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Why did we let BK go?!?!


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The Patriots are not tight with the wallet. They spend up to the cap every single year just like the majority of teams do. What they don't do is overpay for players who are declining. They also believe in fielding a complete team top to bottom which means the top guys don't make as much as they could on other teams so the middle to bottom guys can make more than they would on other teams.

They signed Randy Moss for less money than the Vikings sign Bernard Berrian!

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ASG didn't let the wrong guy go. He walked out on this team, and it's really mostly the ownership and fans' fault. The ownership for not firing Woodson when he asked them to (twice) and the fans for basically running him out of town. Most of these fans wanted BK to be gone just for drafting Marvin Williams.

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I definitely prefer the Patriot's management and coaching combination to our own. As an A's, Patriots, and Hawks fan the latter of the three is the hardest team to feel good about. I've spent the past two decades plus making excuses for a team that does not seem to know what they are doing.

I'm all for letting the market set itself but at this point in the game we should just set the market with both the Josh's. They work their asses off and helped get us into the playoffs.

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ASG didn't let the wrong guy go. He walked out on this team, and it's really mostly the ownership and fans' fault. The ownership for not firing Woodson when he asked them to (twice) and the fans for basically running him out of town. Most of these fans wanted BK to be gone
just for drafting Marvin Williams, drafting Shelden Williams without a workout, passing up Brandon Roy, Iggy, Deng, CP3 and D. Williams among others, constructing a roster full of 6'9 tweeners, Craig Claxton, his holier-than-thou conceitedness and his deplorable media/PR skills (or lack thereof).

Corrected =)

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1. You guys are truly blind if you all do not think Woody's name did not come up when talking to BK about a deal.

2. J-Chill and J-Smoove are the 2 best players BK drafted. Al was a good pic too but Al was a no brainer pick. BK took Chill and Smoove when everyone else said NO DO NOT PICK THEM. To see them both as top 5 or 6 players on the market right now is like a proud papa. BK would be well used right now at a time like this because those are his babies. He would insure them that the Hawks are where they are going to be for a long time.

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Hmmm it seems to me that perhaps the ASG is the blame for the majority of the mishaps. Who knows how much control BK had during any draft. People blame BK for lack of communication. The ASG should be happy BK never talked to the press; he could have easily put all of there buisness on blast, or in other words, he could have really exposed the ASG.

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