

If Childress accepts the European offer, this kind of move for an established, American-born player would be UNPRECEDENTED.

Again, UNPRECEDENTED. Childress could play over there for one season, and then come back over here next year when more money is available.

Well, let's see here. You're basically saying the majority of the squawk is illiterate, or such else. Your thesis above offers no explanation for why this isn't the Group's fault.

Now, when someone has ample, yes, even a surplus of time to make an offer to a valuable commodity, and sits on their ass with a finger up their nose, can this not be considered gross incompetence? Really, MrH, how can you not fault the ASG?

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